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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Nevertheless on the balance of probabilities the wording was designed to be ambiguous. Even if that was not the case you've been reckless in your choice of words. Its been made clear on several occasions that with regards to Rules 12 & 13 any inferences, no matter how oblique, will not be viewed in a favourable light.
  2. Well, good luck with that. It appears you've reacted badly to my anthology of aphorisms given the way you've effectively employed the default retort of the feeble-minded. You do indeed rely on repeating the same stock phrases - "its none of my business" is one...yeah, its none of your business...but you'll stick your nose in anyway. Confused muggy cunt.
  3. No. You're obviously still confused... The politics of envy is an ugly, self-destructive trait, Judge. You're not honest about anything. The reality is you're a frightened, lonely old fart who from the anonymous comfort of your keyboard berates everyone else for not being as misanthropic as you. I suspect IRL you've endured a lifetime of being monstered or pussy-whipped either at work or at home (though probably both), ironically for being an ineffectual under-achiever. I think that about covers it...
  4. It would have been simpler to say, "cant think of a rebuttal, so I'll churn out some insults". With insults in mind, any other challenges from you and your coterie of cerebrally-challenged chums?
  5. I realise you're simply being loyal and that's to be commended. Kinda endearing really. Nevertheless, the story is true.
  6. Billy, I previously said that you were a trier. You babble a lot but say nothing of any use or spout out utter nonsense based on what you think you know. On the 24th January 2015, police responded to a call from the Flint and Denbigh Hunt who complained of an assault by a member of the Welsh Border Hunt Saboteurs. The WBHS in turn alleged that one of their group had been assaulted by a hunt supporter. As was usually the case in those days, the officer in charge, Sgt Neil Stringfellow, sided with the hunt and said that dispersal order had been signed by an inspector and that the sabs were given a "lawful order" to leave forthwith. Later that day Sgt Stringfellow arrested a sab for assault and breach of the Dispersal Order. A sharp-eyed hunt monitor noticed that Sgt Stringfellow had made a note on the dispersal order and advised him that his actions were illegal and requested that an inspector be summoned. Stringfellow ignored the hunt monitor. Long story short; the hunt saboteur was found not guilty as Stringfellow had altered the dispersal order by bringing it forward by one day. Stringellow was investigated but resigned and so avoided disciplinary action. In March 2019, The Hunt saboteur was awarded £4,500 in an out of court settlement. All this is at variance with your alleged experience in such matters. Yet again you've confirmed your idiocy. Incidentally the IPCC was disbanded more than two years ago and replaced by the IOPC. Jeez, debating on The Corner used to be tricky at times, now its just a turkey shoot...
  7. Yeah, keep on trotting out the forum's most tired and oft-used cliché when you have no-where else to go.
  8. One thing I've noticed is that most punters who post about a sport enthuse about the technicalities of the game and its leading personalities be it football, snooker, cricket, even darts. You don't. Forgive me but I suspect the closest you've come to playing golf is putting the ball through a model windmill. As for the rest of your unmitigated bollox, fox-hunters are a law unto themselves who hunt for the thrill of the chase and watching the needless slaughter of a wild animal. They sell themselves as "conservationists" yet most country folk consider them as rural vandals. The excuse of "pest and vermin control" does not bear much scrutiny these days either. As for the risible notion that hunts "cherish" their animals, I'll tell you now that nothing can be further from the truth. Hound pups are dispatched if they do not make the grade and any injured hounds meet a similar fate. There is no retirement plan for hounds other than the shotgun and firepit. Furthermore, hunt third-line ranks are traditionally called "whippers-in" for a reason. You clearly know jack about the life that you purport to come from.
  9. Of course there is. You're still doing it. You can't hack the argument so you deflect by petulantly lashing out in your quoted and subsequent post alluding to drunkenness, gold digging and infidelity - anything to get away from the realisation that you're a bigoted, corrupt dick who self-validates on his like collection. Sad little man.
