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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Since the day we first met he hasn't deviated from the acceptable side of needy, so no.
  2. She may be Scottish but La Laing is a Conservative politico. She's no Bercow "beeatch" either having recently put the boot into him. Can't fault your analysis of the SNP though...
  3. You've actually tapped into an undercurrent of disquiet currently doing the rounds in Westminster. Courts (i.e. judges) have always been reluctant to be involved in cases where individuals seek to gain a material advantage over issues that are not codified, for instance overturning wills and "libel tourism". If truth be known the recent unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court came as a surprise. Prorogation per se was not illegal but Johnson's reason to suspend parliament was deemed to be "political" and therefore invalid. This of course has set a precedent where politicians being "political" is now open season for any chancer to petition a judicial review on any government or parliamentary decision deemed "political". To take this to extremes, say a future Labour government introduces a plan to nationalise or force corporates to give the workers shares in the firm that employs them. One could argue that such moves are borne through socialist political dogma and therefore not allowed. Now there is an irony to all this, I mentioned earlier that that the courts do not like to be used as a means to obtain an advantage yet here they have been used by an aggrieved party to obtain a political advantage. There is an existing parliamentary mechanism in the form of a vote of no confidence to stop Boris. However this would've triggered a general election which the opposition did not want so actors have used the courts to bypass a constitutional procedure that avoided the electorate an opportunity to kick the Remainers into oblivion. We expect politicians to be political, they are simply doing what they do based on core political beliefs. If we (the voters) do not like what they do then we vote them out. Voting out an unelected judicial government who regards itself as supreme above that of the legislature and the executive is not so simple. The Supreme Court should have echoed the English High Court's decision, "its not our business".
  4. No gloating or kicking a man when down.
  5. He needed a chance to back off and retain some dignity. He chose not to take it.
  6. I said the retort was based on a quote made five days previously, I only have your word that it was a spontaneous reaction, dubious as you said earlier that you stood corrected. Aside that, you're humour is formulaic and pedestrian and you talk too much. @Salty Piss Flap, you're now proving to be a distraction 'cos you simply won't move on. Have a short rest, come back with a clear head.
  7. This is an issue of two countries separated by a common language, not helped by a punter who is lacking in self awareness and despite, or perhaps because of, his eagerness for UK TV comedy programmes that have aged by a generation, is not up to speed with the subtleties, nuances and context of the modern British humour, psyche, and idioms. His timing also leaves a lot to be desired. Unfortunately, he's stumbled onto a site who's puntership is not renowned for patience. That said, he clearly isn't seeing the wood for the trees. I suggest both sides back off.
  8. Quick-witted? This current storm in a tea-cup was kick-started by a poorly timed retort to a post made five days previously. Let me disabuse you of that notion... The purpose of The Corner is to serve as a platform for irreverent comment, that is to nominate and discuss "The Cunts Of The World". Its accepted that needling between punters will take place but the banter and trash talk should be a side-show and not dominate the discourse. I'll reiterate a comment I made on the 14th August, "We would rather have a daily count of 50 posts of insightful and informative content than 150 posts of insults..."
  9. I've no idea what you're talking about.
  10. Strangely enough, I've never watched an episode until a few weeks ago but so many people seem to recommend it we thought we'd give it a go. With the signature purposeful walks and swirling smoke it certainly has style and if one gets past the nods to political correctness, no doubt designed to make a band of vicious thugs look half-decent, it's understandably compelling viewing. Series 4 is the best but series 5 disappoints especially episode 1 which seemed pointless.
  11. Hiya, Judge. The answer to both your questions is no, rather in the same way no one supposed to admire your working-class virtue signalling on account of you being a parody of yourself. Incidentally, Rioja is a rather robust Spanish wine and can not be described by any stretch of the imagination as "delicate".
  12. So am I, tomorrow is a pyjama day, which means I've allowed myself few glasses of rioja and a small amount of courvoisier whilst binging on Peaky Blinders.
  13. Probably happened, it was a sex forum after all. Anyway since Billy has grossed himself about activities that would be of some concern to the RSPCA, we'll leave it there.
  14. I can think of better ways to discover the divine pleasures of rimming, but each to their own I suppose...
  15. Eddie made the mistake of following my instructions and left the V5C in the glove compartment with spare keys. The vehicle is at an undisclosed Audi showroom as a low mileage model.
  16. Obviously anything that doesn't require much mastication (stop sniggering at the back) Scrambled egg, overcooked pasta dishes (no al dente) with grated parmesan cheese (avoid mozzarella - too chewy and will stick in cavities) If you have a sweet tooth then tinned strawberries with cream which is very soft and will slide down the throat with minimal chewing required, stewed apples etc.
  17. More concern really. There would be a maelstrom of twenty odd traumas going on in a confined space. Loud noise and intense vibration is the last thing Billy should have subjected himself to.
  18. You're welcome, Billy. My role here is to educate, inform and entertain all you after all... but jeez Billy, all your teeth?. That's hardcore and demonstrates a level of grit that Eric can only aspire to. The procedure itself doesn't present any problems but you probably had as many injections as extractions, which is fine but when that wears off that creates a powerful shock to the system so, I trust you were kept in for observation for 6-8 hours afterwards. More alarming is that you loosened off several magazines of a fully automatic gun shortly afterwards. What next? Intensive trampolining?
  19. The Corner's new resident champion gurner has oft quoted Private Eye, sometimes at my expense. I thought he would appreciate a poem in the style of E.J. Thribb.
  20. Billy, I was sorry to read of the multiple extractions. What was it? Chronic and widespread teeth decay? Payback time from ancient bridgework? They're the most common reasons. I must say if you had more than 4-5 extractions in one sitting then that's well 'ard. Anyway, to cheer you up and in the style of a well-known fortnightly periodical's Poetry Corner, I've penned a poem... In Memoriam Billy's Teeth So. Farewell Then Billy's teeth. The pearly whites Have been called to The Pearly Gates. Keith's mum Said, Billy's Bark was always Worse than his bite. E.J. Roops (17½ Bur)
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