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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. I'm sorry, obviously I'm not as clever as you, please explain.
  2. Billy, yet again you've been caught out telling yet another porky by citing a vid that shows a "couple of thousand NHS workers, doctors and nurses dumping their uniforms at the gates of Downing St" The vid shows nothing of the sort. Saying there's "dozens of vids" on YouTube will not do. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. If you have the vid then link and time stamp it. I would say that a couple of dozen is significantly less than a couple of thousand, wouldn't you?
  3. Dr Robert Malone, the self-styled inventor of mRNA. True, he was one of many pioneers to develop the technology but he wasn't the inventor, co or otherwise. The point was that you agree the technology is some 30 years old, so why are you and others citing mRNA as "experimental"?
  4. Well, I'm not the one who's had a very public hissy fit...physician, heal thyself.
  5. This is the vid you refer to... Whilst you spend time not answering the previous question, perhaps you could not time-stamp the scene where a pile of uniforms from "a couple of thousand" health workers is shown.
  6. I'll help you out here. To add heft to the integrity of your latest scoop, perhaps you could name the person who read out the declaration. To further strengthen your point it would be a good idea to cite his invention and when the discovery took place...
  7. Aside from your normal practice of conflating statistics you do your normal thing of not answering questions even though you demand the same to others. Incidentally, for "a couple of thousand NHS workers, doctors and nurses dumping their uniforms at the gates of Downing St" read a couple dozen.
  8. A fatuous argument...aren't you being equally intractable with your opinion? Does this make you "a fucking idiot" who "should grow up" as per your own benchmarking?
  9. He got clobbered 'cos he was warned about this a fortnight ago.
  10. Honest answer? No idea. I will say covid-19 appears to getting weaker but viral mutations can bring up surprises. Personally I would encourage people to be sensible with regards to social distancing and taking the jabs.
  11. Partygate was evidence of 'one rule for me, one rule for thee'. "Fair evidence" of world-wide wholesale manipulation would require the connivance of the entire scientific and medical community. But hang on, your initial PoV was predicated on baseless assertions about a vaccine against a virus that people didn't need protecting from, now you seem to be shooting from all manner of tangents. "Waffle waffle, sound byte, waffle waffle" does quite cut it so if you are going to be of any use to the debate perhaps you could answer my original question:-
  12. The issue of 'Partygate' is more about entitlement and abuse of privilege rather than the existence of Covid 19. As for your erroneous analysis of the vaccines, mRNA technology has been around for decades and was used successfully in combating influenza and MERS which is another form of coronavirus. You seem to have a short memory - remember the need to 'flatten the curve' and keep the health infrastructure free to treat other illnesses? Obviously not.
  13. How are "the deceitful" being called to account? Based on what precisely?
  14. Let's forget that recent embarrassing episode where you were shafted and made to look like a mug by the very people you admire but could you spend a moment and enlighten us with your famed insight and grasp on reality? What do you think the UK covid death count would have been in the absence of social distancing guides, partial and full lockdowns and vaccination programmes? Finally, do you think the covid deniers and anti-vaxxers who, whilst filling the boards with bogus science and twisted narratives, nevertheless denounced the vast majority of reasonably minded people as "sheeple" and "face-nappy wearers" were in fact society's parasites who benefitted from the actions of those who had a more responsible attitude to the pandemic?
  15. Mrs Roops


    I've overruled the system software and reverted your account to the original name.
  16. Not so sad to post the above insipid retort apparently. In point of fact word-counts can be automated with two clicks of a mouse button so I had a chortle knowing that a person who, in all probability, has yet to work out on how to operate a wheel-barrow, had manually word-counted his own lame non put-down. Still, at least you've shown that you can count beyond 'ten' so well done you.
  17. Mrs Roops


    Keith Lard wouldn't have a wife. You've got 24 hours to drop the 4th rate Keith Lard act as I think this will lead to trouble. Drop the name and avatar and cease using other Corner characters.
  18. The word-count was used to emphasize the scale of KB's deflection. As you are the only punter who would enter into a Faustian Pact to garner likes you will no doubt be rewarded with a couple of trinkets for your trouble.
  19. Nowhere in this rambling two hundred and eighty word barfly borefest do you actually rebut the point you quoted. Instead we are treated to a farrago of whataboutery and tired conspiracy slogans replete with hyperbolic exaggerations, inexactitudes and messed up thinking.
  20. Mrs Roops


    Nevertheless you formatted a post in such a way that it attributed the quote to the wrong punter. Do not do it again.
  21. Very well. The issue isn't what your ears heard but the empty space between them. Alarmingly the vid you cite is from the Republican National Committee no less. All context was edited out to make a fake news event. The story was an exercise in blatant gaslighting that would even make Joseph Goebbles wince. The RNC did this 'cos they had a false narrative to promote and they knew they had a willing band of subservient, brainwashed sheeple who would relay the story across the net. You took the bait and swallowed. How do you feel knowing you've been played for the mug you are or is your ignorance truly blissful?
  22. Well, that's for me to know and you to ponder. Clearly the penny hasn't dropped as I had a silent chortle when you alluded to not being "brainwashed". The words 'ignorance' and 'bliss' spring to mind...
  23. Well that's a wordy and convoluted rebuttal to someone who whatever she says "is of no significance whatsoever to" you. Really Bill, you can't blame other people for your mendaciousness and ineptitude. Best you stick to the proddy misogyny and London wide-boy slice of life stories and avoid serious commentary as you always end up shooting yourself in the foot.
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