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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. He does sometimes make the odd salient point, his problem he tries to hard. As a mod, I've believe every little sapling need nurturing - you yourself have benefitted from my tender care when you were a sprouting seedling and look at you now, a mighty oak - but if the seedling turns into Japanese Knotweed, then I'll be first with the flame thrower.
  2. That's just trying to engineer circumstances to fulfil a prophecy. If he changes then give him a chance, if not then nature will take its course.
  3. Mrs Roops

    Mike Brewer

    Well, that's fine but the site's owners don't fancy paying m'learned colleagues to find out...unless you want to stump up, oh let's say £20k into an escrow account to cover possibilities? I thought not, so we'll stick to the far cheaper option of nipping "potentially libellous" content in the bud.
  4. Yeah obviously, yet it required an explanation from you but nice way to throw in a curved "last word"! I think I previously described you as my obsessive stalker and for good reason too, so my original stance of you acting surprised still stands.
  5. Mrs Roops

    Mike Brewer

    He needs to be careful - one of The Corner's proprietors has been known to approach punters and let off two barrels to the face without warning. Personally, I prefer the Arya method...
  6. Mrs Roops

    Mike Brewer

    We generally remove libellous comments and leave it at that as most people are not attuned to the ramifications of the UK's arcane libel laws. As far as I recall we've suspended an account where the punter repeated a previously deleted post and in another case where a libellous post was made as a retaliatory measure to bring The Corner to the attention of interested parties.
  7. Its been mentioned many times since. The moral of the story is to keep your idiot gob shut on subjects you now purport to know nothing about.
  8. Yeah, that was a typical Trump smoke and mirrors exercise. In a move that will reportedly cost "billions", US troops are being withdrawn from Germany ostensibly as a punishment for not maintaining the 2% GDP spend on defence. In fact the troops the troops will stay in Europe and will be be redeployed to Belgium and Italy where both countries pay even less on defence as a % of GDP.
  9. Herd immunity does not appear to have worked for Sweden and it was the UK's plan A, that is until events overtook themselves.
  10. I think you misunderstand what a "clinical trial" is. Determining each nation's success (or lack of it) in responding to covid-19 isn't going to be determined by clinical trials. The eventual answer will be from number crunching taking into account individual government directives and subsequent analysis of R rates and deaths. You ask a lot of questions which if answered will only result in a "riveting" comment. All I'll say is that if someone is infected with a contagious disease then best advice is you don't go near him or her. The problem is that there is no real time method of determining who is infected and who is not. Finally, the rationale in wearing a mask in public is not to protect you from others, it to protect others from you.
  11. Neither of those reasons are correct - no worries, you'll figure it out over time...that is if you're still around and haven't been hounded out by the puntership. I have to say the omens aren't looking good at present...
  12. Don't act surprised, its old news... As for the rest of your inaccurate bollox, I had a complete change of career twenty-five years ago which is not uncommon.
  13. Yeah, right...making up risible definitions to suit your argument and making baseless assumptions isn't going to help you when facts become inconvenient.
  14. If and when you remove your head from your arse you just might notice everyone on this site is "challenged" at some point and responds accordingly...
  15. Remembering my comments about The Corner being a broad church I must admit being mindful that my post might be too much for a semi-retired dead tree salesman and to those feeble-minded unfortunates who are easily led by sensationalist YouTube vids but then I was reminded of having to wade through your arrant nonsense in the OP, so no apologies.
  16. Well, this is now the second time where you've interjected with "a friend told me". In fact the French compare unfavourably to the British according to the World Health Organisation's DMFT index. I think you are a victim of the American stereotypical myth about British oral health not helped by TV programmes like Family Guy or the Austin Powers films which regularly portray the British having crooked teeth. Actually British dental health is better than the USA's as confirmed by this article in the American published Medicinenet.com, a consumer orientated medical website. Certainly the Americans spend more on cosmetic treatment which is a different matter altogether.
  17. All rather academic as I decided that dentistry, whilst well-remunerated, was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my working life. My boyfriend (who is now my hubby) used his connections and I joined a medical device manufacturer and aside from a stint as a business analyst have stayed within the hi-tech manufacturing sector ever since. I do take exception to your inferences on the standard of British dental training however. Even back in my day, graduates still had to undertake a year's post-graduate training and certification before being let loose on patients. These days British Uni medical schools issue DDS/DMD degrees but the graduates are still required to complete professional certification and supervised work before they can practise on their own. As for your much vaunted German, Scandinavian and American qualified dentists, they too are required to spend 1-2 years completing British certification and supervised work experience before they achieve the required "equivalence" to practise in the UK. "Ouch" indeed.
  18. I guess sometime in the past you wanted Andrew Wakefield to be your GP...
  19. Its nearly 25 years since I graduated with a BDS so I'm reasonably conversant on the subject. German citizens can receive a free check-up, a maximum of two minor fillings and a routine dental clean without charge. More involved but essential procedures (deep root canal, extractions etc) is on a co-payment basis, anything more is funded privately.
  20. I thought GW Bush (aided and abetted by a simpering T Blair) invaded Iraq on the wholly dishonest premise that S Hussein had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction and therefore presented a clear and present danger to the region and world order. As it turned out there was never any WND and the situation was made worse by the absence of a workable exit strategy leaving a power vacuum which ISIS used to their fullest advantage with the resulting shitstorm in The Levant
  21. Quacks and snake-oil salesmen touting universal elixirs is an old story, Billy. Strangely there seems little in the way of authoritative peer-reviewed data and analysis on the Covid 19 wonder-cure that you espouse. Do you think this due to a conspiracy by the medical and scientific community, mainstream media and the Democrats?
  22. Actually, German dental care and treatment is eerily similar to the British model.
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