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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. People seem to be confusing the European Court of Justice which is the supreme court pertaining to EU law and the European Court of Human Rights which interprets and rules on the European Convention on Human Rights as convened by the 47 member states of the Council of Europe which is a separate entity to that of the European Union.
  2. Yes, I have read the Lancet article. Aside from the usual caveats employed e.g. "appears" and "interim results" this looks very promising.
  3. @Old Chap Raasclaat & @Eddie take a rest for 48 hours.
  4. Its not mine. You were the one promulgating the "result", remember? Idiot.
  5. Mrs Roops

    Smart watches

    The f1.2 takes in twice as much light (i.e one f stop) as the f1.8. The law of physics dictates you'll need twice as much glass and lens. Its a niche product and for most people the cost does not justify the means.
  6. A "survey" of thirty patients is not a result. There is no mention of how effective the drug is when administered to non-cancer patients.
  7. @Earl of Punkape, you are off site for two months not just for the various violations during the past 24 hours but also for being a tosser who does not learn lessons. --o0o-- On a different note, can the two factions stop the squabbling? This is fourth form bickering no doubt motivated by jealously. I suspect there has been a degree of orchestration by the main protagonists one of whom appears to be aided and abetted by his useful idiot. To that particular obsequious toad - you are doing yourself no favours as he will, eventually, turn on you.
  8. We don't vote for a Prime Minister as the UK is a parliamentary democracy.
  9. The trouble is you're dim enough not to believe it but lord knows why you have to constantly remind us that the only way for you to get your carnal jollies is by blowing your modest dead-tree income on east European prostitutes. No doubt before allowing you to thrash around half-masted they insist you tooling up with two small-sized condoms on your chancre-riddled dicklette 'cos as Dr Fauci says, "two is better than one", right?
  10. Welcome to realpolitik - its a dirty business!
  11. A clichéd, lame and lazy retort, Now you're not trying at all.
  12. Firstly let's remind ourselves as to how Ms von de Layen came to be President of the EU Commission... As German Defence Minister, Ursula von de Layen had a reputation for making rash decisions borne through petty-minded stroppiness so it comes as no great surprise that after years of preaching the mantra of open and free trade the EU would invoke Article 16 simply because they were out-manoeuvred by a more nimble former EU member over what is effectively a single trade issue. The hypocrisy is outstanding.
  13. You try too hard. The question was rhetorical as most of us know the answer.
  14. I don't agree with Harold's politics but that's fine, nor do I accept his skewered take on some historical events and with his understanding of economics which, if I have time, will call him out on. Harold brings an alternative viewpoint which broadens the diversity of discourse which is currently wafer thin at The Corner. He needs to control himself, be more disciplined and avoid the constant, unwarranted and random shit-flinging. For the moment the newbie stays, as for how long is up to him.
  15. How come all of a sudden you've quadrupled your daily post count? Take the M4 out for a spin over a cobbled street and see how it "glides".
  16. I don't think a person in your position should be playing whataboutery games. Despite my advice you are a distraction that is taking too much of my time, consequently I'm removing your account. Enjoy your birthday party - I'm assuming all the attendees are called Wilson.
  17. A point raised in the Newsweek article you read. Interestingly it was a scientist from the Wuhan Institute who poured scorn on the anal swabbing for reasons you've alluded to.
  18. @ChildeHarold, you are off the site for 48 hours, not only for the Rule 10 violation but also for continuing to ignore my previous advice. I fear you will not survive long at The Corner.
  19. Relax quickspurt, its no great mystery. The Corner has in fact been around since 2002 in one form or another either as a posting board or forum. Some content of the previous iterations only survive as OP's in the Archive. As far as I recall, I joined The Corner in 2006. The seven year reference refers to when the post-count meter was set for this forum version in 2014.
  20. Not sufficiently bored enough to reply though, so put your syphilitic dicklet away as I probably wouldn't even give you the time of day, let alone a charity jump. Poor, befuddled Billy, you've always been a bit of a Mitty as well as very, very...dense... actually scratch my last sentence...stupendously thick.
  21. In what appears to be a power-grab attempt by the EU Commission, they have decreed that member states are not allowed to source their own vaccines, The Commission have insisted that vaccine distribution is undertaken by the Commission alone and furthermore, they will instigate legal action against any country that has ordered its own vaccines.
  22. Your 9,000 odd posts in two years compared to my 5,000 in just short of seven years rather obliterates the notion about me interjecting in other people's discussions, then again, critical thinking has never been your forte. I appreciate you become rattled every time someone proffers an opinion contrary to your own but that's the nature of forums. If you're unable to cope with the principles of open debate by all, then your time would be best served by Googling for BMW brochures and familiarising yourself with the driving characteristics of your pretend M4.
  23. This has to be one of the most cringeworthy posts I've read during the fifteen odd years I've been on The Corner, its up there with the buttock-clenching drivel I had to read from "The Colonel" who once had an online conversation with his "nephew who is a computer and internet expert" But you're not, are you? You're 211.3 miles away, at home, on your desk-top, from where you have uploaded all of your 761 posts to date.
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