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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Absolutely. You're a high volume, low margin vendor with a loyalty card for likes.
  2. Seems to me, you jumped into the play-pen and picked up the rattle from the outset. Clearly you had no rebuttals of note.
  3. ...but not Eric Cuntman as Quality Control would never allow such a broken, dysfunctional aberration to leave the factory.
  4. Well, Quickspurt, this wasn't about which image was "best". As my post intimates (that is, if you'd actually read it) it was about taking different approaches and how one can add tone, mood and above all, emotion to a bog-standard travelogue picture. That said, I appreciate such subjective constructs must be difficult to fathom for an "aerospace engineer" who's sole function is to operate a control panel with just one lever. Incidentally, why is it that you're never the first to put your head above the parapet? It seems you only venture out with the mediocrity massive.
  5. A rather hysterical reaction from someone who, not for the first time, has not thought things through. I made it clear that my image was a quick and dirty post-production treatment of someone else's photograph. In fact I spent all of thirty seconds messing around with it. The amended image was by way of example on how I would approach the taking of an image to convey a story. As for your stellar insight that its obviously fake because its not what the eye records I would point out that the vast majority of award winning photography is "not what the eye records". Take it to a baser level I guess in your book a black and white photo is fake because "its not what the eye records". Photography is not only used to provide an objective confirmation of events or for illustrative purposes to instruct you on how to change a cylinder head gasket as shown in your Haynes manual, its also a subjective art form. You should calm down...
  6. So you stumbled across an old FT article that fitted with your own myopic narrative. The trouble is two days later the very same paper published this article. Basically the article said, "remember what we published two days ago? Well, that was bollocks". Doc, its not us who you need to convince that you made the right decision to up sticks and relocate...its you.
  7. Thanks for that. I like my pics to tell a story or convey a message. By doing a quick and dirty processing job on one of the images I'll explain. Firstly I would have shot on a 1:1 format so there is nothing to distract the viewer. A combination of sharpening some detail and reducing the image saturation would accentuate the decay on the boats and the jetty wall. Slap on a "stormy clouds are gathering" either from my own or from freely available pre-sets would forewarn that tough times lie ahead. See what I mean below... Ideally, one could shoot the image with a slow shutter speed by using a neutral density filter which would make the water look silky smooth - a metaphor of decaying trawlers becalmed by the economic climate .
  8. Miserable philistine, Ms Maier was of French extraction too.
  9. Every national leader and his finance minister will apply the Covid excuse when explaining why a country's economy tanked. Obviously sterling was going to be subject to volatility given the UK was leaving a rigid closed shop that is the EU trading bloc and take advantage of trading with greater agility on the open world stage. The situation was made far worse due to the losing side using every trick in the book to frustrate the will of a democratically mandated instruction to leave.
  10. I assuming the lens is an EF and not EF-S otherwise there would be compatibility issues, not least making the A7 work with a 1.6 crop. Canon's nifty-fifty is on its third itineration and an excellent piece of glass it is too, considering the price.
  11. Ms Maier is one of those people I would liked to have met. Interesting she lost interest in filming people and gravitated to the abstract, looking at form, tone and texture.
  12. It appears I'll be flying in - time to be doing my stuff, then back to London. Shame, the old trawlers seemed intriguing. Are they berthed or beached?
  13. "Confessions of an Islamic Sex Therapist" (Urdu with English sub-titles) was my latest title but those days are long gone. Now I'm interested solely in stills photography - rural and urban landscapes, abandoned buildings, anything shabby chic and urban decay - talking of which, I'm up in your neck of the woods mid August.
  14. I've never understood why senior Tories continue to consider him for positions of influence. He's clearly not stupid but he was a disaster as Justice Secretary (Govt are still reversing his flagship Probation Service privatisation) and utterly ineffectual as Commons Leader and Transport Secretary. I guess he knows how to work the rubber chicken circuit.
  15. New The RP is the entry-level model in the Canon R range. I bought the camera as I wanted to move up to full frame mirrorless without giving up on my existing EF lenses. That said, 80% of my pics are shot through my Tamron 18-400 mm lens (which has IS). Its bonkers focal range seems to handle most of my needs.
  16. Never mind all that, Pen. I've just taken delivery of a Canon RP from London Camera Exchange, what do you think of that?
  17. Its worth noting that the site's most paranoid cry-baby is now playing the "I was only joking" card. Check your past discourse where you'll see you've been quite happy to make assumptions. Muggy hypocrite.
  18. Indeed - at £185 a pop from Harrod's - but there's only one person at the table so why are you carrying it?
  19. You are Dr Darren and I claim my fiver. "Nigger & "paki" are usually deleted from the discourse (E&OE) though on on some rare occasions they are left for contextual reasons. I think you are just trying to find fault for the sake of it.
  20. All things considered I think I have a balanced view on how the world works. No matter how much you try to put a gloss on it I can't think of any redeeming feature from a moral, practical, not to mention legal aspect, as to why shakedowns for personal profit by licensed door supervisors is any way acceptable.
  21. The reason why we have Rules12 &13 is primarily without same every second post would include a paedo accusation or familial abuse. We've been there before and it makes for tedious discourse, so trust me, we have the rules for a reason. Now, the site's owners could go full-on thought police and take out stuff you find offensive but then the site wouldn't be what it says on the tin. Why are you still here?
  22. @KingRollo, you seem harmless enough and whilst The Corner has room for the odd parody account I have to say I'd rather read Kieth Lard than put up with this infecting The CC Music Exchange as it isn't really the place to learn about the Kingdom of Rollo.
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