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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. So, who will be the turkeys that have voted for Christmas?
  2. To be fair, the lyrics are a tad creepy in the light of the recent #metoo furore, even when the song is sugar-coated by using children. That said, art in all its forms made in a different era should be left alone. Different times, different attitudes.
  3. The galleries have an individual file size limit of 511 Mb - more than enough for the purposes of any propagandist nutjob.
  4. A bit cryptic I guess... Its from the deleted scene (since restored) from "Spartacus" where the bisexual Crassus is sounding out Antonius as to which way he leans. Despite the hidden meanings, the scene still didn't get past the original censors.
  5. Hmm, snails and oysters, "taste is not the same as appetite".
  6. The two recent HoC votes serves two purposes for Labour. The Labour "rebels" can now face the constituencies that overwhelmingly voted to leave and the amendment that demanded more parliamentary time to debate "the deal" gives the remainers opportunity to table as many amendments as they like, e.g tabling a motion on not leaving without the UK being in the Customs Union. This effectively leaves the UK in leaving the EU in name only. Corbyn has changed his tune on calling for a general election as the polls are against him and Boris is electoral catnip for the Tories. He has form for winning elections.
  7. It should be noted that the person convicted of wounding with intent was sentenced to eighteen years.
  8. Welcome, founding members of the turf growers collective. With one or two exceptions I suspect everyone here has indulged in a bit of tactical and the quid pro quo awarding of likes. It becomes an issue when such behaviour affects the outcome of the leaderboard. I for one do not have the time nor inclination to act as umpire on every digital bauble and brickbat that is conferred. I suspect m'learned colleagues are of the same mind. All you are doing is driving another nail into the leaderboard's coffin.
  9. Its certainly not over. Superb high drama after the amendment vote was taken. All the tory MP's, front and back benchers, who voted against the amendment walked out of the house en masse leaving a solitary JRM to toss a parliamentary hand grenade into the proceedings. In a point of order, he announced emergency legislation will be read on Monday which was set aside for a Queens Speech debate. The opposition requested The Speaker demand that JRM explain himself. Cue a stammering and flustered Bercow conceding that he was powerless to do so as the announcement was made as a point of order rather than an announcement of urgent business. Clearly, the Tories had done the maths and knew how the vote would pan out. JRM then calmly walked out whilst an SNP MP was making a point of order, addressing thin air.
  10. The Boris deal hasn't been rejected as it wasn't debated. The Letwin amendment was a delaying tactic. The interesting postscript was that Sir Oliver Letwin announced that henceforth he'll be voting for the Boris deal in whatever form it takes.
  11. ...and there was me defending you a few hours ago, as I said you just don't know when to shut it. You're on your own from now on.
  12. This is starting to resemble a NF satellite site. Tone it down please.
  13. Ah, I see what the problem is - you just don't know when to shut your cakehole.
  14. I have to say, I like the USA. I work there three to four times a year and found most Americans to be engaging and respectful. On the downside I'm staggered as to how ignorant they are with regards to the world beyond it's borders. You mentioned 9/11; lets not forget that the UK was the largest non American partner in the coalition that went to Afghanistan as a result of 9/11. Much British blood was spilt. Much to this country's shame, the UK allowed itself to be involved in the second Iraqi war, the justification of which was based on a lie. Because that war was basically a revenge job, there was no end game, or at least, not one that had been thought through. Consequently that left a regional power vacuum which led to the creation of the Islamic State and all the problems that came with it, not least the growth of Islamic radicalisation. The world has just witnessed your country shaft a local friendly ally who did most of the on-ground grunt work which finally eradicated IS. It's the national entitlement that get most backs up. Sure, the USA is the world's policeman and I guess we should be grateful for that, but the entitlement is so insidious that it permeates to parochial levels. Your fellow citizen accidentally killed a British lad and your country's answer is to confer diplomatic immunity after the event and help facilitate her flee her responsibilities. What I'm saying in my usual verbose way is that its probably not a good idea to invite your self into someone's living room and take a dump on the host's carpet.
  15. Not at all, NI remains signed up to elements of the Single Market & Customs Union in order to satisfy the GFA, the rest of the UK is out - provided the HoC approves of course. The UK can seek unilateral trade deal with the rest of the world.
  16. That's the beauty of it - the DUP no longer command a majority of the NI electorate and Stormont will be forced to reopen for business. If the HOC vote for the deal, Arlene is side-lined and Corbyn has boxed himself into the corner as an opportunist who was prepared to stymie the process for personal political gain.
  17. Its a completely different animal Panz. Arlene is spitting feathers 'cos control of renewing arrangements is down to a simple majority at Stormont which makes the DUP irrelevant.
  18. The country's fate seems to be in the hands of 15 potential Labour rebels. Lets see what's more important, fear of Corbyn or fear of losing their seats at the hands of a local electorate who voted overwhelmingly to leave...
  19. They've dropped the insistence on the Irish Backstop and agreed to a free trade deal, the fine print has yet to be studied in detail.
  20. The system allows punters to change handles within certain parameters. No one has forced me to do any thing. Wiz has not been coolered.
  21. Mrs Roops

    Porn Passes.

    Rest easy guys, as predicted the Digital Economy Act has been kicked into touch.
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