  10. Gotcha indeed. As I said, always confused....usually with a stupid grin on your muggy face.
  11. Corrected, but you understood anyway. Never mind - deflection attempt noted.
  12. Because you asked. I take your point but there again no-one was interested when you told all what you had eaten the previous night. Every night.
  13. I like the way you downplay your shakedowns as collecting "a bit of hash" when its more likely to be something else either in pill, tab or powder - all of which you "resell" with no idea of the purity or content of the substances you pass on for a few quid. No matter, no-one likes a dirty cop even a pretend one such as yourself. When pushed you can be quite the nasty piece of work, given the way you've weaponised my family for the sake of cheap scoring points. I wonder what melt-down would ensue If I did the same to you?
  14. Aside from the perverts bit (of which you seem to be obsessed about), that's a pretty accurate description of the sabbing community a couple of decades ago. These days its a lot different, but if you were a genuine toff you would know that.
  15. You must have googled that. Yes, the Dave Spart, The Sixth Form and Allied Trades convenor. Often confused and clearly has no idea about anything. Always speaking on behalf of the down-trodden man. How's The Corner's victim in residence keeping tonight?
  16. The world is full of contradictions and idiosyncrasies. That said I'm not vegetarian/vegan, in fact I'm a sucker for fast food though I draw the line at kebab shops. Neither am I a card-carrying PETA member. Twenty odd years ago I witnessed a pack of hounds from the Beaufort Hunt rip a fox to pieces. It was one of the very rare occasions I was reduced to tears. Furthermore the hunt supporters almost seemed they were turned by the spectacle. I was surprised by my own reaction as I had been to bull-fights in Malaga which I thought was a bit grim but this was on another level. I was pleased that the 2004 Hunting Act was passed and naively thought, "good, no more foxhunting". When it was clear that arrogant nobs in red jackets were openly flouting the law and getting away with it on account of a few agreeable meals with the Chief Constable I was incensed and resolved to do something about it. I have nothing against hunting so long as the hunter is prepared to eat what he kills.
  17. No, I meant Spartist. I think you meant Spartacist, not Spartakist. Klot.
  18. Poor Billy, you're a tryer, I'll give you that. Indeed, countless people are de-arrested every day. In the vast majority of cases Crown Immunity kicks in where a genuine error or an incorrect judgement call has been made or a clearer idea emerges over who did what. However such immunity is not afforded when an officer deliberately and knowingly detains and arrests a person as a retaliatory measure for no other reason other than an inability to keep the blue ego in check. In the Bianca Williams case I suspect her solicitors will be questioning the legitimacy of racial profiling given the confused explanations by the police as to why the stop was instigated in the first place. By all accounts the officers concerned had thrown the Met's Operational & Procedure handbook in the bin. We'll see.
  19. Doubling down with baseless assumptions? How very Spartist.
  20. Its worse that that, he made his pile working in the world of "smart" munitions but became seriously minted upon inheritance. Which was more than nice. Given that you make light of confiscating illicit substances for reselling in your capacity as a rent-a-cop and your predilection for faux bonhomie to garner "likes" I wonder who is the greater whore?
  21. The beauty of bigotry is that it transcends all classes and races...
  22. Given your notoriety as The Corner's wettest whinger who habitually wears two large targets fore and aft in order to confirm a self-fulfilling prophecy of victimhood your statement is incongruous to say the least. In answer to your question I have zero interest in football and the only matches I've attended was out of motherly love and duty when my then seven year-old twins were, thankfully for a short while, members of a junior football club. I think most other parents were likeminded but you gotta do what you gotta do. As for the handcuffing incident, my release had nothing to do with class entitlement and everything to do with a young police inspector covering his arse. He and I had clashed before and he knew that I knew that his foot-soldier had made not only an illegal detention but also an illegal arrest and that the police were in lawsuit territory. Mindful that he was the on-site Bronze commander and that the shit was going to hit his taxpayer-funded fan he had to mitigate as much as possible to protect his career. Never mind, carry on being the ineffectual class warrior with out a clue. Muggy cunt.
  23. ...such is the power of Trump toxicity.
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