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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Hey, you get to decide who enters an over-hyped drinking dive. Importance is relative.
  2. Identified clinical risk groups are pretty much the same. For all your "fact" interjections you are in fact er… fact-averse. I would suggest you desist from the bar-fly soliloquizing but one can't fix stupid...
  3. The irony is that when the furlough money runs out it will be someone like me who consigns you to the rubbish tip. Normally I feel dreadful when that happens but in your case...well, the word schadenfreude springs to mind...
  4. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Like hell it does...Jeez I'm talking to a 12 year old.
  5. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Which rule have I broken then? Presumably you had the common sense to check before shooting off your retard mouth.
  6. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Well, you bought your brother and cousin into the mix, did you not?
  7. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    More likely the former. Stubbs, behind the large voice is a diminutive man clutching a small stick who for reasons best known to himself is involved with the minutiae and management of The Corner usually to further whatever vendetta he has currently going. At the time of you bawling instructions into your echo chamber the erroreptile404 account had been inactive for at least three months before Stoolstabber appeared. In all probability I would have completed a cursory check on the latter's IP and found no match, certainly there was no simultaneous posting from both accounts. In the grand scheme of things it was no biggie worth expending any further time and energy as there was no attempt at sock puppetry. Stop being a diva.
  8. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Cheers, I'll give it a go after I've finished this,
  9. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Please, persuaded by tin foil logic, cajoled into criminality by family, used as cannon fodder by a manipulative punter - like I said, a useful idiot.
  10. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    This pash you have for Decs is pretty serious considering your unswerving loyalty to play his useful idiot...
  11. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    I can only reiterate, we're not here to take down punters just because you don't like them. In any case just think how empty your life would be if you had no-one to pick on.
  12. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    In fact the majority of registrations are declined. Our vetting systems work pretty well but to take it to the level you suggest would increase the workload tenfold. The Corner after all is a small niche website - we're not vetting applicants to join GCHQ.
  13. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    We just can't pass judgement on writing analysis - just as well on looking back on past experience.
  14. Six "redbrick" uni's are also part of the Russell Group. There was a time when the sons of landed gentry who were considered too dim for the professions were sent to agri college, Lloyds of London or the armed services.
  15. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Its just as well we don't act on a few posts made by an individual or the countless accusations of multi-ID's and doxing otherwise the site would be left with five punters as 98% of suspicions are based on no more than poorly thought out paranoid hunches. People should avoid trying to manage the site purely on their own personal dislikes and likes.
  16. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Having removed your account I wasn't too surprised to see that you have since made two attempts in as many days to register a membership to The Corner. You were sorta banned so I do not expect to see another application until the 2nd June. Any further attempt to sneak in will double the expulsion period. Edit Just to pile on the misery and humiliation I did some hard-core forensic stuff for fun and I found that you and erroreptile404 were indeed the same.
  17. Wait, what? Holidays at Los Roques and now this - what happened to your disdain of the latte drinking middle-classes? Do you buy your hand sanitiser from M&S at £11.00 a pop?
  18. He's neither sad nor bitter, just bored as he has wealth and just wanders aimlessly around Europe (pre-covid). In his day, Frank was the master of the subversive comment, the problem was that it went over most people's heads hence the repetitive Rocky vid and showcasing his non-existent musicianship.
  19. Not my call as I was not the Admin/mod who put him in the cooler.
  20. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    After asking to be deleted our friend is now lurking and looking through the windows. 🤷‍♀️
  21. C-section, I think there's a piccy of it somewhere.
  22. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Well, he's a brainy guy but he won't have backups of The Corner back office.
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