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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. OK, the upgrade has been completed and so far no issues apparent. Its early days of course so any problems please address them in the "Bugs" board. Ta.
  2. ...and thank you for proving my point at an even greater breakneck speed!
  3. Nice bokeh, gotta be at least a nine-bladed aperture!
  4. Because the real Mr Deleted may well be an innocent party and he has the means to call m'learned friends should he take umbrage on having his name being dragged through The Corner.
  5. Billy's a butt-hurt obsessive who didn't like being schooled. You're a stalker.
  6. Red screen means the whole screen is red, something to be avoided but that's all moot now.
  7. That's mental arithmetic Billy, something you should sharpen up on. A year's income from hawking four pallets of xmas trees indeed.
  8. Good to know, still concerned about the red screen tho.
  9. The Audi was a basic 2WD soft roader sporting a no-cost option white coat job.
  10. Solicitors are drawing up a restraining order. I think he's only after my money.
  11. I'd thought his folly at Rodborough would have been enough.
  12. This is not the first time you've been following me around like a needy, yappy Jack Russel. Still, only 95 posting days till you start earning the annual salary...so that's another 95 days of you showing how you're not bothered by me. 👍
  13. I doubt your own spindly arms would be capable of completing a session of onanism. How do you manage?
  14. Ah, Tricorn House, Cainscross, built when brutalist architecture had already gone out fashion. The only tenants the developers could find was the dole office. A little birdy told me that a new developer has submitted plans to add another floor to the Cotswold carbuncle with a view to creating luxury flats. Tell me this aint true Stubbs.
  15. Sourcing and reading publicly available documents from the UK government doesn't make one a solicitor, Major. Had you read the link previously provided you wouldn't have been in the pickle that you found yourself in. As for Mr Roops, who being some 15 years older than me, considers himself a very fortunate man more so after an expertly administered knob-polishing session which is only a small part of my extensive repertoire of pre-carnal knowledge techniques.
  16. I've had a closer look at the issue and it appears the system does not recognise the new default layout provided by the software house. This in turn is causing compatibility issues with certain devices user agents hence the problem. Apparently the upgrade wasn't completed. This is also causing other, otherwise hidden issues. Resolving this is beyond my pay grade so I have PM'd the owners to pull their fingers out and raise the appropriate ticket.
  17. Last Night at the Proms is rip-roaring stuff and is attended by people of all ages.
  18. I requested you both cease the drivel. Its best you follow my advice.
  19. Even New Zealand has its less than salubrious aspects... That said, I have to say neither JSP nor EC are doing themselves any favours...can we call it a draw?
  20. Not withstanding you initially kicked off as a result of your monstering on another thread, your emoji overload rather gives you away. The words pot and kettle spring to mind.
  21. I suppose its a testament to your stupidity (or maybe desperation) that you choose to double down on the lying. The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act schedule makes no distinction on the nature of the offence, only the sentence. The fact that your offending was not violent nor sexual is irrelevant. Statutory amendments made certain professions (eg medical professions, education, social care and voluntary organisations responsible for "vulnerable persons" ) exempt from the general schedule, in other words they have to declare the conviction irrespective of the sentence. Still with the straw man assertions I see...
  22. I've never worked in two of those industries but I can't help but comment that your outburst is you kicking off in retaliation for rubbishing your activities as a dead tree magnate which recent scrutiny revealed the story to be as authentic as a four-foot Woolworths artificial xmas tree. This of course was on top of your bragging about your alleged fruit machine empire, the snooker and dance halls not forgetting the string of massage parlours where you gorged yourself on every sexual fantasy imaginable. I wonder where you found the energy to squire a lady who is "considerably younger" than you though why a young female would be enamoured with a spindly-armed pensioner with a paunch and no teeth is never fully explained. No idea. Why, you wanting to compare notes?
  23. You know very well that what you serve is irrelevant under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. Its what you are sentenced that matters. Squirm and continue lying as much as you like, you are simply making yourself look more foolish with each post. Presenting straw man assertions isn't helping you either.
  24. @Major Cunt You have two problems, firstly you are a schmuck, secondly you are exceedingly dim... You said five years, not three years and ten months which even if that was the case then why invent non-existent amendments about four years being spent? When in a hole, stop digging. You've been caught out, mainly by your own contradictory porkies. Nice try with the subsequent half-truths conflated with self-serving speculations BTW. You must be really desperate to be reeled in by your own hook, line and sinker.
  25. Custodial sentences of over four years are never spent, Walter. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/299916/rehabilitation-of-offenders-guidance.pdf
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