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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. ...and at that...I rest my case.
  2. You have this remarkable ability to ignore the vista and make out that a molehill is in fact a mountain. You're like the fidgety minnow splashing in a tidal pool who thinks he's a blue water apex predator.
  3. Yes well, we're the adults in this menagerie. The Dutch fella on mutations evading vaccines is hardly ground-breaking. That viruses mutate is why dealing with them is so problematic. Aside from the ability to jump species, The Covid-19 has shown to be more contagious and lethal compared to say, seasonal flu. Even the seasonal flu vaccine has a time limit in its efficacy and as you know, the composition of the flu jab changes year to year depending on which strains are most common.
  4. I suggest you excitable Herberts drop this nonce trial parody.
  5. Three to five key words in a search engine command line is all it takes to counter your nonsense. Appropriating relevance to the results takes a few seconds. Its all calm and clinical, hardly "frantic". Billy, your just another in a long line of saps who chanced upon The Corner and compensates his unremarkable life by parading an amazing insight that avoids the rest of us mere mortals. Clearly devoid of original thought or even a modicum of critical thinking you merely regurgitate other peoples' nonsense - a gullible mug who swallows hook, line, sinker and the whole goddamn boat. Get over yourself.
  6. Ah, invoking the name of Gates in a tenuous guilt by association ploy. That'll whip up the Tin-foil brethren. In fact the Temerty fund donated the money to Toronto University, not McGill. All things considered I think you been selling a pup to the puntership with this Dutch fella
  7. Had a read. Short version, "I know stuff. But I'm not going to show you the data to back up my claims". Here's a rebuttal piece from McGill University Particularily interesting was the chapter headed, "Pattern Recognition". I append a snippet below:-
  8. Yes, Billy...of course....we understand. Ya poor sap, after all that time you spent Googling for scraps of information that you twist to suit your bonkers narrative, you still get it wrong. I'm sure this was not your intention but aside from flip-flopping on the 'I was only joking' excuse you've just rendered all your future arguments as utterly worthless.
  9. Similarly, I am not going to be dragged into your game of requiring a time-consuming, detailed, gigabyte sized rebuttal to a data and link-free dossier of spurious (I never said 'moronic') assertions.
  10. A British driver you say...Oh...Yay Lewis! I don't know who's going to win 'cos I don't care. I might as well ask you who think will win the Woman's X Country World Athletics Championship in Bathurst, Australia in 2023, that is if it eventually happens, a sport I used to participate in at local level.
  11. Just yanking your chain, CG...
  12. Even by your own standards, this is 24 carat gold plated paranoia. How was the MSM "jumping with joy"? Did they precede the articles with "great news, readers" Were there photos on the front pages of The Telegraph and Mail of smiling fruity young things showing bare midriffs clutching the latest Covid press release figures? Assuming your figure of 58,000 is correct that can equate to 1,740,000 cases per month if no corrective action is taken. 58,000 cases a per day is not sustainable under any circumstances. But wait, the foil-clad BS continues... The ¾ year figures you quote are for revenues not profits, also they relate to world trading activity not covid vaccines. One would have thought an experienced businessman that you purport to be would be able to differentiate turnover and profit, but no worries.
  13. Yes, "fact checking" does seem to be inconvenient for some... The barrack room lawyer analogy has been used by me only when rebutting punters' points of order on the way the site is administrated and moderated. Out of 5.5k posts and starting October 2015 I have used the term four times so I am not too clear where you get off by saying its "one of [my] known and over used fall back positions". I also note that you are quibbling about not breaking down a comprehensive list of assertions comprising of short sentence bullet points. It appears you expect detailed rebuttals to be supported by data and/or links that was incumbent on you to back up with in the first place. If you want to party, then lay out the tables and put up the glitter balls.
  14. Ah yes, I had forgotten about one of your university degrees that made you qualified to comment on witness boxes - silly me. As for your general premise, I believe after the military coordinated the establishment of the Nightingales it was found there was insufficient staff to man them. Consequently the govt contracted 26 private hospitals to take up the slack. In the end it was decided to cancel the bulk of NHS operations to cope with Covid demand. The result was that the Centre for Health and Public Interest found that for a 13 month period from 3/2020, the Private sector provided just 3,000 out of 3.6 million Covid bed days. The private bed cost? £2.15 billion paid by the taxpayer. How's my witnessing? Incidentally, your last post to me made no sense whatsoever
  15. Gosh, and there was me about to nom 'People Who Think Spaghetti Is Nice And Long' but now I'm not so sure...
  16. Good. Now that you have confirmed yourself as a serious tin-foil conspiracist you should speak with your assistant or, at the very least, buy him a pair of water wings.
  17. This spurious list is rather like an American DA frontloading the charge sheet with multiple indictments to instil the jury with unconscious bias against the alleged perp. Just to give one example where you used an inexactitude - "will prevent transmission. False". That all depends what level of prevention the manufacturer advertised. In fact a recent article from Imperial College London confirms the level and extent of prevention. As with all the anti-vaxers' and Covid deniers' "science" based opinions, you never comment if nothing happens. You ignore past events where regions and countries do not codify social distancing measures or implement comprehensive vaccination programmes. We have seen those areas where Covid 19 ran rampant, to give an example, the health infrastructures were so overwhelmed that the system broke down to the point of riots occurring with desperate relatives sourcing price-gouged oxygen bottles. Even the UK's NHS nearly closed down, cancelling scores of much needed operations causing untold misery to patients and their relatives.
  18. Its a bit futile for you two strange bedfellows to cop out with the "I was only joking" patter given that one of you is repeatedly taken for a mug by Messrs Slackjaw & Co but nonetheless casts aside his half-baked principles for reasons of personal vanity whilst being unably assisted by a brittle fantasist and obsequious toad who flits from coat-tail to coat-tail in seeking personal validation...
  19. A quick perusal would show you 'hijacking' this thread long before I joined in the fray. You are a lost soul, DC so let me help you - the shallow end is that👉way.
  20. If I was even thicker I would contribute to a thread that I had previously slighted.
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