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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Well I searched for your real world names (incl abbreviations) on The Corner's search facility together with external search engines and found nothing. Also, noting how easily triggered you are I checked to see if you had reported same. Again nothing. In the interests of fairness perhaps you could PM me and advise exactly where you were doxed, or even better, provide a link.
  2. There is nothing to reset, his account has no restrictions. That said, there is something weird going on with his mobile device service provider so can he try logging in via his PC router?
  3. No she hasn't, which makes Dec's grandstanding/meltdown all the more ridiculous.
  4. Pop round to the Athenaeum Coffee Room at 16.00, we'll have a chat. Bring money.
  5. @Cunty BigBollox, Your avatars have been removed.
  6. Jeeze, this has happened before - not an everyday event but certainly not uncommon, rather like a post being replicated several times over. A handful of posters only noticed the "like" replication for no other reason than being obsessed with Frank .
  7. Mrs Roops

    What a dog!

    @ProfBthere seems to be quite a few complaints about you abusing the PM facility. Use it responsibly otherwise it will be taken off you.
  8. Actually, it was you who instigated this spat when you complained I had ignored a previous posting of yours, hence my "needy child" retort. Well, you got more than you bargained for and are now blindly lashing out with lame reheated tropes as befitting your petulant nature. You parade yourself as a well-informed person of great insight when the sad reality is you're a mug and a liar who has been caught out. Again.
  9. Affected introductory exclamations aside, I presume you're referring to Richard Tice, leader of Reform UK who has an agenda to sell... I had a mooch around for the vids you refer to and the last march was simply a slighter larger attendance of previous iterations. What you haven't mentioned is that the 26th June March was a "protest of protests". With the Covid/Lockdown protesters was BLM, Free Palestine, Climate Change activists et al, all shouting their respective slogans. You omitting this fact is all the more surprising because as you say, you attended the march. Surely there comes a point KB, that even you must realise a conspiracy theory is suspect when one has to resort to making stuff up to support the cause?
  10. I eventually sold my RP together with my old APS-C gear and some EF lenses and purchased the awesome R5. I've also migrated post-processing from Luminar 4 to DxO plus the Nic 4 Collection. What do you think about that?
  11. Needy child. On the contrary, your reputation as an arch-promulgator of baseless conspiracy theories underpinned by made up facts precedes you so job already done. For now. Apropos the latest assertion, I presume you're referring to aerial footage which hovered over a fixed point revealing a crowd of some 15-18 thousand and for good measure repeated the same video twice?
  12. No great mystery, his account was suspended pending deletion which prevented him uploaded content but still able to award likes.
  13. @Cocky Council Cake, The Corner was not conceived to pander to your own predilections and your attempts to draw punters into discussions of interest to you. I've suspended your account with a view to deletion.
  14. Bright enough to spot ill-thought out and convoluted seques when I see them. Seriously, you really need to get a grip on the nonsense you spew out. I'm minded to contact the authorities and arrange a wellness check - American style.
  15. I hate to shatter the illusion Stubs, but whilst I'm sure the model is very pretty the clear smooth skin has more to do with photoshoppery rather than any natural perfection. Notice also how the vertical lines of the panelling behind the model are distorted by the photo editor thinning the girl's waist.
  16. "Carrousel" is perfectly acceptable.
  17. Better get a move on lad, now that work is "ramping up". Those baggage carrousels won't switch themselves on.
  18. Nope, just do a lot of data scraping.
  19. Gosh Billy, you're obviously still hurting and I feel kinda responsible. Sorry not sorry.
  20. Its a good story, unfortunately I never said anything of the sort.
  21. Google's algorithms currently have a "safe search" filter switched on by default.
  22. Hell no. Right now your soliloquies on victimhood have made you an unintentional self-parody and comedy gold. I'm looking at ways to monetise your output of grief.
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