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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. After investigation the testimony of Melisa Carone (the star witness) was found to be baseless and without merit but enough of that as it appears I must proffer my apologies to you. It appears that voter fraud has been uncovered in the state of Pennsylvania and...wait a minute...wait a minute...oh...I'm sorry Billy, I've just read the small print and it appears that after three audits all three cases of alleged voter fraud found in the Keystone State was perpetrated by Republican voters, the last one being charged was Bruce Bartman who registered and submitted ballots on behalf of his deceased mother and mother-in-law. Billy, mate, seriously, you really, really need to tear yourself away from QAnon as you are becoming just as psychotic as that guy who is soon to be evicted from the White House.
  2. I realised the moment you were silly enough to share with us the URL of the BTunes site, after spending five minutes mooching around it was simply a question of biding my time. I don't buy the "I was only having a laugh" - its a cop-out that been used often enough at The Corner, by curious coincidence lately by a fantasist who also described himself as a surveyor. Quite simply you were caught with your pants down over the plagiarism business and instead of manning up and taking a ridiculing for a few days you doubled down on the deceit. You were even prepared to lay the blame on another BTunes punter which makes you the weasel of the moment. As for the rest of your story, I have no idea whether its true, frankly I do not care. Drilling into the desktop data you shared with us you could be failed hairdresser whose business was was rescued by your daughter for all we know. That would make you a ponce and a weasel, yes?
  3. Yes, but where's the evidence? Have a read as to where Trump and Biden gained or lost their respective support. Whether from Trump's legal team or by third party Trump supporters not a shred of evidence has been proffered. When will "the President's legal team" submit its 1,000 witnesses and depositions to the courts? Part of the problem is the reliability of Giuliani's star witness. Here's a vid. Note at 50 seconds in he had to reach across to tone down his witness' behaviour... Giuliani's witness draws audible laughter during testimony - YouTube
  4. No, but The Corner did appear on the front page of a quasi-official Hate Site Reporting facility funded by the Council of Europe. Fortunately the item migrated to and was lost amidst countless other listings on the back pages. We do not want the forum to be seen as an offshoot of the EDL/NF. Contrary opinion to the usual racist nonsense is therefore not only welcome it is also essential for The Corner to survive.
  5. I'm satisfied that you are Yabba. For one thing elsewhere on the BangingTunes forum you were asking, "where's Nev" Then after that "Yabba" gave a life story that seems remarkedly familiar... You may recall I asked you to take a screen shot of your desk top which you kindly did*. The screen capture shows your other desktop activities with details which ties in with the above image. This is awkward, JSP. * Another punter nearly blew my plan when he suggested you use the sniping tool instead of a screen grab. Phew!
  6. Yes, what of it? Fifty plus courts threw out these deranged claims basically all saying the same thing, "yes, but where is the evidence? Billy, I'm a passionate pro-Brexit, card-carrying Tory and my political ideology is more in tune with the Republicans rather than the Democrats. TBH some of Trump's policies resonated with me whilst others did not. Had Trump kept his big mouth shut and had he kept away from his dammed Twitter account, history might well have judged him as a maverick but slightly above average president. As it is he will be judged as an egotistical, narcissistic, immature, entitled, mendacious monster who was totally unsuited for high office. His legacy will be that of one of the worst American presidents ever. Remember, he lost the popular vote in 2016 but due to the arcane and outdated not-fit-for-purpose electoral college system he entered the White House via the back door.
  7. JSP, just to put my own mind at rest, are you Yabba Sebulba on the Banging Tunes forum?
  8. Not sure about that, Eric's racist bigotry is well known. He's simply conflated two news arcs which have no similarities other than the deaths of innocent people.
  9. This is joining dots to fit in with a pre-conceived narrative. No matter, remember we'll be discussing your thinking on the 20th January.
  10. Not sure what the problem is. Nappies made of natural fibre cloth was used before Huggies et al came on the market. I suspect half the puntership wore terry nappies kept together by safety pins when they were babies.
  11. Mrs Roops

