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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Nope, never happened, or at least the way you recount it. The problem Eric is that people like you bitch about "libtards" suppressing opinion and sticking their fingers in ears yet here you are doing the same thing by spewing out fatuous irrelevances which allude to being middle class and white. It seems you can make your racist PoV's but others may not volunteer counter arguments. Sounds like hypocrisy and self-entitlement.
  2. Well, Grand Wizard Cuntman, the way you've been carrying on, one would have thought you were the new oppressed minority. No matter, read my previous post.
  3. Its happened to me so personally its a very big deal. You're right in one sense but there is widespread abuse of police powers and most victims do not have the wherewithal or resources to complain. Unfortunately for the Met they've appear to have targeted an innocent party who not only has a degree of public interest clout and but is also not prepared to let this slide.
  4. It'll be interesting if concerned parties secure the plods' bodycam footage by way of a Subject Access Request. Its been alleged that an officer said to Ms Williams partner, "I smell cannabis" purely for the benefit of the bodycam in justifying "reasonable suspicion" though that wouldn't explain why the couple's Merc was stopped in the first place.
  5. Despite your anthology of half-truths and half-baked spin the GoP still has thirty million party members - the way you put it one would be forgiven in thinking Republican members would have gone into hiding and buried all the MAG hats in secret locations.
  6. Indeed. How dare a black couple make a vulgar display of their "financial rewards" whilst poor white trash look enviously on. The Met are fucked and they know it. Commisioner Dick stepped in when it became apparent that the Met's original spin of, "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" simply made matters worse. Even the initial probable cause given by "police sources" is confused. One source says "driving against a one way street" whilst another says "driving on the wrong side of the road". In fact a police sergent at the scene gives neither as a probable cause. Instead the officer cites S 1 of PACE which indeed gives probable cause to stop any "person or vehicle" to search for "stolen or prohibited articles". Unfortunately most plods ignore S 1 (3) which unequivocally states that, "This section does not give a constable power to search a person or vehicle or anything in or on a vehicle unless he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that he will find stolen or prohibited articles". Setting aside the legality of the officers' behaviour there is also the aggravating circumstance of an innocent couple being dragged out of the car, being separated from their 3 month old child and handcuffed as a dozen plods wearing tactical vests and armed with batons, pava spray and tasers were in fear of their safety. A classic case of driving whilst black.
  7. The USA has always avoided buying large items of military kit from abroad. Notable exceptions were the Rolls Royce Merlin engine, The English Electric Canberra and the Hawker Siddeley Harrier which outclassed anything comparable that the Americans had at the time. The Pentagon got round procurement issues by having them built in the USA under licence.
  8. Voting in the USA is by way of secret ballot so its not entirely clear how you could make such an assertion.
  9. Yes, up to a point, but I have had many run-ins with police whilst dealing with fox-hunters. The shortest time I had handcuffs on was literally twenty seconds when an inspector who knew me well rushed over, had me de-arrested and apologised profusely. That case is still in litigation stage but it well never go to court as the police will settle for five grand (incl costs). The money isn't the issue. The lawsuit will be on the copper's record for life.
  10. Motorists are often directed to get in the back of the police car for a chat when in fact there is no legal requirement to do so.
  11. Bollox to that, from my own experience there are a sizeable minority of UK officers who regard themselves as public supervisors rather than the crown servants who swore an of oath of attestation before a Justice of the Peace. Whether by design or fault officers often misunderstand and conflate ss 163, 164 & 165 of the Road Traffic Act and s 5 of the Public Order Act.
  12. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    I'd say you've extrapolated the figures from Macrotrends which in turn sourced same from the UN World Population Prospects. For reasons only known to yourself a red-bordered caveat above the chart stressed that... ...is omitted. I'm sure this was just an innocent oversight.
  13. You really are dumb as a bag of rocks...
  14. This was early t'internet days when the www was frontier territory and hardware was bought off the page. Whilst scams are done on an industrial scale these days, things are a bit calmer now.
  15. At least what cock I may or may not have had wasn't bought.
  16. That's a separate issue which befell DSMO (deceased). The Corner nearly got canned because some punters from "The Society of Cunts" (deceased) who were also CC punters would make pre-arranged visits to other forums (some bitch 'n' moan sites, more often innocent hobby and niche forum sites) and rip and vandalise the place apart in The Corner's name). James (the CC prop at the time) and I had to smooth things over and eventually we managed to get SoC closed down.
  17. I realise that. The lesson is that if a site is "civilised" then someone has gone to a lot of trouble to make it so. The Admin/mod is obviously experienced and knows what he/she is doing.
  18. You seemed bewildered as to why so many posts were deleted. I gave you words of advice. More seriously, The Corner had an issue where a small group of punters would arrange "tours" on other sites and vandalise the boards whilst inferring that their behaviour was officially CC instigated.
  19. Suffice to say, not Guns & Ammo, nor Market Street Trader. I also kno stuff about stuff.
  20. The clue is what you said a few days ago about the forum being more civilised and alluding to the relative absence of personal insults. That doesn't happen by itself - clearly they use a combine harvester to scythe through the discourse. Any newbies crashing through the doors waving their dicks around, resorting to unimaginative LCD insults "You're on the blob" is going to be shown the nearest exit. Then there was the cringeworthy simpering - "come to my house 'cos we have a secret board where we can be naughty and, and, and, and say ware words". The real facepalm issue is that Admins do not like new punters coming into their free-to-use facilities touting for punters. Pratts.
  21. A man who's prepared to humorously take the piss against himself obviously has confidence and is self-assured so one is at a loss as to why this "basically speaks volumes about [my] narcissism", but as you say, you're an idiot...
  22. Well, there's a surprise - what were you two thinking of?
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