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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. The photo upload facility works just fine, so don't hold back!
  2. The police are slowly experiencing an attitude adjustment thanks mainly to elected Police and Crime Commissioners who have their eye on the court of public opinion and votes. The more intransigent are the Local Rural Crime Teams.
  3. Actually there is not one aspect of this statement that has a modicum of truth. I suggest you regale your fantasy life at the Tufty Club where people might believe you. I have deleted your account to help you on your way. 'Bye.
  4. Indeed, the fox-hunting fraternity have shot themselves in foot. This is the webinar that created the shitstorm. Its hard to to say which is the greater, the sheer arrogance or abject stupidity in having a webinar where interested parties collude to hoodwink the legislators, the authorities and the public webinar - YouTube
  5. Like many punters, you are burdened by a binary mind. Gender and sexuality are two entirely different constructs.
  6. Vitamin D is the best natural defence against Covid. Just one a day will do. You're welcome.
  7. Oh, I wouldn't worry - that collection of truths is unique only to you. Schlemiel.
  8. Good luck with that...we'll speak again on this on the 20th January. 👍
  9. Wow indeed... Add "prize schmuck" to your miniscule list of talents.
  10. Hey, let us know the outcome when this "evidence" is presented to the courts. You should realise that come noon on January 20th your boy will meekly leave The White House even if he has to be forcibly frog-marched out by the Secret Service.
  11. He won't touch it unless the cake is produced by an artisan bakery which must have the Queen's warrant.
  12. Oh, that...just routine culling of unproductive punters. Fortunately inmate Punkers is on hand to jet-wash the processing suite. It gets messy at times.
  13. Two spastics sparring, neither have landed a killer blow.
  14. Of course not, what's your point?
  15. @Old Chap Raasclaat, this is your one and last friendly warning regarding Rule 12. Do it again and your account will be suspended.
  16. Mrs Roops

    NHS Discounts

    In the meantime we'll throw you off the site for 4 days for Rule 10 Violations.
  17. Well, you have to say that 'cos anything less would be an admission that you've been played like a mug.
  18. A more measured and less woolly take on the Pelosi/Dominion rumours from Associated Press. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-us-news-media-michigan-43bdaa186e3b8d9d897cae3bd0c6cdc0
  19. There are some words that are a definite no-no at The Corner. The N word is one of them.
  20. We both know that you read the entire post intently. Twice. Then you had a secret blub. Consider yourself fleeced. 🐑 🐑😂
  21. I actually asked what your thinking was in predicting a landslide victory for Trump, instead you spew out a farrago of post-event falsehoods and fallaciousness. For a start the voter demographic won't be tabulated for a couple years, but best guesstimate given was that Trump's black voter base was around 8% of the overall black vote. As for the entirely misleading "110% voter turnout", this relates to the early voting levels in Texas (R) and Hawaii (D) compared to the early vote in the 2016 election. In other words, early voting on the day was 10% up. As for the "court orders" regarding access to observers these were quickly thrown out by the courts. Philadelphia District Judge Paul Diamond was nonplussed to say the least when presented with a GOP affidavit which complained that Republican observers were denied access. The judge threw out the case when GoP lawyers admitted that the observers had in fact been permitted to within 15 feet of poll workers. "I'm sorry, then what is your problem?" asked the clearly annoyed Judge Diamond. An equally stupefied District Judge Andrew Gordon in Nevada listened to a Republican attorney argue that the observers could not get close enough to hear the poll workers' conversations, "at what point does this get ridiculous?" he asked with remarkable calmness. The rest of the law suites lodged nationwide were denied for being equally frivolous. Billy, do yourself a favour and recognise your sheep-like gullibility to whatever or whoever is feeding you the Trump spin. I appreciate you are emotionally invested but you're coming across as a slack-jawed redneck.
  22. After your affected bout of merriment and mirth, perhaps you could explain the thinking behind your prediction that Trump would win the election by a huge landside. Don't be sheepish now...
  23. Of course. Your go-to reply when you're unable to articulate an answer...
  24. ...which doesn't actually answer the question, but that's the Trump way, repeat an allegation without providing any evidence to back it up.
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