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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. ​.....an unreasonable and nasty riposte to a valid nom. Can we all stop being twats just for the sake of it?
  2. Removed, thank you for being patient.
  3. ​Due to an appeal from the "other account", I have unbanned Fatty though there are some restrictions for now.
  4. Ok, Fatty's catchphrase was getting tedious which meant that he hit my radar. Closer examination revealed him to be a sock-puppet so I have banned the account pending termination. Use of multi-ID's is not allowed. Fatty's other handle can continue.
  5. Mrs Roops

    Richie Benaud

    You're right, my error, however I stand by my comments re abuse for expressing an opinion, in this case valid.
  6. Mrs Roops

    Richie Benaud

    I despair at posts like this. ​I'm not sure why this post should drive you to a state of apoplexy. Warren hasn't expressed any opinion about cricket, he merely recounted a personal experience based on him meeting Benaud and the over the top reactions to celebrity death.
  7. This nom is not helping guys. In any case you should all be playing outside whilst the sun lasts. I'm off for a sunbathe, in the meantime lets see who's mature enough not to call each other a cunt, soppy or otherwise.
  8. Mrs Roops


    ​I have test drove several Skodas and found them to be excellent cars in all departments. Its worth noting that Skodas often take top place in J D Power customer satisfaction surveys. I would buy one, but badge snob that I am, opted for an Audi.
  9. No, I banned you...... ​ Most of your suggestions, the main one being the permanent closure of the "Guest Forum" has been ignored. Jazz, you have only been back a few days and already you have become a divisive influence. You clearly have not learned any lessons. Please carry on 'cos nothing would make me happier than to kick your sorry, self-important ass into touch.​
  10. Punkape, cut it out please. I won't warn you again.....
  11. I'm not sure why you and others are getting all hot and bothered. If he is a silent troll then all you are doing is feeding him and giving him a bit of a giggle. Just ignore, eh?
  12. I think you are deliberately missing my point. Be that as it may, I won't be told to "fuck off" when I gently give you pointers. I've suspended your account for 48 hours.
  13. Doesn't prove anything of the sort. You lose whatever point you are trying to put across by using disparaging terms. Otherwise what little scholarship there is just becomes racist bar-room rubbish.
  14. I've extended the suspension by a further 7 days 'cos I don't take kindly to punters circumventing temporary bans by creating new accounts. Your actions were ridiculous ProfB - you only had to wait until 8.30 this evening. Try that again and your account will be deleted.
  15. Yeah, I'm not to happy about copying chat room discourse on the board. Please desist.
  16. That's wot I thought.
  17. I think its safe to say that the Mods nor I aren't going to do anything of the sort.
  18. Won't work, I do not know who donates, more to the point I insist that I nor the mods do not know.
  19. I'm sorry. The answer to your question is no.
  20. It must be a boarding school thing, I found out about from hubby.
  21. Strangely enough it's very nice as is marmalade on deep fried bread.
  22. Not Jazz...... Not Jazz......
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