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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. AFAIK, RK had locked himself out of The Corner by forgetting his password. I've just cleared the Punter Applications so he may well be amongst the new intake. Anyway, thanks for asking, I had a lovely Christmas and the day after Boxing day Hubby and I went off-grid to one of the smaller Channel Islands - no phone, no internet = sheer bliss taking seascape, coastal and local birdlife photography. As for who may or who may not be in the cooler I have to say I returned to find the "Report" file stuffed to the brim. Needless to say I can't be arsed to trawl through pages of synthetic rage and virtue signalling by some overgrown schoolboys overdosed on Christmas Selection boxes and port.
  2. Well, that's an obvious red flag which had me twitching. So JSP, who are you purporting to be, Margot? Brian or some other NZ sock puppet?
  3. As the report's authors say, this doesn't prove anything - a salient point not disclosed by Campbell. The vid has generated 12.5 k comments including the "I'm a retired GP..." and "I'm a MD, PhD and did vaccine research for 15 years..." Needless to say AFAIK, all viewer comments are along the lines of "this proof etc". This is how mis and disinformation spreads. I note Campbell has monetised his channel.
  4. I was comparing the "honest media" and your own honesty. In truth the only honest statement you've ever made is that most of what you post is shit, as exemplified by your meandering mish-mash of mis and disinformed gibberish.
  5. At least Dr Campbell had the decency to spend a few seconds in a fifteen minute long vid to concede the sample of five patients was very small. The authors of the report did themselves no favours by not including any relevant statistical data, e.g. the time frame of the five deaths and more importantly the provision of a rough and ready control group with data to include the demographics of numbers within the catchment areas served by the hospitals that undertook the autopsies, more specifically deaths directly attributable to covid-19 sub-sectioned into those who were vaccinated or not. There was no need for me to trawl for fact-checkers or scientific rebuttals as the most damming comments for the anti-Covid vax conspiracy theorists came from the report's authors themselves... I was surprised that Dr Campbell omitted to mention this in his summary.
  6. Without the slightest shred of evidence you initially decreed that Covid-19 did not exist, then you said it did but that the virus was manufactured by the Chinese as a means to an end to dominate the world. You subsequently changed your mind and announced that Covid-19 was a conspiracy perpetuated by Bill Gates and other infotech billionaires but changed your mind again and blamed Klaus Schwab and the WEF, notwithstanding your assertions that the vaccines were not only "experimental" but they caused liver cancer and altered one's DNA, again without providing any credible evidence whatsoever. I'm not sure you are in a position to bitch about honesty.
  7. KB, you don't make much sense at the best of times, if at all, so to indulge in cryptic and tenuous whataboutery is perhaps not a good idea...
  8. I presume this is a knockoff of the Balenciaga brand which serves as a metaphor for you habitually posting fake facts and false narratives.
  9. This story came out in September and was extensively reported. Keep up. Bradford: 23 men charged with child sex abuse - BBC News
  10. The most recent protest outside the BBC was by Iranians protesting about the broadcaster's coverage of the anti-theocracy protests in Iran. As for any anti-lockdown protests outside the BBC, this in fact took place more than a year ago and was well documented. The protest of a few thousand was led by some high IQ King Billy types, no doubt chosen on account of giving the impression that they knew what they were talking about. Anyway, the bods duly congregated outside the White City building demanding entry to the studios only to find that the BBC had vacated the building a decade previously. The White City complex, formerly the BBC News HQ, had been converted to restaurants and apartments. What remained was one studio owned by an independent producer and was in fact home to the "Loose Women" daily bitchfest show. Much ridicule, merriment and mirth ensued.
  11. The "save the vermin green wellies" groups are more about sabotaging and frustrating illegal fox-hunting by non-violent means rather than merely protesting. As for your false claims about half a million anti-lockdown protesters this was in fact a "protest of protesters" of various protest groups including BLM, LBGT, climate change, lefties, anarchists etc all pushing their own single-themed ideologies, so either you didn't attend, or you were there and lied about the composition of the protest.
  12. Gosh, that's shocking, Bill, truly shocking; but what's that got to do with your erroneous claim that "the MSM are reluctantly and half heartedly reporting what should in normal times be the No.1 story at present."
  13. As I recall the spat between us was over you falsely claiming to be part of the marches and grossly exaggerating the size and context of the protests. Your downfall was citing a couple vids as proof which nevertheless exposed your deceitfulness.
  14. Ah, I see the difficulty - you're harbouring the delusion that you're a "proper man".
  15. @Horrified Suburbanite, less than two months ago your account was suspended for a Rule 12 violation so it beggars belief that you have repeated the behaviour regardless. Cya in three months time. Edit Actually, scratch that as I've noticed you've also been altering quotes and have made a paedo accusation so cya in six months.
  16. Where have I said I agree with China's Zero Covid Policy? In fact, I sympathise with the protesters who are kicking off against a three-year lock-down instead of a comprehensive national vaccination programme. Whilst the majority of the population have received two doses, just over half have had any booster shots. Compounding the issue is that less than 20% the most vulnerable segment has not received any booster shots at all. For Billy to assert that the protesters are anti-vax when in fact they are pro-vax is indicative as to his understanding of world events. Furthermore, the bitching about "how strange the MSM are reluctantly and half-heartily reporting what in normal times would be the No.1 story at present" is straight out of the Slackjaw News playbook. By coincidence whilst Billy was posting rubbish the BBC was making the story its opening article on the Ten o'clock bulletin. I have previously commented on your fatuous remarks apropos Pfizer shares and motivation but hey, you carry on spouting ill-informed abject nonsense.
  17. You've been played again. Do you actually read or view what you comment on?
  18. Aww, bruised ego? You asked, I replied, brittle boy. As for your churlish sign off, as a member of the pussy-whipped community you know the drill - no sustenance 'til you take out the rubbish, mown the lawn and oiled the revolving door for the guests, you temperamental dick.
  19. I say I'm gonna buy some Qantas shares as I now understand the Aussie national carrier's rationale to reactivate their hitherto mothballed A380 fleet, given every time you login we're regaled with a conversation with yet another "friend/houseguest" flown in to provide content for the puntership's benefit. As for your particular bent, it's not my job to pander to whatever fetish you've discovered during your late midlife crisis exacerbated by the realisation that you're in a place you have no wish to be in.
  20. Easily, I haven't moved 9,000 miles away from them.
  21. What @Eddie mostly said. Yet again you have been played for a mug by Sid Slackjaw and have found yourself in a vat of dried egg powder. What's wrong with you?
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