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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Spooky...However, I'm not sure you're qualified to sneer due to your own past predilection for sock-puppetry and confused gender issues given you previously identified as a post teenage girl. Misappropriating your then girl-friend's image at the time only aggravated the circumstances of your guilt.
  2. I understand, give us a shout when you're ready.
  3. This year's Seasonal offering from me is quite appropriate given the circumstances prevalent at present. Its only one minute and 45 seconds long which will satisfy those with an attention deficit disorder and to those punters of a certain age, which let's face it, is most of you. Merry Christmas everybody!🎅
  4. Of course, it suits your narrative to spout out "rattled" especially when you haven't anything useful to say. It sorta explains why you used it 525 times at least. 🙄
  5. No VPN's and a verifiable email address.
  6. He certainly did, in return it was explained several times that the cause of his vexation was easily remedied, but it was more fun for him to run his mouth off instead. Still, it is what it is, so lets see who's next for the mob to shine their torches on and aim the pitchforks...
  7. No greater an annoying fuckwit than the "I told you so" merchant, Stubbs. Yes, you and a handful of fellow torchlight holders made more noise than necessary in between your need to harass and hound any other punter who wasn't flavour of the month. In point of fact some gentle nudging by the behavioural insights team had been taking place but clearly not fast enough for sensitive souls such as yourself. Well done.
  8. I'm not entirely convinced you're on-message, Decs.
  9. At least you answered my question, though probably not in the way you intended...
  10. Well, if I may answer your question with a question - seriously, how stupid are you? Its not an impertinent question given that your issues are easily remedied. Its not as if the mainly beta male-dominated, self-appointed committee members of the torchlight and pitchfork mob haven't been so advised many times before. Stop Feeding The Troll. How many times have we witnessed an up-his-own-arse twat making a grand announcement that they have "blocked" a punter only for him/her to comment a few days later with the spurious "I just happened to visit the site as a guest and I noticed that [name of blocked punter] has been name-dropping me. Its a good thing I can't read the dross 'cos I've blocked him/her". Ridiculous.
  11. Its noted that aside from this thread, the only nom you proposed in the last twelve months was "Cunts who swing their arms while walking" a highly relevant and contemporary social issue of our times. Whilst I have some sympathy with the broad thrust in what you have to say I would point out that there have been plenty of noms and discourse discussing the "fairly interesting times". It had got to the stage that UK citizens were becoming fatigued with a dominating issue that ordinarily should have been put to bed some years ago. This partially explains the electoral rout that took place last Thursday and possibly with the amount of superficial noms that have been appearing of late.
  12. The last thing the UK wants is to effectively become a one party state. One has only to look at the pig's ear the SNP is making with the day job of running Scotland.
  13. Well, they wont like it but Arleen, Sammy and Sturgeon aren't top of Boris' considerations. He'd be more concerned about the enemy within and with consolidating his and the Conservative Party's position with the new batch of Tory MP's representing constituents from the former Labour heartlands. It will be interesting what he does with the extreme right of the party as well. JRM is now surplus to requirements given that Bercow has been replaced by the no-nonsense and capable Sir Lindsay Hoyle who will be keen to de-politicise the Speaker's role. That said, Boris may wish to muzzle JRM, a leading advocate of the ERG, by keeping him in the fold. We'll see...
  14. Good result for political karma last night. The main lesson for parliamentarians is that if you are going to ignore the democratic will of the people then the same democratic process is going to separate you from your political career. Two other lessons; the PLP should avoid skewiffing the leadership nomination process and Labour should have learnt from the disaster of Michael Foot, more so as these days the vast majority of working class voters pay tax and would be appalled at a party offering free money and stuff which ultimately would have to be paid for by the same people who traditionally vote for them.
  15. How it works is this, Govt raises taxes to pay for stuff, roads & infrastructure, defence & policing, health and social care - that sort of thing. £762 billion was spent on England, Wales & Scotland leaving £10 billion to be spent on NI. Nevertheless, Scotland, Wales & NI receive more per head than England.
  16. A bit disingenuous there, Panzy. Total UK Govt spending was £772 billion (2016-2017) of which 10 £billion went to NI. Still more per head than the rest of the UK but to call it a £10 billion "subsidy" is stretching it to say the least.
  17. Probably a good idea if some of you drama queens settle down... Strange, someone alludes to the starving to death of underclass children and not peep from anyone. Allude to unproven noncing enabling and the usual virtue signallers switch on the manufactured outrage.
  18. @Major Cunt, for someone who is quick to call others as "thick" or to address someone as "simpleton" you really are dumb as a bag of rocks. I sent you a PM advising you to cease a line of attack on another punter. Not only did you PM me back rejecting my request, you went on to post this bollox; After your return from the cooler in fourteen days time I suggest you keep your gargantuan ego in check as it is writing cheques that your intellect cannot cash. I would also suggest you cease swaggering around the forum as if you are one of the site's big beasts. You make a lot of recycled noise for someone who is pretty low down the food chain.
  19. That won't be necessary. I've just actioned the last cull for this year. Twenty stillborn and deceased accounts have been shovelled into The Corner's ovens plus one live one - yours. Sorry, but I did warn you nearly a fortnight ago and to be fair you did sharpen up your act but have regressed this past couple of days. Don't take this personally, but I think you are cerebrally challenged and whilst we are happy to accommodate a spectrum of intellects we have our limits.
  20. No, but you're playing the guilt by association game. Cease and desist please.
  21. Mrs Roops


    Indeed, if only you had learnt to read accurately, otherwise you might have obtained a few of the the glittering prizes I've attained thus far...
  22. Mrs Roops


    I've just flown in after being exceptionally busy for the past few days in Edinburgh, a fine city with plenty going on. Having made a quick perusal of the past few day's discourse I must say I'm disappointed. Some punters who should know better can expect an arse kicking... @Decimus® & @Wolfie are coolered for Rule 13 violation, @Major Cunt for Rule 12, all three are off site for 48 hours.
  23. We'll file that under "hedging all your bets".
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