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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. The answer is still the same Billy as it struck me that you persistently refuse or avoid any questions asked of you, a state of affairs that is wholly inequitable. To redress the imbalance you would need to deal with a slew of questions that you have thus far avoided. Now I'm a reasonable girl and have little desire to cause you alarm and distress so you have just one task to complete before we can return to debate; please can you now provide the follow up on the treaty signed between the World Health Organisation and 194 national leaders on 22 May last? Nothing too onerous, you can list in bullet points, also we'd be grateful if you could list the names of leaders who did not attend.
  2. Election-wise it was a dumb move as women, especially black women, carried Biden over the finish line.
  3. Please, that might be a blessing - though I don't recall a "warning". I don't think @Ape™️ has been sending you inflammatory PMs either, its not his style. Here's a idea, just stop fibbing all the time.
  4. You do realize that under the guise of reportage you posted an abridged version of a post that got your account suspended for 48hours? Normally that would have earned you a further 96 hours in the cooler. However I've taken the view that solitary confinement would addle your brain even further resulting in still more fictional nonsense about your refugee situation. Choose your words very carefully if you have to reply, better still don't say anything at all.
  5. I previously mentioned that I declined a foetal reduction - that was my personal choice. Here's a 'photo taken on 23rd January 2017 of former president Trump signing the executive order which withdrew funding from from all public and third sector agencies that provided abortion health care, witnessed by earnest and smug looking wealthy people who were the architects of the order. Do you see the problem?
  6. Billy, for someone who berates "sheeple" for hiding under the bed you must be The Corner's most scared punter for it seems you come up with a new conspiracy almost on a daily basis. Having just removed pieces of congealed egg from your nooks and crannies you now come up with this. Have you not learned any lessons after your recent humiliations or are you just that deranged? As for your latest piece of baseless join-the-dots tin-hattery, why bring a "former Democrat US Senator", into the mix? Why did you leave out that aside from the "former Democratic Senator", two of "The four horsemen of the nuclear apocalypse" who guided NTI from the outset include George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, both elder GOP statemen who held high office in Republican administrations? Did you omit this salient fact because it would have transformed your spin into tailspin? Or was it that you're such a sheeple that you blindly regurgitated other peoples' nonsense with out making even a cursory check? NTI like many other think tanks are in the business to construct potential world event simulations. The number of scenarios assessed run into the thousands.
  7. A human fetus is not sentient until near the end of the second trimester, well after the time period for legal terminations.
  8. Behave, so full of bluster and contradictions you even mugged yourself. You were clearly overwrought. A lifetime's trade where decision making is limited to choosing whether to move a brush upwards or downwards has eroded your critical thinking abilities. Fend's Railing Refurbishment Co it is then...
  9. That you like to parade a non-existent insight (spectacularly confirmed a few days ago) makes your post somewhat incongruous if hypocritical. Since you force the comparison let's see...a cone of shit v a cone of ice-cream...hmm...you know on balance, I think I have the better deal, yes?
  10. Not too sure how one can lose a possession one doesn't have...but look at you! Stomping your feet and crying your eyes out after all you said about not having feelings that can be hurt. The lesson here is don't dish it out if you cant take it.
  11. Whoa! Petulance overload last night at the inaugural meeting of the Ten Percenters Club. After comparing welts on each other's bottoms there was a huddle of mutual sustenance and succour culminating in a groupthink fantasy workshop involving statues and rivers as a retaliation. No, I don't understand that either...
  12. You're hardly likely to preface an assertion as untrue which makes your defence meaningless thereby rendering your argument as totally without merit. Your sloppy, feeble-minded thinking goes some way in explaining why you can only secure employment as a railings painter, so small wonder that you and the other 10% of punters who are devoid of any critical thought processing won't be left alone to the site's "cunting".
  13. Given that every single one of your predictions have tuned to shit, the puntership may find Mystic Meg be a more reliable source of information.
  14. Here's a concept you're struggling with - just because you say something it doesn't mean its true. Give it a rest, Fends - I'm not interested.
  15. Colour me incredulous but it seems to me you're fighting a rearguard battle to salvage your own brittle ego, yes? Of course your tantrum has nothing to do with you being hoisted by your own petard? You mugged yourself, end of, you mug's mug.
  16. A last word attempt of whataboutery to deflect from your own lying diva ways, who'd thort it...
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