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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Lapsed account posts are still retained.
  2. Maybe no one will discuss "the figures" because as presented by the talking head they are wholly inaccurate. Either this guy is a bitter and twisted old git or he's a senile fool. The link that he refers to relate to juvenile crime only so to say that half of the murders in the USA are committed by 2% of the population is disingenuous to say the least. Factor in that the DoJ spreadsheet makes no difference between Hispanic and blacks makes the proffered conclusions utterly erroneous.
  3. I guess we'll never know whether or not the nom would've died from the outset. Please do not derail new threads again.
  4. Still making with the knowingly false assertions then? No worries. You originally intimated that the February in Finland thang was Google bait. Now that narrative has blown up your face its about nit-picking over alliterative devices. Whatever, all of this is moot as its a convenient deflection from the core issues namely your pathological dishonesty. Jeez, you cant even keep a story straight for longer than five minutes . Seriously, move on.
  5. Making transparently false assertions doesn't help you either. @Dyslexic cnut, I sense you're becoming punch drunk. Cut your losses and move on. By tomorrow this will be yesterday's drama and people will have forgotten.
  6. That joker card is getting a bit frayed now. As Decs intimated, anyone with a half decent standard of general knowledge knows when the Winter Solstice is unless of course, one is a thickster fantasist desperately trying to get out of the hole he's dug himself...
  7. Surely you meant the 21st day in December? Coming from a punter who has been snared by his own mendacity, your post is incongruous to say the least. I mentioned previously that you're not the sharpest tool in the box, an assertion that I still stand by. Nevertheless you're not so stupid to realise you've backed yourself into a tight corner, hence you chanting the fib mantra and some weird allusion to bingo.
  8. Your convoluted back-peddling is noted as its difficult to comprehend how "periodic" can, by any stretch of the imagination, be inferred as meaning "reciprocated"...that and your use of patronising terms and personal insults so early on.
  9. Wolfie, please disregard my comments about you mis-firing on all cylinders as its now clear your brain has completely seized up. If you recall, you initially made the assertion of causing me "periodic embarrassment". So far you haven't given any examples of this.
  10. You seem to be mis-firing on all cylinders today, Wolfie. You whine about coattails, yet your initial line of churlish questioning had more coattails than a Broadway Musical. As for recalling anything, you originally made the remark about periodic embarrassment so its incumbent for you to provide evidence for the prosecution, so put up or put out and take your hostile shitstirring antics elsewhere - try the Tufty Club forum, your attempted browbeating might work there.
  11. What he said... I'm struggling to recall any embarrassment, periodic or otherwise, that you refer to but curiously I do remember schooling you on more than one occasion which is probably the motivation behind your poorly conceived but nonetheless pompous question. Naturally, I say this without any hostility on my part.
  12. What is it about weak, fragile punters who attempt to re-write past narratives which pander to their own bogus victimhood? Maybe the thread title should be, "Attempting to Re-write History". Just to remind you as to why you stare at a red triangle each time you log in... If you had half a brain you would've been taken off the ModQ within a fortnight but here you are ten months later...
  13. Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies. I enjoy a good scrap me, where's your sense of humour? You don't have to answer that.
  14. I don't begrudge the chump spending time at The Corner, far from it, but anyone who jeopardises the site's existence will receive a nudge from the Behavioural Insights team.
  15. Considering the time he spends on site, I suspect Corner interaction means a lot to him. I also suspect he is furloughed at present but that will change in due course. In the meantime he'll do as he's told or be fucked off into digital oblivion.
  16. Brilliant, the Corner's crimson-faced shouty diva tag-teamed with a newbie pork-pie factory.
  17. Yes, I read your ramblings of an airport dispatcher. No idle threat on my part, either you'll comply or you won't. Let's see if you do. Your move, Walter.
  18. Well, without examples its difficult to comment on inconsistencies or indeed to the cluelessness that you refer to but your going off tangent is noted. Please, with regards to the cluelessness give us the benefit of your university-trained expertise on the matter, after all, you originally asked as to why the posts were edited. DC, its quite simple - continue with the personal connections to every slice of life anecdotes if you must but cease and desist with the name dropping. In short, shape up or you will be shipped out.
  19. I must say that given your er... academic qualifications, I'm surprised the penny still has not dropped. When punters choose to mention RW people, especially those who are not really in the public eye, then the CC moderators have to verify so to avoid receiving a missive from Messrs Sue, Grabbitt & Runne even though the possibility of that happening is minute. We have Rule 3 for a reason, but as I intimated previously - you're not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed...
  20. Never heard of VolBeat, but this is rather good. Amazing and unusual voice from the lead singer/rhythm guitarist too.
  21. What? It's not an issue that you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed but you are exhibiting the combined character traits of Monumental Cunt and Johnny Saucepants so I fear your days are numbered if you continue to weave whatever fantasy life is going in your head onto The Corner threads.
  22. Two posts were edited as they included unverifiable information with regards to a person.
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