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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Money in pockets goes towards fuel, GPS devices with OS mapping, two-way radios and drones. The last thing needed are heavies who have zero emotional investment in the cause. A decision was made when when hunting with dogs was made illegal that there would be no criminality or instigating violence by sabs and monitors. Its a policy that has helped the anti's win the social media battle against the Countryside Alliance and interested parties.
  2. Well, look at you stomping your feet and having a tantrum - quite an emotional little fella it seems. The federal Supreme Court declined the petition for reasons I previously intimated. Trump's portion was thrown out because it was sneakily inserted solely to by-pass the relevant state Supreme Courts and the federal Courts of Appeals. Let's not forget that Trump and his allies had 56 out of 57 lawsuits declined at district level. Its worth noting that all nine justices (including the three recently appointed by Trump) signed the Supreme Court's order to decline the lawsuit. Two of the SCOTUS conservatives, Justice Samuel Alito & Justice Clarence Thomas went as far to remark that they would have allowed the hearing but would have declined the order on its merits. The lesson for you is if you're going to bleat "read the fucking judgement you spastic witch" then you better make damn sure you've read same yourself rather than salivating over cherry-picked material published by Trump soy boys to keep the MAGA-sheep onside otherwise it might make you look...well, spasticated.
  3. Well of course they did. The case was declined as it was a blatant abuse of process rather than for any "technicality" The judicial process for two states to go straight to SCOTUS was implemented to sort out inter-state border disputes, water rights and the like, not for a disgruntled Texan state attorney general to submit a a petition because he was unhappy of another state's election result. SCOTOS saw through the partisanship and rightly flushed the lawsuit down the toilet. Billy, seriously, do yourself a favour and unsubscribe from Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel.
  4. That was the cosy sanitised spin published by the Countryside Alliance on behalf of the Belvoir Hunt. This is the reality...
  5. Hmm, two to three £trillion moves though the City every day but of course individuals with an anti-British axe to grind will seize upon Guardian/Independent type articles gleefully announcing items to support their pro-remain feelings. Lets be clear about this, one should understand what is meant by "assets" when a bank moves x amount of billions from London to another European centre of commerce. By "assets" this not gold, stocks & shares, cash or property. This is fiat debt and lines of credit sourced from Europe. Such assets are moved either because such funds can only be used for European concerns (now that a hard Brexit is on the cards) or more likely, the balance sheet of banks abroad need propping up.
  6. Nothing specifically against the E-Tron, as a high mileage driver E cars are impractical for my needs.
  7. I think it was the EU that was holding the begging bowl. They fail to understand the the days of the UK giving out free coin to prop up a failed super state continually grifting its members are over...or at least where the UK is concerned.
  8. You're referring to a judicial process where two states in dispute have recourse to settle differences via the supreme court. Trump's legal team are hoping to "piggy-back" their own case into the mix thereby avoiding the appeals process with the State Supreme Court and the relevant Circuit Court of Appeals. Two things; firstly I'd expect the SCOTUS will take a dim view of such cynical legal shenanigans and secondly, Supreme Courts in any western democracy jealously guard their independence and will not want to be seen as the President's personal lackey to do at his bidding. Very strange. Whilst Trump did indeed win 18 Bellwether counties (or was it 16?) I've always been led to believe that there are 39 counties that are considered "Bellwether". Far be it for me to impart advice to a canny chancer such as yourself, but it might be a good idea if you avoid sources that curate "news" and "facts" specifically for the more gullible members of the red-hat fan base.
  9. Just a reminder but we'll be touching base on the 20 January to discuss your thinking...nothing to worry about.
  10. Your image wouldn't load but jeez, please don't tell me you've bought an E-Tron...
  11. You and our Irish friend should keep an eye on the strategic picture rather than the tactical tinkering. You may or may not have noticed that Australian banking interests have been scrambling to obtain slices of British banking infrastructure. This would be in anticipation of new trade partnerships with the rest of the world which under previous EU rules was denied to the UK. That was one of the benefits of Brexit - a leaner, more flexible and nimbler trading country would obtain better trading alliances far quicker than the monolithic EU. Additionally, such partnerships would be tailor-made to the UK's needs rather than us working with a one-size-fits-all deal comprising of 27 nations.
  12. Indeed, everything but the link. I've politely asked you to rein in the trolling.
  13. Good, but now I'm wondering what to do about your indirect admission of trolling and antagonistic behaviour. Rein it in please.
