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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Give it a rest Billy, even some rabid QAnon punters, or at least the few who have more than a handful of brain cells, are ruefully admitting that they've been played by Trump. You play yourself as a wide-boy chancer yet you've swallowed the hook, line and sinker proffered by Fox News and OAN who only spew nonsense because it provides the broadcaster a stream of income.
  2. The Corner is and always has been a niche site... In spite of your comments you were obviously impressed enough to migrate to our boards, in fact you were so impressed that you copied a post and presented as your own work elsewhere. In view of your proven lack of self-awareness I would advise that you do not reply and just shut the fuck up. Put it this way; your face is six inches away from the business end of a double-barrelled shotgun and my finger is hair-trigger sensitive.
  3. London bus drivers may disagree with that assertion! As for second home owners, the rationale is to keep people from moving around not forgetting that some individuals are asymptomatic.
  4. @Earl of Punkape, I warned you last November about derailing threads so I am less than chuffed that for the past few days you have been resorting to type again. Last time your account was suspended for 4 days, this time it will be for a week. Next time it will be for 4 weeks.
  5. Who are you referring to? London Stock Exchange group PLC (who actually predicted a 13% rise last November) or the London School of Economics. Please clarify and provide a link as to where you are quoting your source from There are no tariffs between the UK and EU members states. What has changed is that the EU VAT constituent that was collected by HMRC is now collected by the EU directly (via recipient country). UK businesses were advised to plan and mitigate accordingly including the worst case scenario of a "No Deal". A sizeable number of businesses have failed to mitigate in the short term.
  6. Both sides of this debate are over-egging the pudding - that said, Panz, you keep referring to Brino yet are constantly bitching about "hard deal" elements. The contradiction of terms would suggest your doing this purely out of anti-British sympathies. Either that or you haven't got a sodding clue what you're talking about.
  7. Well yes. You're not paying attention as all you have done now is drive another nail into your coffin.
  8. Yes, I'm sure smallpox, polio, rubella etc would have been eradicated from the western world by homeopathic remedies and man's natural defences eventually.
  9. A word in your shell-like... This is the fifth post you've mentioned worms. Far be it for me to discuss humour but something is only funny if there is a link, no matter how oblique or indeed even if not true. You are labouring a point that is manufactured therefore the "humour" has no resonance with the puntership and goes some way in explaining why you currently are not making the grade.
  10. Mrs Roops


    ...and that, ladies and gentleman, is what unadulterated denialism looks like.
  11. Mrs Roops


    I think your notion that the UK wanted to leave due to the "humiliation" in appearing at the bottom of some economic league table is...fanciful to say the least. Have a look at this snapshot of EU countries - the findings may be of a surprise to you. By your own theory, France and Germany should be making their excuses to get out. Now have a look at this simplistic graph, Quite simply in terms of growth, the EU economy is stagnant because of its mature market, not helped by the inward looking protectionism that prohibited member states from making unilateral trade deals with the rest of the world. Finally, whilst one has to admire your idealism, you are doing yourself no favours with your sub-par fifth form economic theory. It comes across as a bit Dave Spart.
  12. Mrs Roops


    I think you realise exactly the point I'm making - you simply don't wish to acknowledge it.
  13. Easy to say after the event. Its also a familiar forum trope more often used by the more feeble-minded punters when called to account. Now if you're saying this is not the case then I am minded to think that you joined The Corner to troll in which case you risk being kicked back into the cyber ether.
  14. Mrs Roops


    Well, trade-wise the UK is not "OUTSIDE". Granted, its not as frictionless as before but trade to and from the EU still tariff-free. Aside from the issue I alluded to in my previous post I can only reiterate that the EU is a mature market i.e. there is no opportunity for growth - essential for any business and nation to survive as growth provides for increased revenues and tax receipts. With that in mind any European nation needs to trade successfully beyond the EU and without an army of eurocracts interfering every step of the way.
  15. Mrs Roops


    OTOH, meat imports from outside the EU will no longer attract a 40% tariff which underscores a point I've been making from the outset - that the EU is a a closed shop replete with restrictive trade practices. Irish farmers will be unsettled as they now have competition rather than an easy ride when it comes to selling to the treasure island that is the UK. They will need every sale they can find.
  16. I made no such accusations, direct or otherwise. OTOH, it could be inferred that you are making same against me...how far do you want to go with this?
  17. Fact check: Claim about Neil Ferguson's Covid-19 predictions (theferret.scot)
  18. A self-serving analysis of events. I recall asking you as to which rule had been broken. Answer there came none despite the logs showing that you had read the rules previously.
  19. 1/ Post four times the number of posts more than anyone else. 2/ Pay meticulous attention to quid pro quo obligations.
  20. Sounds like a mild case of PTSD from your recent thrashings. Too bad you react badly to being owned. Grow a spine and move on as the displays of bitterness aren't doing you any favours.
  21. Ah, the QAnon Shamon, a true American hero, a warrior for God, Mom and Apple Pie, a defender of democracy, that is, democracy for him but not for you.
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