    Dole wallers

    Probably not the cleverest thing to say considering that all the Admins are unanimous in their ambivalence to keeping the leaderboard. Take it away and that's your sole validation of self-worth gone. On a separate note, tucked away in the site analytics module is a set of data that might be of interest:- Givers of "Likes" 01/12/2020 - 23/12/2020 1st Eric Cuntman 166 2nd= Decimus 117 2nd= Major Cunt 117 4th Eddie 111 Receivers of "Likes" 01/12/2020 - 23/12/2020 1st Eric Cuntman 208 2nd Decimus 144 3rd Eddie 77 4th Ape 74 Punters may wish to draw their own conclusions, I could not possibly comment.
  12. Mrs Roops

    Dole wallers

    It might be a good idea if you actually read the relevant rule before you engage your motormouth.
  13. Mrs Roops

    Dole wallers

    As previously explained the CC Gallery has no such limits. Post your image to the gallery and embed from there. Incidentally, what business were you in? It clearly did not involve computers.
  14. Mrs Roops

    Dole wallers

    I don't hate you or any other punter. I must say its sorta sad watching a group of middle-aged men squabbling like a bunch of 11 year old schoolboys though. If you guys are a representative sample of your generation and bearing in mind you are providing mentorship and guidance to younger people, then this country might have a problem.
  15. Its blue sky thinking like this that turns tier 2 regions into tier 4
  16. Mrs Roops

    Roy Orbison.

    Whilst punters shouldn't be making disparaging comments about another's family, the post did not break any rules. However... Given that JSP's post made yesterday at 05.43 GMT was replete with racist pejoratives his assertion is incongruous at best and hypocritical at worst. Furthermore, and noting comments on other threads, kicking a man whilst he is coolered is unsporting and un-British. A word in your shell-like @JohnnySaucePants; you are slowly but surely heading in the direction of a former punter who hailed from Florida so wind your neck in.
  17. I think this is a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. @Dawn Chorus, I can't stop you regaling all about natural history, British railways or your trans journey but you spend an awful amount of time and effort doxing punters even though you invariably bark up the wrong tree. Your investigatory prowess is non-existent and your analytical processes lack discipline. I know this from personal experience when you did one of your "I want to share a whisper" PM's with another punter who brought me into the conversation. The fact that your constant doxing attempts lead to nothing is irrelevant, its the intent that bothers me. I don't want to read another of your doxing suggestions, inferences, nods and winks otherwise you'll be thrown off site permanently.
  18. Fucking hell. I've been off site for 48 hours and I come back to this. TBH, after reading two pages I couldn't be bothered when I realised there was another six pages of tedium to peruse. Nothing worse than trolling fantasists going head to head with the usual bunch of paranoid divas who's lives are incomplete if there is no one to beat over the head with a stick. @Frank and @Decimus, you are both off site for four days for Rule 12 violations. Both of you should know better.
  19. There is no item /8 in my instructions. You're welcome.
  20. What he said. Billy, you purposely stated that Nevada assigned the state's electoral college votes to Trump. Either you chose to deliberately misinform, which makes you dishonest or you've blindly repeated an assertion from a Trump soy boy fan site which makes you a fool. Which is it? All states have set of electoral college voters for both sides. Which set of electoral college voters is used is dependent on who's candidate won the popular vote for that state. To say that Nevada GOP has filed alternate electors as if that was something of relevance is disingenuous. As for your previous rambling post not only am I pleased that you have shown a degree of contrition I'm also grateful that you have written a POV that is in fact a microcosm as to why the GOP/Trump legal challenges have thus failed and failed badly. Your reasoning mirrors Trump's legal position in that it is reliant on conspiracy rhetoric but no evidence. It also assumes that thousands of election staff, local and state election officials and the entire US judiciary have all knowingly conspired to deny Trump his "victory".
  21. 1/ On your computer, press the Windows and "print screen" keys at the same time on whatever screen grab you wish to show as evidence. The image will be saved to the clipboard but you won't see it. 2/ Go into Paint 3D (you have it on your PC, I checked) 3/ Click on Menu (found at top LH of the app) 4/ In the drop down menu click on "New" 5/ Press CTRL + V to paste screenshot from the clipboard 6/ Go back to menu and "save as" image as a JPEG to wherever your images are stored 7/ If there any difficulties seek the services of anyone over the age of six and they will do the above for you. You're welcome.
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