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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Just to remind everyone that we do not allow quote alteration...
  2. I'm not entirely sure what media misreporting has to do with my post. The "longest suicide note in history" was coined by Labour MP Gerald Kaufman.
  3. The deadline for submissions to "Help write The Labour Party's 2019 Manifesto" expired two hours ago. It'll be interesting to see if it emulates Michael Foot's 1983 "longest suicide note in history". Interestingly, the '83 manifesto called for the UK's withdrawal from the European Economic Community, as it was known then.
  4. A bit conflicted here, wasn't it Labour who lied when justifying the second Iraqi war and introduced industrial scale PFI to the NHS thereby saddling it with onerous interest and management charges?
  5. Can't really comment on what form of personality disorder Trump has though clearly he's not wired up correctly. Even Boris is keeping him at arms length as Trump's deal appears to be a mini version of TTIP which foundered because it was so one-sided in America's favour, especially with regards to the arbitration process. One of Trump's campaign slogans was "drain the swamp" so its fitting he is finding himself up the proverbial without a paddle on two issues where so far, he's not getting his way; firstly, the Ukraine impeachment inquiry and secondly, he's had two courts rule that the president is not immune to criminal investigation and prosecution. Whether Trump leaves office in 2021 or 2025 or any other time is open to speculation, but the next American President knows he has three issues to clear up on the world stage which will need to be dealt with and fast. I/ The shafting of the Kurds. There are reports that isolated ISIS cells have reactivated in the Levant thanks largely to Trump's short-sighted treachery. 2/ World Trade wars are gaining momentum. and most importantly, 3/ American withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, effective yesterday - the only country in the world to do so. On the domestic front, Trump's promise to "lets make America great" seems to resonate, especially with the rednecks, but on the international stage, if his intention was "lets make America shit again", then he has succeeded.
  6. Still, the UK electorate have voted to put an end to this nonsense, though what the end result will be depends on the make up of the new HoC.
  7. Influencers are paid for product placement, but these days they are meant to declare it. On-line broadcasters also receive a cut from the advertising revenue.
  8. As you know, both our counties have a constitution where parliament reigns supreme. That is why we have a parliamentary democracy where the leader who commands the most seats is the head of government. That principle does not apply to the "democratic" EU... As you can see, the EU parliament had a nominated choice for the EU President but were completely ignored.
  9. That's hardly eco-friendly. "How dare you", as Greta would say.
  10. Surprisingly, Ireland has been a nett contributor to the EU budget since 2016. The latest figure was €315 million (2018 budget) though this will increase substantially when the UK leaves. By all accounts, the Irish are none too happy about this and have even suggested they are due compensation for Brexit. That's the thing about the EU money trap, free dosh to entice new members, then the bills come in...
  11. ...and lonely. Not sure what the link is supposed to prove. Did you read it?
  12. You just did. Nothing duller than wading through an alcohol induced tirade - or was that a homesick letter to oneself, "Reasons I made the right decision, but why am I so sad?"
  13. No. Did you receive a ballot paper with Phil Hogan's name written it?
  14. After stripping away the project smear clichés we're left with one reasonable POV but even that does not bear close scrutiny. Forget that the EU is a fledgling super-state led by unelected empire-building bureaucrats whose decisions are rubber stamped by a political Commission who appointees are also unelected and comprise of second division politicians who gained their tenures as a "thank you" for towing party lines in their home countries. Instead, lets look at one of the biggest lies promulgated by the Remainer camp - that leaving is "inward looking". On the contrary, leaving is outward looking in that we should embrace the rest of the world but of course the UK couldn't do that because making trade deals outside Europe is illegal under EU law. That is inward looking, not to mention protectionist. As the EU has recorded the lowest growth compared to the rest of the worlds economic regions its fair to contend that the EU's inward looking position on international commerce has been detrimental to the economic health of this country.
  15. Without checking, I couldn't say. The autist in residence might know.
  16. We've all seen the photo. The problem is that its not of The Corner's very own eco warrior. This is another case of an inept Clouseau putting two and two together and getting any answer but four. A punter has stumbled upon a Cotswold based ecology consultancy and despite the fact that there are thirty such businesses in the area, has for reasons that ordinarily would not make sense to any rational person, has selected a pony-tailed person called "Tim".
  17. Yet again a butt-hurt individual is so triggered that he spends the best part of the day trawling the web to look for evidence that fits his narrative only to come up with unintentional red herrings. The "wedding" pic is gleaned from a lapsed Twitter account belonging to Roopswest who is not me. I was made aware that this was doing the PM rounds some years ago and one or two other punters have been making oblique references to it since then. Punters will agree that amongst my many faults and attributes is that I pay attention to detail so they were sensible enough to realise that I would cover my tracks and separate RW accounts from the whimsical content under the "Roops" banner. Except you. Only you would be dumb enough to make direct reference to it on the boards. I have no idea what you're on about with regards to the "harlequin" pic. @Salty Piss Flap, you are obviously a weak, brittle man but this is not up for negotiation; I am not going to debate with a thin-skinned git who will blatantly argue that night is day. Either take on board the advice I've given you or piss off.
  18. No, I don't know what you mean, perhaps you could explain. Whilst you're at it, maybe you expand a bit and say whether male punters who frequently allude to their own bathroom bits are also a bit sad and desperate, and if so why you didn't mention it in your post. I couldn't help notice that you've had a lot to say about cocks and men's bottoms, so just how big is your closet?
  19. Oh there's one or two of those here, granted. There was a time when you received stick for the constant ant-brit sentiments but you seemed to have charmed yourself back from the brink.
  20. ...a casual observation my part. I genuinely do not recall seeing an 18 stone geriatric, though I've come across morbidly obese individuals on mobility scooters, for reason in Morrisons supermarkets yet rarely in Tesco's et al. Perhaps I should make a tour of Floridian retirement homes or the local Darby & Joan's down your way...
  21. I think I've led an interesting a varied life but have yet to meet an 18 stone geriatric. No doubt having to push a reinforced zimmer frame may explain why someone who "works out" only walks several miles each week, but I digress. Salty is a rare phenomena - an extraordinary person who somehow manages to be uninteresting. He's overly defensive but then must of us are at some point but he relies too much on "no, you are" retorts. I utterly refute the xenophobia charge as The Corner accommodates nationalities from all points of the compass on which there has been little friction with the exception of the French but that's in the British DNA. I would go so far to say there are more negative comments about the Welsh than the USA. I generally ignore them though on one occasion I pulled someone who had crossed the line with regards to the Aberfan disaster. That said, the puntership, when not slagging each other off, spend more time bitching about the UK and the British mores of life both historical and contemporary. At the end of the day The Corner is a Brit-centric forum and irrespective of which country one visits, one does not slag off the country they are visiting. I have given Salty many pointers and hints on how to integrate but for reasons best known to himself he has chosen to ignore them. He either shapes up or ships out, and quickly.
  22. She has her work cut out in overturning the tory incumbent. Slightly deluded as well if she expects to be Health Secretary in a Liberal Democrat government.
  23. I think there is a minimum statutory requirement on how many hours of schooling a pupil must receive. How schools divi up the time is up to them, presumably after consulting with governors and parents.
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