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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Hold on, until now you said you trawled though "scholarly articles" authored by people who had been previously peer-reviewed on similar subjects. Once that became obvious it would be impossible to undertake such a labour-intensive task (despite the algorithm and the non-existent protocols) you've suddenly changed the parameters to include 100 English & Spanish speaking newspapers (and hardly scholarly) the monitoring of which is also highly labour-intensive . You mention 500 university feeds and 30 top English/Spanish journals. I'll be charitable and say that even if your nonsense is kosher then your premise infers that there is a single malevolent force responsible for deleting items that do not fit a narrative which is dependent on thousands of people colluding on the act, including countless media proprietors, Journalists (who are notoriously precious about pulled copy) scientists, researchers (more on that in a minute), scientific search engines (yes they exist, yet no mention of them from you) all of them a peep of protest there came none. Then there are the political science graduates researching for their PhD's (due to the UK PhD grant system, they are not on furlough and are still working at various university political science depts) who I assure you, have access to and maintain massive data-sets measured in gigabytes monitoring political bias, basicaly doing the same job that you purport to do. Strangely, not a word from them either. Clearly you cherry-pick articles that suit whatever agenda has over-ruled any vestiges of common-sense you may have. The rest of what you say is...fanciful and that's putting it politely.
  2. Its true both counties are heavily populated with an abundant supply of cheap labour but after that its like comparing apples and pears. China is an authoritarian state that decided to fully embrace free markets at the turn of the century and set aside land and created the necessary engineering and social infrastructure to facilitate that. Expect another shot in the arm as earlier this year the Chinese govt have finally relaxed rules regarding foreign ownership of banks, financial & futures traders and legal services. India OTOH is a country of semi-autonomous states, holds democratic principles (under threat by Hindu fundamentalists) and has a developed but laboriously slow legal system founded on British principles, notwithstanding the "village courts" presided by village elders. One aspect holding back industrial development was that it was as late as 2015 when laws were relaxed which allowed foreigners to own more than 49% of businesses so expect a massive industrial expansion in the next few years.
  3. My local Morrisons had them on the shelves yesterday, but I managed to liberate a couple of 500 ml bags (for wall mounted units) from a janitorial supplies store at a factory unit belonging to my employers. It was just a question of syphoning the stuff into an empty 50 ml Carex bottle. Call it one of the perks of Head Office privilege.
  4. I only found this out whilst sorting a supply issue on other items. The only PPE I carry whilst out and about is a small bottle of hand sanitiser, otherwise a curt "back off mate" usually suffice.
  5. That's still a rip-off price, also China is restricting all exports presently so only small amounts available for UK e-traders and personal use. Purchase same by the pallet or container load then its 8-9 weeks on the water. The Range, fully embracing price gouging are selling a box of 50 paper masks at £59.99. OTOH, go to the Indian owned, Dubai based Hot-Pack and one can source 20 boxes of 50 (i.e 1000 masks) 3-ply masks for £13.50 all in (though costs of transport from port need to be added), 25 days on the water. Usually best to buy by the container to maximise cost savings. I only found this out whilst sorting out a supply issue on other items.
  6. Well I'm sorta impressed with your intermediate knowledge of the Python programming language but it begs the question why you bought Yahoo into this. As any fule kno Yahoo is simply a web portal powered by Bing which renders your 363 deleted "scholarly articles" as wholly inaccurate, but hey, you're the expert. It might be an idea to use DuckDuckGo as the control base given their philosophy is still in tune with Google's founding mission statement. Then there are the protocols or rather the lack of them. How many articles did you screen for caveats and the date of data extrapolated? In fact how many articles did you screen in total or did you simply feed pieces that agreed with your narrative into your Heath Robinson algorithm? Did you screen the authors of deleted articles for content that updated data and corrected previous summaries bearing in mind that covid-19 is a new disease the effect on humans has yet to still be fully understood. My understanding of Covid-19 changes almost daily basis rendering previous findings as interim at best and redundant at worst. Given the situation its no surprise that some "scholarly articles" have to be revised. Conspiracy theories always seem to be overly complicated affairs requiring literally thousands of actors intent on planned and coordinated nefarious activity. No-one seems to be able to explain this.
  7. Still joining random dots that fit your narrative then?. Naturally China's economic growth from 2000 has nothing to do with China reversing decades of communist dogma in allowing privately owned free market enterprise in 1999. Actually Covid contains a similar protein spike RNA within the fat membrane. That said, the research you allude to is one of several hundred studies being looked into as it is the spike that contains "similar" RNA to other treatable SARS type viruses and is one of many strands that need looking into. Contrary to your assertion "every cunt" does not test positive as such tests look at a multiple of markers. Whilst I have your attention, please tell me how do you regulate temperature in your privately owned server farm? I mean you would need one to determine that 363 "scholarly articles" out of tens of thousands have been removed, right? In fact was is your protocol in determining what constitutes a "scholarly article"? Does a "scholarly article" include Barry Gusset posting on Reddit that his mate's sister's boyfriend knows a laboratory orderly who overheard a suspicious conversation about "keeping it under wraps"? In view of the fast-changing scientific knowledge and analysis of covid-19, have you determined if content was removed and replaced by updated articles? If indeed there is a central body deleting uncomfortable truths then who is doing it and how?
