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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. You appear to be harbouring the delusion that the Reuters Fact Check vindicates you. Its a shame you did not read it as it lays bare your propensity to dis and misinform. The CDC did not "admit" that 75% of the ‘Covid’ deaths in the US were people with 4 or more comorbidities. What the CDC said that out of 1.2 million vaccinated people surveyed, 0.015% (189 people) had severe disease and that 0.0033% (36 people) had died. It found that all those had severe outcomes had at least one risk factor while 78% had at least four. Yet again, as a confirmed conspiracy sheeple you have been mugged off by the Slackjaw News Service and have simply regurgitated a piece of fake news because it suited your moronic narrative. I see that emboldened by your false sense of vindication last night, you subsequently indulged yourself in a bacofoil binge. Your take on a Daily Express article was especially erroneous. The post scripted caveats (authored by you) will continue to be applied.
  2. Annette Strean shows Donna Summer how it should be done...
  3. I think the asset mangers (who don't actually own the assets they are charged with monitoring) supposed 'influence' over MSM is grossly overstated. Take News Corp for instance; whilst BlackRock et al have interests in News Corp, the Murdoch family controls 40% of key voting stock. This is why R Murdoch can appoint himself as Chairman & CEO of News Corp and have members of his family in senior positions - its his sandpit. A more extreme example of how asset managers holding equity stock does not mean they are in positions of influence is Comcast. Brian Roberts, current Chairman & CEO and son of founder Ralph Roberts holds barely 1% of equity - a fraction compared to the holdings of BlackRock, Vanguard etc but as he holds 33% of the voting stock he is effectively the sole proprietor of Comcast. As I said - its no so simple. The notion that asset managers have a stranglehold over editorial content is fallacious and risible. The asset managers also have sizeable holdings in Exxon-Mobile and other petro-chemical concerns, surely the MSM would be promulgating "fossil fuels and plastics = good - climate change and world-wide pollution not a problem"?
  4. I think its best we steer away from this particular tangent as past experience has shown it more trouble than its worth.
  5. Well good luck to plod making a case for wilful neglect by someone in "public office"... As for your breakdown of who has "significant interest" (I used the words "controlling interest") in various news media conglomerates I would firstly point out that Disney is more of an entertainment business, though they do co-own ABC, also Time-Warner is no more having been bought out by AT&T. Be that as it may, BlackRock and Vanguard own 2.61% and 2.26% of News Corp respectively; Comcast 4.26% & 8.11%, AT&T 5.1% & 7.58%. These amounts of ownership doesn't even guarantee a seat as a non executive director. Incidentally, in the absence of a name to a fact check then the author is the outfit who publishes therefore the most recent 'fact check' was authored by Reuters. Sure, why not? I have previously commented on govt mismanagement and ineptitude most notably on matters of procurement but hey, whaddya got as I haven't been dissuaded by you thus far...
  6. I said I've seen a letter sent to Commissioner Cressida Dick. I can find no trace of a letter to Hammersmith CID. That said, a Certain Dr Sam White together with his legal team, Mssrs PJH Law, did visit Hammersmith and Charing Cross police stations to make a formal complaint. Apparently the Doctor and his team spent six hours at the police stations and were given a crime number for "Misconduct in Public Office" and that "an officer has been allocated the case". Neither the Doctor nor the lawyers are prepared to release details of their conversations with the plod as "it is now considered to be a live investigation" - in other words its the oft-used conspirators line of "we know stuff, but we're not going to tell you". Pure theatre. Well, I'd be interested to know which "certain asset management companies" have a controlling interest in mainstream press outlets and agencies whilst having a sizeable interest in pharma. It seems to me that the justification for regaling against fact-checking is "because they're mainstream". Interestingly, I've yet to see a 'fact check' being corrected by you or anyone else. Anyway, aren't you shooting the messenger rather than the message? Haven't you been lecturing me about such practices?
  7. I'm not assuming anything. I was questioning the assertion that all death rates should be evenly spread throughout all the batches. That might be true if all batches were administered evenly across the demographic but in the real world that is not the case. Consequently death rates was never going to be evenly spread. I've seen the letter to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and I'll be surprised if it generates any traction. The complaint was phrased in conspiracy rhetoric without any evidence provided. As for the "data engineers" they've programmed bog standard Data Scraping software to glean data from the VAERS system. The CDC, owners and operators of VAERS, have repeatedly asserted that all reports are unverified and do not prove that any vaccine has caused an adverse event. As for "The scientist" read our old friend Mike Yeadon who aside from having zero experience in vaccine development once postulated that Covid vaccines "magnetises" patients. Your last para was itself churlish. I spoke as I found.
  8. Its a forum, anyone can say their piece. You may want free rein to spout your nonsense without the inconvenience of being called out but that's not going to happen. I was in fact doing you a kindness in asking you to back up/justify your assertions but since you won't avail yourself of the opportunity we'll revert to Plan A.
  9. Of course it won't "be fairly evenly spread". Vaccination roll-outs are prioritised according to demographic needs. That is, initial batches were allocated to the elderly and the clinically extremely vulnerable whilst other batches were allocated to the young and healthy so one would expect a higher death rate post-jabbing to the batches administered to priority cases. Not for the first time you have passed an open tea caddy under the noses of the puntership inviting them to smell the coffee.
  10. There's little point having a tantrum Billy, any thrice jabbed anti-vaxxer is going to have a credibility issue, more so if he/she writes a disclaimer that warns any "facts" they present are going to be somewhere between dodgy and made up lies. I did warn you that writing your caveat was going to be problematic for the future so its unclear as to why you are now howling like a banshee. Perhaps you should fold and transport that massive marquee of yours to the local tip. As for your story that the Aussie Govt is going to pay 80,000 citizens A$600,000 each you appear to have conflated several stories into one. In fact the authorities have just reduced the no fault compensation scheme (eg losing a few days work from post-jab side effects) to A$1,000 (£530) - roughly the same as the English system (where applicable).
  11. Gosh Norma, are you ready for your close-up? A word in your shell-like, my little minnow...you should spend less time thumbing through The Small-Fry's Book of Forum Clichés and ponder on the conspicuous silence of the 'circling vultures'. If its any consolation, you're not the first useful idiot who's been played...
  12. Splendid. Neither have I. Ever. But look at you, fretting about mileage, xmas tree wrangling and M4 cars ad nauseum - as if that somehow mitigates for your previous pork fests, though I suspect its more to do with keeping your useful idiot on-side, no?
  13. Well now, KB's Grande Tour was answering a point I intimated earlier. The fact that he took four days to concoct a watery thin gruel to baste himself with is something you should address to him and not come wailing to me. Anyway, what "kickfucking"? Show us where this took place. I appreciate your need to suck up but altering history to suit a deluded narrative is only gonna result having more egg splattered over your idiot face.
  14. It's not the usual left-field choice but no less enjoyable nonetheless.
  15. Stow your overly sensitive ego, I said nothing about your selection of vid just the context in which it was posted.
  16. That makes a change for the usual row of emojis when cornered I 'spose...but you're right. I see now that there's plenty of room for your lying carcass and for that weird little fan boi who's sewn himself into your coattails. Cute, you suit each other - you both back losers.
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