  14. Doesn't this just scream, "guys, help me out here"
  15. Not exactly, they've opened a branch in Amsterdam to handle Eurozone transactions, of which the UK was never part of. That's moved to Amsterdam, not Frankfurt mind you, nor any other European financial hub. In the meantime the London "stall" remains together with a headcount ten times the size of the proposed Amsterdam site.
  16. The Pfizer vaccine whilst apparently effective does have some logistical issues which renders it problematic to thinly populated and rural areas. The vaccine is packaged into batches of 195 vials which equates to 1000 doses. The issue is that once opened it must be dispensed within five days - fine for urban immunisation centres, not so great for populations which have a wide dispersal. The British made AZD1222 vaccine whilst having a slightly lower though perfectly acceptable efficacy rate does not present the same logistical issues and when approved will be used more extensively.
  17. Beautiful. If you had half a brain you'd realise you've contradicted yourself so it would be of no surprise that your gaffer restricts you to menial carrying and gofer jobs with implicit instructions that all customer interactions and money-handling be left the eighteen year old lad that works with you.
  18. Oh I wouldn't worry about Eddie - he runs a business that is virtually bomb proof thanks to statutory obligations imposed on its customer base. As long as he keeps an eye on day to day operations, is not over-leveraged and has a tight control on costs he should be alright. His failing with me is that he tried to fob me off with a 2WD soft roader with a no cost option white (!) paint job. That might work with an Essex floozie enamoured by Pandora jewellery but it doesn't work with me.
  19. Interesting article...though it appears you've been selling the puntership a false premise. To date you've intimated that the NZ populace considers cats as vermin and that the collective opinion is that they should be culled to the point of extinction. This view is contrary to the researcher quoted in the article who accepts that cats are much loved pets and that the culling option will never happen in New Zealand. Personally I don't care for the little shits myself though my husband and two of our children are very much cat people, consequently we have four of the furry fucks roaming about the house. That said I abhor cruelty to animals, cats included, furthermore I suspect that New Zealanders and the British share the same disdain towards your warped attitude.
  20. I never said anything of the sort, I merely questioned your maths behind the notion of earning enough to keep body and soul together for the other eleven months of the year. Nevertheless I'm pleased the gaffer has re-hired you to shove trees into the net funnel at whatever brownfield site he has stationed you at. Incidentally, contrary to your affected air of indifference about your recent coolering I note you logged into the site a few hours after your account was suspended. I suspect that should I bother to scan the guest IP log it will note that your device would have been checking in regularly despite you "being busy".
  21. Three replies to one post - it must be a full moon night... Let's see now; four annual defense (sic) spending increases over and above inflation, reduced taxes for the seriously wealthy, relaxation of pesky climate change regs due to the USA tearing up the Paris Accord... wot's not to like for yer average military-industrial-politico "Deep State" subversive? The problem Billy, is that I suspect I have a greater and more comprehensive understanding than you on the "Deep State" construct. Trump in his meandering, unhinged, blame-everyone-but-himself diatribes is attempting to alter the narrative of what "Deep State" is to his hordes of diehard converted and you, like the rest of the MAGA-hatted fraternity, have swallowed it hook, line & sinker... Oh yeah, I nearly forgot; two days in the cooler for the Rule 10 violation, at the same time I've granted @Earl of Punkape and @JohnnySaucePants an Admin's Pardon for their recent violations of Rules 12 & 10 respectively. I agree this is Trumpian behaviour on my part but you of all people will appreciate the sentiment though not the irony.
  22. It was a reference to the MAGA-sap's constant denigrating anyone who dared express an opinion of Trump that was at variance to his own idol worship, but you make a valid point I guess.
  23. You're not helping your argument by throwing "deep state" into the mix, Billy. One would have thought that the industrial-political "deep state" would be more in tune with the far right philosophy of Trumpian Republicanism rather than the Democratic Party ethos, but I digress... Unhinged ramblings aside, quit ya bleating, muttonchops. For a start the constitution requires that the Office of Attorney General should be apolitical and work independently in service to the people and not the President. That said, Barr did in fact instigate a DoJ investigation into the possibility of widespread electoral fraud but concluded that the allegations were Trump-inspired conspiracies predicated on flimsy false facts. The recent wave of rejected court submitted affidavits bear testament to this.
  24. What are your thoughts that rabid Republican and close Trump ally, William P Barr, the Attorney General says "there is no evidence of fraud" - I suppose you'll have to roll out more bacofoil and assert that Barr is in fact a closet Democrat. Barr: No evidence of election fraud that would swing the race for Trump - The Washington Post
  25. AFIK the gallery pic size is limited to 1600x1200 px.
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