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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Take that to its logical conclusion then there is no need for surgeons and theatre staff to be gowned, gloved and masked up during surgical procedures.
  2. Cancer is not contagious unlike Covid, Moreover it is becoming apparent that the latter may have long term implications for the patient.
  3. Pure theatre with Trump landing at the White House lawn. It was a mistake to whip off his mask so we could all see him having difficulty breathing. It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone if he's soon back at Walter Reed Medical Centre.
  4. She's on about the ethos of Mom, God and Apple Pie. The climate-change denier in chief recently declared himself all evangelical. Witness the heavy-handed clearing of Pennsylvania Avenue just so Trump and his generals could walk across the road for his photo-opportunity of appearing in front of a church whilst clutching a bible (which he allegedly held upside down)
  5. No he's not. He was released with a rail warrant and 10/- note this morning.
  6. Indeed, as you keep banging on, yet no-one has ever shown where I've "cut & pasted".
  7. Well firstly if I had to refute every point made by a recalcitrant punter I'd be here all day. As it is there are other matters that take priority over The Corner. As for the time-frame for lapsing accounts that depends on the circumstances - stillborn accounts are generally lapsed no earlier than 7-10 days, accounts with content varies according to post count. In your own particular case it was made very clear what will happen... As I intimated earlier the @DrCunt account will disappear no earlier than the 25th November and the @Goober account can stay though within the restrictions of the ModQ as per my previous stipulations.
  8. Mildly interesting in that your post is bereft of details which is on par with the usual nonsense that you spew out. A thickster resorting to plagiarism - who'd a thort it...
  9. The fact that one can tag @DrCunt (go on, click on it) shows the account is still active which means you're talking a load of self-serving pony. Obviously the "membership list" on the home page does not contain 144 names and it merely lists members in order of last visiting. The Dr Cunt account is due to be deleted no earlier than the 25th November so the choice is yours.
  10. You always did like a good conspiracy theory. Registering as Goober is not the first nor the second time that Dr Cunt has tried to slip under the radar subsequent to being placed in the Mod Q. I did indeed knowingly let his latest sock puppet enter the fold. It was only after he started to throw his weight around last Friday thereby giving up the pretence that he was a newby that I intervened. The irony is that had he uploaded his posts under the Dr Cunt handle he would probably be taken off the Mod Q by now. That's the trouble with some of you - instead of playing it straight you have to look for and play the angle...
  11. Yet here you are taking advantage of the full technical gamut of the internet and computing devices to promulgate the thoughts of Chairman Childe. You should be true to yourself and rabble rouse from Speakers' Corner whilst distributing copies of the Morning Star.
  12. @Goober, the way I see it you have two choices; either continue with the @DrCunt account and remain on the ModQ 'till we're satisfied you can be trusted or carry on with the new account which will similarly be placed in the Q under the usual T&C.
  13. @Earl of Punkape, unfortunately you are reaping the whirlwind you created. That said, @Ape™️ - you are out of line so enjoy a stay at our Behavioural Insights suite.
  14. Oooh its a Maserati, isn't it?
  15. Not sure how much time you think I spend on The Corner but its considerably less than the majority of the regular posters. As for "careers" I've essentially had two - the first I gave up within six months post-qualification, the second has more or less been involved with the manufacturing sector with no more than three employers. I did go off the tangent whilst taking time out making and nurturing babies which is wholly different to you taking time out at Her Majesty's pleasure for being an inept criminal.
  16. In theory it shouldn't be a problem as hunt sabs and monitors are deemed as protest organisations. Current regs allow the right to protest so long as groups comply with "Covid Secure" rules. That said, theory and practice can mean entirely different things.
  17. Yeah, I'm just yer average multi-tasking polymath but concubine? glamour model? eco-warrior? guru? C'mon now. Housewife, works in the manufacturing sector, saves foxes is about it.
  18. Aside from your other issues you ought to grow up, that way you wouldn't be making lame "no you are" retorts.
  19. Eh? Where do you get that figure from? You and @Weary&Disgusted do make some salient points though. As for "the rule of six" - it does seem a bit arbitrary, that said back in April I did foretell something like this would happen... It appears that we have our answer. I presume "the rule of six" is a computer generated model that balances some form of normality which also provides a trade-off between the economic health of the nation and the health of individuals. The acceptable "R" rate is known, what is not so well known is the acceptable deaths ratio of Covid infected patients.
  20. Aside from false declarations of honesty the main problem of conspiracists is that when they are challenged, rather than engaging in measured debate and explaining their rationale underscored by authoritative, verifiable data and evidence they instead stomp their feet and deflect with the usual stock phrases of "brainwashed, sheeple, open your mind, smell the coffee" - anything that doesn't involve intelligently rebutting the awkward question. I reiterate, there's nothing worse than a thickster who thinks he's smart. "Reputable online tests for a baseline score, but just never got round to it" indeed...
  21. Because a person may have the virus but be asymptomatic. The wearing of the mask is more about protecting others than oneself.
  22. You mean reported for having an opinion different to yours. You sound like the sort of censorious Libtard that you despise so much. You have your knickers in such a twist that on another thread your quoting a recent WHO statistic yet here you are rubbishing anyone who does the same thing. Whilst we're at it, where did you find the "fact" that reductions in Co2 emissions have been zero during the Covid crisis?
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