  8. For once I slightly agree with you. @Roadkill has already alluded to this but China's attitude to public information regarding the virus is eerily similar to the way the USSR handled the Chernobyl disaster. Initially the local communist party tried to keep Moscow in the dark as to the true extent of the problem. The scale of the problem meant that the politburo took control of situation which was so large that they had to inform not only its own citizens but also the rest of the world. Premier Gorbachev would later ruefully state that it wasn't the cold war or the masses clamouring for democracy that did in the USSR, it was Chernobyl. Soviet Citizens finally twigged that Russia wasn't the technological behemoth that soviet propaganda had made it out to be, it also laid bare the culture of official secrecy and inefficiency. So, will the same constitutional sea-change happen to China? That remains a possibility rather than a probability.
  9. Gosh, six likes, eh? Well now, knowing how likes are the gold standard of validation I sought out your article expecting a profound post replete with pithy comment and original thought. Far from sounding a level 6 warning alert it barely registered a ho-hum. In fact I'm surprised the site's owners did not invoice you for wantonly wasting bandwidth and server space as not only have all your issues been raised previously they also had been addressed and rebutted.
  10. "Forget it Jake, Its Chinatown" Last line in Polanski's 1974 film I appreciate you have the intellect, attention span and memory of a lobotomised mayfly but I was commenting on this aspect long before it became mainstream news, --o0o-- One month later, has my opinion changed? Not much. There is strong credible evidence that patient zero contracted the disease from the Wuhan wet market. There is no doubt that the Chinese hoped to suppress news on the virus and I suspect it took someone like Maj-Gen Wei to advise the befuddled Communist Party ideologues that there was no way that they would be able to sit on this - the virus was out of control, moreover it would have spread world-wide. The advisor would have suggested to just come clean and tell the world everything they know about the virus which will go some way to mitigate reputational damage. I guess no one will ever know how Coronavirus started, not least the Chinese leadership themselves. Its Chinatown...
  11. A small three inch spice bottle is sufficient, I've always found that neutered punters' testes to be the size of a two small dried peas. The wire shelving is useful for drying scalps though.
  12. I'm well aware. To be fair more often than not the average plod isn't up to speed with the law due to the short time on training. Reaching in a car and grabbing for the keys on a traffic stop is strictly illegal unless they can articulate a reasonable suspicion for doing so. To be fair most plods haven't had the necessary legal training, though a few plods act because they can't control their blue ego. Fortunately, most desk and custody sergeants, mindful of law suites, refuse to go along with such nonsense and instruct the arresting plod to return the arrested person to where they were arrested. Forget "wash your hands" more important is follow the following rules. 1/ Do not talk to the police if encountered. 2/ The plod is not your friend especially during "consensual conversation". 3/ Think Blue Isis - they are the true sovereign citizens.
  13. Did have, now we drive these little beauties - great for hoarding for the greater good.
  14. If they are doing that on the street, then without a warrant that is illegal search and seizure. One thing the plod does is conflate public order acts with other legislation.
  15. "Lucille is thirsty". On a completely random note, with all this extra time available to binge on Netflix and Amazon Prime, many communities e.g. Alexandria, Hilltop as well as some isolated stores and households all shop at Ikea and have purchased the excellent Omar two shelf sections. Dead chuffed as we bought two of these for the larder.
  16. Most informed commentators will agree that Gordon Brown's temperament was wholly unsuitable for the office of Prime Minister. However history will judge him as a politician with great foresight. Firstly, as Chancellor, he resolutely squared up to Tony Blair and the multi-party Europhiles by refusing to sign the country into the Eurozone and also he was the architect for banking recapitalisation which was adopted by the G 20 nations post- 2008 banking collapse. The beauty of FIAT currencies is that after the dust and microbes have settled, the same group will no doubt transfer debt into an IMF post Coronavirus-crisis fund along the same lines thereby shoring up each country's balance sheet.
  17. Yep, now is not the time to play the international blame game. Governments need to concentrate on dealing with the virus and are dependant on each other for sharing data and cadging/hustling for appropriate supplies. Most govts understand this with the notable exception of the Orangeman who is desperate to shore up his debit points behind a blame wall.
  18. One doesn't have to imagine it, its been happening in the UK for some time, mainly by commercial interests, sometimes by law enforcement agencies.
  19. Not interested as I assume the cake you look for is the variety where you can have and eat it at the same time.
  20. Pompous arse. Be careful for what you wish for...
  21. Pejorative and clichéd statements about Wales and the Welsh are posted more times in a month than you've lost teeth.
  22. Marvellous. Trash talk between the Noble North and the Stately South is as old as the hills. That said @stoolstabber5000, you don't help your case by making ridiculous assertions, more so when you randomly hijack a thread by attempting to score points. OTOH, there is nothing more unedifying than a bunch of hysterical middle-aged men behaving like 12 year old schoolboys on a gang-like mission. Attempts to rile a punter into getting himself banned are not only transparently obvious they also, ironically, resulted in the perps being suspended by their own choice of words. Calm down people.
  23. I advised you last September to cease pinning a target on your back. Stop self-rattling.
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