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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Making fatuous statements aside, it sounds like you got nuttin.
  2. First degree (BDS) by the taxpayer, second (BSc) sponsored by employers, post grad qualifications by myself. I just read your comments about dentists who couldn't make the grade to be medically qualified doctors, so I think its incumbent that you should let us know which profession you entered into and what was your PhD in?
  3. Mrs Roops


    Lucy (2014) - Brain usage 70-80% - Cool/Epic Scenes [1080p] - YouTube
  4. Well no drama or anything untoward. Whilst dentistry is secure employment and pays reasonably well I simply decided I did not want to do it for the next 30-35 years.
  5. Clumsy. E J Thribb should be worried. Send your piece to The Eye and see how quickly they generate a rejection slip.
  6. Mrs Roops


    I suspect the European Court of Human Rights will reverse the decision made by the UK Supreme Court. I have to say the Supreme Court's ruling sits uneasy with me. The Court, in their ruling, did acknowledge that the judgment was "not ideal" but the Court's role was to judge the law and not Begum's circumstances principle of which was her circumstances leading up to absconding at 15 years of age.
  7. That was a long time ago, just over a quarter of a century. After I qualified I realised I'd made the biggest mistake of my life and left the profession. I have been known to proffer advice on dental matters to the puntership, my attention to empathy and projecting concern being at the core of any consultation...
  8. Jumping on coat tails again? I also know stuff. Get over it and move on.
  9. Yay me! What @Goober said... "squeeze your ovaries"? "menarche"? For all your eloquent and pseudo-rarefied prose you're no different to the gammons you despise by reverting to LCD sniping when challenged.
  10. Bless you Billy, you certainly are a trier... Just a small point of order; you are quoting from the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as agreed and passed by the UN General Assembly 1966, which has nothing to do with the Geneva Conventions on humanitarian treatment in war. In some ways I feel bad as you have pointlessly spent time googling followed by some industrial copy & pasting. Firstly, I would disagree with your over-emotive phrase, "As all of the Covid 19 vaccinations are undoubtedly experimental..." and secondly no-one is being forced to have the vaccine against his or her will.
  11. I think you are being overly precious. Ever since the run up to Brexit and beyond you've portrayed yourself as a smug ex-pat with a permanent annoying smirk on his face. Its questionable as to why you constantly cherry-pick anti-Brexit stories - the suspicion is these are messages to yourself that you emigrated to Australia for the right reasons and not because you are a simp who was badgered to leave the UK by your Australian-born wife. You uploaded a story about a well known chattering-class architect moaning about Brexit hindering opportunities in the EU yet the same source of your not so representative sample was surrounded by other pieces announcing new architectural contracts in the EU and further afield. The fact that the other firms did not cite Brexit being the underpin to their success is immaterial. It happened post-Brexit but apparently such successes are to be ignored in your myopic Remainer mind. Here are two articles from the Financial Times and Investment Week about businesses benefitting post-Brexit. Still, look on the bright side, you have found an unlikely bed-fellow. It appears you have also given him a stiffy - normally he has to pay someone to do that.
  12. Your tantrums say otherwise...moving on... Anyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how misguided. I have a problem when a punter twists or invent "facts" to support his/her POV. That said, you would be doing yourself a favour if you weaned yourself away from the QAnon ramblings of Seamus Slackjaw of Shitville USA and Sid Bonkers' YouTube channel. I wasn't aware there was a UN Human Rights Act and as I understand it, the Geneva Convention is solely concerned with the treatment of combatants and non-combatants by opposing factions in areas of armed conflict so your inference of illegality has no basis. Its worth noting that the decision to immunise or not to immunise children has not been taken so I would hold back running your mouth off until the trials of paediatric vaccines is completed especially with regards to the efficacy in suppressing 'R' rates.
  13. Another cherry-picked snippet of schadenfreude? You need to stop convincing yourself that you have done the right thing and return to the UK. Absolutely, perhaps you should peruse recent news headlines of www.architectsjournal.co.uk where, Rogers Stirk Harbours + Partners have just announced the opening of a branch in Paris. Foster + Partners have just announced a contract to re-purpose an old gas plant into new offices in Madrid. Ebba Architects and Cairn Architects have won an international competition for a new community centre in south west Germany. Foster + Partners have just revealed plans for a modular resort on the Red Sea. Zaha Hadid has just won the contract to design the second phase of the International Exhibition Centre in Beijing. The Assael Partnership has opened offices in Sydney following the trend of other British architects, namely Grimshaw, Make Architects, WilkinsonEyre and Rogers Stirk Harbours + Partners. Are you suitably balanced?
  14. Predictable. This always happens, Billy. You never stand your ground and argue a case when called out for your tin-foil hattery. Instead you cave in by stomping your feet and deflect with man-baby tantrums. Save your sympathy for your own plight.
  15. Given that more than half of your ill-informed post was advocating the notion that all SAGE members are controlled by Bill & Melinda Gates I suspect you know perfectly well what I was saying so drop the faux man-baby tantrum, Billy. As for Professor Edmunds, I would rather pay attention to what a professor of epidemiology has to say over the incoherent bollux spouted by a selfish, feeble-minded git who probably scraped through with no more than three poor CSE grades. As for immunising the under sixteen year olds, children have different immune systems to adults so paediatric versions (there are several dependant on age range) of the vaccines is planned. As I understand it, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been trialled in the States for some months and the Oxford (AstraZeneca) trial commenced on the 13th February.
  16. This full-on tinfoil hattery. Here is the list of all scientists who have participated in SAGE-Covid meetings. Also disclosed is the register of declared interests. I very much doubt you spent an hour auditing and vetting the data. Ordinarily, this would take a single person several months given the scale of people involved. You clearly think you posses a greater insight than the world's epidemiologists, virologists, medical researchers and statisticians with regards to the pandemic issues. You are either very stupid, insane or just trolling.
  17. I shall read and commit to memory all of your 18.5k posts so this won't happen again. Incidentally, I note you used the word "comment" in your post - a word that I used yesterday at 11.16 hrs. Your hypocrisy is of such magnitude that I cannot let this go unpunished so I am minded to debit 1,500 "likes" from your cumulative "like" count.
  18. Probably the same way a great white feels after being head-butted by a pilchard.
  19. You are second guessing. Incidentally, if I wasted all the punters who rub the others the wrong way you would be included in the first tranche but as you appear to be "in touch" you would already know that.
  20. Did the "177 thousand illegal voters" submit ballots? Whilst you're at it please provide a link to the source of this revelation.
  21. What I said was this... As for being "too grand" to reply to PM's, AFAIK I have replied to your PM's as well from other punters so I am guessing you are hitching a lift on someone else's throwaway comment. I will say I'm not here to hold a needy person's hand or be his friend, nor attend to a constant stream of frivolous enquiries from someone who appears to have superglued his finger to the report button.
  22. I think it best punters drop references to Thai food vloggers, sex tourism, the Glitter Band et al, otherwise protracted periods of cooler time will result.
  23. Back in May, SAGE made it clear that the 59,000 figure was a worst case scenario and not a prediction. It should be noted that the scenario was made prior to the Bournemouth incident that you speak of. Small wonder, that with your history of misinformation and playing with the facts, that reasonably-minded people refuse to listen to you.
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