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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. I suspect that some punters who like to burnish their hard nut street cred on the boards meekly comply and in all probability wear several masks. True, but I cant help but wonder that there members of the public who take advantage of the loophole in not having to disclose the medical reason for the claimed exemption. It wouldn't surprise me if yet another amendment to the Covid Act was made that requires mask-exempt patients to carry a certificate authenticated by a doctor or other suitably qualified practitioner to confirm the exemption entitlement without specifying the medical reason.
  2. In other words you can't answer the question and the report was submitted for reasons I previously alluded to.
  3. No, but we're looking at introducing a Mitty button.
  4. Oh that one. Forgive me, but we wade through loads of reports, 95% of them eminently forgettable due to their spuriousness. Its not unknown for petulant punters to submit reports for retaliatory reasons. How did my post break the rules?
  5. What are we talking about, your dead tree carrier or your pretend vehicle? In the meantime, I'll reflect on not paying vehicle depreciation, insurance & maintenance etc for the past twenty years. As for Sharon from accounts who sounds like a right strumpet, I'll order HR to issue her P45 forthwith - there will be no usurping in my manor, which as it happens, is situated amongst the "suits upstairs".
  6. I guess all professors, consultants, surgeons, doctors, nurses and medical support staff have got it wrong and that masks provide no protection whatsoever against airborne pathogens.. Why is it that it always seems to be the ne'er do wells that have this incredible insight that evades the rest of us?
  7. The thinking is that after the picture was taken, the perp scarpered, Usain Bolt style.
  8. Setting aside the flagrant breach of Rule 12, you talk too much. Just to clarify... Curiously there is no mention of the expensive M4 penis extension so I presume you were being serious rather than humorous in your attempt to hoodwink the puntership. Really Billy, this joins the list of CC's Hall of Fame (Mitty Division) along with Audigate, Ironstonegate and Sat-navgate.
  9. I agree, the current handful of nutjobs don't have the wherewithal. I was thinking of one or two truly psychotic individuals from the past.
  10. The staff directory of Rentokil North America. They should've done the job early 2016 and saved the GOP, the country and the world a whole lotta grief.
  11. As opposed to a fridge-proud, motoring fantasist pensioner you mean? He has all of his own teeth, don'tcha know.
  12. Its the on-line nutjobs I have to mitigate for.
  13. Crickey, three lame and laboured posts rattled out in quick succession and as per usual, replete with grossly exaggerated actualité. As it happens at The Corner I have drawn and referred to my experience within motor manufacturing but in your defence you're a comparative newcomer and wouldn't have known. Your description of vehicle for sabbing is not far off the mark (love eggs not withstanding) however the rest of the time I use a wholly different motor. Four years ago I posted a piccy of my works vehicle to the gallery. Its a Merc E Class 220. This is a car that glides and its nine-speed auto is the smoothest I've driven. I grew to dislike the Merc as it was an old man's car. That was four years ago - since then my employers have provided me with two (though not at the same time) Audi S5 Quattro Sportbacks. I wont tell you what works chariot I have now, firstly there are not many examples of same on UK roads so its a matter of my personal safety and secondly, I'm conscious that revealing same would cause your poor befuddled, bigoted, misogynist brain to seize and I for one do not wish to see you dribbling in a thromby ward. The NHS has enough on its plate as it is.
  14. Too right, M4 drivers are all for hairy-chested motoring - they absolutely want to receive information about the surface they are driving on. If they drive over a single flat sheet of A4 paper then they want to feel it. They wouldn't proudly boast about "gliding over" obstructions. Posh limousines "glide", M4's don't. If Billy did buy an M4 then he bought it for the wrong reasons and will end up wrapping the vehicle around a lamp post. As I previously intimated, the car sales person saw him coming and rinsed him.
  15. I thought it was nearer 40% but even if you are correct then that's even more reason to get out. If 50% of your market offers zero growth then that's a very big issue. As any economist will tell you, economic growth is essential in a free market economy. The EU is the worst performing of all the economic areas in terms of growth.
  16. Honest answer? Right now no-one really knows, or at least not until Covid ceases to be an issue.
  17. ...and therein lies the problem; don't interject halfway through a thread without knowing what is going on 'cos right now you're not making any sense within the context of the discourse thus far.
  18. Depending on the type of M4 (it comes in several guises) engine, gearing and suspension are controlled separately. I think where you are confused is with the more mainstream mass-produced vehicles where switching driving modes alters the car's behaviour in relation to performance economy and comfort. Now before some one says, "ah, but when I select 'sport' the engine crackles and makes a different throaty roar". Yes, true - that'll be the hidden amp and speakers as the sporty engine noise is largely artificial. Premium performance car makers don't discuss this much but that's the way it is.
  19. My time working in motor manufacturing was limited to the interface architecture of automotive telematics so silly me, I always thought that "sport" modes in premium performance cars altered the throttle actuator settings thereby increasing responsiveness but hell, what do I know. Billy, you been caught out so stop digging - it'll only get worse!
  20. Its as good as it could be under the circumstances though fishing rights was a traditional eu-type fudge by both parties. The important thing is that the UK has unshackled itself from the closed shop and restrictive practices of the EU. The EU is a mature market with little opportunity for growth so the UK needed to strike freely outside the European borders without needing the Commission's approval which can take up to twenty years and even then, not be suitable for British needs. One of the reasons skilled manufacturing jobs were being exported wasn't only due to lower labour costs (that will level out in due course) but simply to gain a foothold in emerging markets without the trade tariff nonsense that EU regs put in the way. It was also gratifying to see a shed load of lost sovereignty being returned to the British.
  21. I was going to say that the BMW M4 (especially the older models that have been around the used car block) have a notoriously harsh ride (even in comfort mode) so running over a fox would give the vehicle a resounding jolt and would not glide over the body. Naturally the story has already been filed under "Punters' Fantasy Cars" (before the folder marked "Punters' Fantasy Cocks")
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