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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    It says something when I have to give advice on best socialist practice. Go to a bank or post office branch where they have manned counters. Naturally you won't as you are one of those pseudo socialist virtue-signallers who shout a lot but does nothing.
  2. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Wot? Rebel without a clue and man-of-the people judgetwi using an ATM? The horror. Surely the brothers & sisters should be giving you severe coshing for using the running dog capitalist's machinery at the expense of a bank-teller's job? Capitalist lickspittle.
  3. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    I agree, its usually men who cause hold ups at self service tills 'cos most of them don't understand the process mechanics. Always, always they unload the trolley contents onto the conveyor belt whereas its far quicker to scan directly from the trolley and straight into the bag, that is if they even do that - more often than not they then spend time loading the purchases from the bagging area into bags after they paid. I gave up explaining time and motion tips to male shoppers when one middle-aged gammon had the temerity to ask "what would a housewife know anyway?" Cue a metaphorical gonad kicking when I replied, "enough to save you and the next in queue five minutes of time. Next time you're allowed out without an appropriate adult use a manned checkout till". Much smirking and sniggering from a lady on the adjacent till, who turned out to be the git's wife who silently mouthed "thank you" to me.
  4. Clearly, you've yet to meet the woman who can turn you.
  5. Hope those were dried flowers otherwise the it would have collapsed in a heap of rust by the end of the photoshoot.
  6. As much as you like to deflect, this conversation isn't about me. Its about your naïve, possibly Neanderthal attitudes. Its easy taking an analytical stance when alone with your keyboard but the reality is somewhat different. Remember, these women found themselves with a charismatic man who had immense influence and control over the levers of power. We've all witnessed how powerful people have got away doing bad stuff mainly due to institutional indifference and cowardice. Easy options were taken by people who should've taken difficult but correct decisions.
  7. I've noticed you've been mentioning rape quite often. You seem obsessed by it. Yes?
  8. Neat, deflection with victim shaming. You seem a bit coy as to what goes on at the Little Vic despite your knowledge of Stroud Valleys' watering holes. Any reason for feigning ignorance?
  9. At least your comments weren't as crass as your "women love being raped" posts. Unreported crime figures are drawn from ONS crime surveys so this hardly falls under your cop-out of fake news.
  10. Many apologies Stubs, I should've taken into account the possibility that you've attended the court hearings thus far... Incidentally, who is "we" as in "We all know a lot of these women in politics have big egos and ambitions and, like actresses, will fuck their way to the top"? How do "we" know this? Clearly you are privy to details that are denied to the rest of us. Setting aside the diatribe straight out the misogynist's handbook, I do hope you're not accosted outside Stroud's Little Vic by a builder who calls you "Doreen" on account of your middle-aged soy boy demeanour and then proceeds to enlarge your round brown to diametrical dimensions that you would not think possible. Then lets see if you're happy to discuss your feelings of disgust, shame and degradation with Mrs Stubbs, let alone submit to a medical examination knowing that intimate images will be shared by twelve jurors and countless officers of the court, police, prosecution and defence teams. Then reflect why so few rapes are reported though that's half the problem. The other half are bigoted arses like yourself.
  11. Sounds like you're letting your imagination run away with you...
  12. Mrs Roops

    BREXIT Part XI

    Do you know what a book is?
  13. Mrs Roops

    BREXIT Part XI

    If this was Germany, you would probably be first to join the Brown Shirts - yes, you are that dumb, roll on the night of the long knives!
  14. Mrs Roops

    BREXIT Part XI

    So no news on your shares then... Anyway, do you remember immediately after the referendum, Remainers were complaining that there should be a second vote as Leavers were too thick to understand the issues? They had retards like you in mind. FTR I've been fighting the BREXIT cause from day one on this forum. I think I was effective in my advocacy but the job was made more difficult by brain dead twats like you who simply churned out Daily Express headlines without fully understanding the issues. Your ignorance and stupidity hindered rather than helped the pro-BREXIT case. Re-read my last post and understand what I said rather than what you think I said. Incidentally, "state aid" is a euphemism for the Corbinite mantra of renationalisation and other free stuff. If you think BREXIT paves the way for taxpayers propping up failing industries then you deserve to be thoroughly rinsed by all the financial scam artists.
  15. ...but if they can write their names, they're qualified to wear a gay looking hi-viz SIA arm-band and stand outside doors.
  16. You couldn't be more wrong.
  17. ...beyond your comprehension.
  18. Mrs Roops

    BREXIT Part XI

    Indeed, unintentionally hilarious. One of the reasons for leaving the EU was to free the UK from the protectionist policies that was strangling trade with the rest of the world resulting in the trading block recording the lowest growth of all the worlds trading blocs. I don't think the more cerebral advocates of BREXIT had replacing EU with home grown protectionism in mind. Trade war protectionist policies and tariffs has always been bad news for all parties involved. Still, your reputation on all matters economic precedes you. How's your recently purchased Beecham's shares holding up by the way?
  19. Let's be clear about this - for merely providing a link that refutes your assertion, you have deduced that I have never been anywhere near a physics or chemistry class. You must be a clairvoyant. I am indeed aware that the commission's report fell short on the issues of American security and intelligence and also with the culpability of several FAA top brass but none this provides sufficient evidence to prove anything. At present we have another punter who is adamant that 9/11 was a home based plot to cover up a $2.3 trillion Defense (sic) Department embezzlement crime and now you with a theory that the Twin Tower disaster was perpetrated to facilitate a massive short selling position. The two of you should argue this out, the winner winning the Bacofoil Trophy, or maybe the Mystic Meg prize for objective analysis.
  20. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/put-paid/
  21. You sure about this, Panz? There was a William Shockley who was one of the founding fathers of the Silicon Valley industries and he did have some controversial views on eugenics and race, but he was a Nobel prize-winning physicist and engineer who did research into solid state circuitry. I wouldn't have thought he would be involved or even qualified to set IQ tests and analyse the results.
  22. The Aryan master race blindly sleepwalked into their own nation's destruction on the words of a Austrian corporal.
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