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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Gosh, six notifications that I've been quoted by the same punter - anyone would think I'm living rent free in someone's head... Looks like The Mail have jumped the gun on a pre-print rather than wait for the peer-reviewed paper and naturally the crazies (Fox News et al) have ran with it - grist to the mill for the conspiracy nut-jobs and mugs.
  2. Clearly the "R" word vexes you. Suffice to say no apology is due for someone who promulgates baseless theories and refers to others who disagree with you and your kind as "sheep".
  3. Instead I had you banged to rights. Every time.đź‘Ť
  4. Did the figures include the death of your "best friend"? As I recall we were deluged by your crocodile tears at the time.
  5. Get over yourself. The alluding to qualifications was instigated by someone else, I was asked a question and I answered it. Wolfie, I note that lately you have been stomping around picking fights with all and sundry. I've ignored it as you usually end up being spanked and rightly so. Incidentally, my changing of careers had nothing to do with having children.
  6. Brilliant. So your understanding of the difference is that one type of vaccine "teaches" whilst the other is "more traditional". In fact, both types do the same job, that is, to prepare the body to deal with the virus. mRNA vaccines instruct the body to make antibodies whilst the other creates the antibodies in a laboratory and are introduced ready-made. The benefits are obvious - antibodies made by one's own immune system provide a much smaller risk of rejection and side effects compared to a one-size-fits-all concoction made in an industrial laboratory. Needless to say, mRNA vaccines do not give you liver cancer nor do they alter one's DNA. I'll ignore your suggestion that I am beyond dosed up as I take advice to take the jabs where recommended as I am immunocompromised due to medication I take to control a debilitating condition I have. Your assertion that the virus is no more than a bad cold is ridiculous - it might be for some with regards to the weaker strains of covid but in other cases covid has been lethal.
  7. @Old Chap Raasclaat Whilst I have your attention... Still waiting professor...
  8. Indeed, obviously the gnomes of Geneva and every London, New York, Paris, Bonn and Singapore market-maker check in at The Corner whilst perusing their screens first thing in the morning... In truth I haven't pushed anything. I do correct baseless rumours promulgated by retards who think the puntership is as stupid as they are.
  9. I have a BDS and MSc (non-medical). FYI I've received 2 x AZ, 3 x Pfizer and two weeks ago a Moderna Bivalent booster as well as the standard flu and pneumonia jabs. What's your take as to why the covid vaccines are unsafe. Explain your understanding on the difference of mRNA and non mRNA vaccines. Do you actually know? See previous post.
  10. We've previously covered the fiction of "abnormal periods" though it's gratifying to see you acknowledge only women have periods Not sure where you get the AZ story from. As for having shares in pharma, I probably have, either in a blind trust within my own portfolio and shares in my pension funds of which I have no control over. The Share ownership dig is fatuous - do you have shares in crystal ball manufacturers?
  11. Remind us again of your qualifications...
  12. Give it a rest KB, you lost the right to be precious in demanding answers on account of your persistent avoidance of answering any yourself. In any case, if you switched on that single-circuit binary brain of yours, the clue is the describing as "wishful thinking" of your baseless opinion dressed as fact. Jeez, you make Snatch and Monumental look like a pair of geniuses...
  13. So the $75 billion figure is yet another KB invented fact... As for the $54 billion figure your authorative source is the New York Times on which you pontificate that the NYT is akin to the Daily Sport in the trustworthiness league - you can't have it both ways. You do have this remarkable ability to shoot yourself in the foot Billy, at best your critical thinking is retarded. Moving on... Given your well-deserved reputation as The Corner's mendacious mug we'll file this rambling waffle of whataboutery under "wishful thinking" along with your recent mawkish pitch for the Dad Of The Year award...
  14. 75 billion? Where did you get that figure from?
  15. I nuked the nom, also you're off the site for two weeks for a Rule 12 violation.
  16. The trouble is Bill, you are the author of your own irrelevance. Admitting that you make things up and couldn't care if your "facts" were correct or not together with the confirmation that most of what you say is "shit" hasn't helped you. We're now given to understand that you are not driven by facts, science or any semblance of logical thought but by your "instincts" which, to be brutally honest, is why your personal life has been nothing more than a car-crash in slow motion. But enough of the pleasantries, I'm on holiday and have better things to do than read your perpetual whinging.
  17. Well, you haven't told the whole story, have you? This "petition" was originally delivered to Downing Street last year and was recently resubmitted noting the change of PM. HART, of course is the anti-vaxxer pressure group with links to Dr Robert Malone and was linked to the bogus "Consent Check List" furore handed out to parents outside some school gates. As far as I recall, HART's "research" was nothing more than a join-the-dots analysis of the Yellow Card reporting system.
  18. So nothing to add except the usual whinging tirade of whataboutery? Incidentally, if you think a two-hour vid of extreme partisan conjecture fronted by a couple on the run over an alleged Ponzi scheme adds heft to your bonkers theories then you are truly demented. Needless to say I'm not wasting my time watching this sorry excuse of "independent" investigative journalism so perhaps you could employ some of your amazing insight in working out how to embed a vid and provide time-stamps where the grifting Mr & Mrs Morris provide any evidence.
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