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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. You're being precious and fragile. I'm well aware to whom the post was directed to. The "like" was for the sentiments contained therein namely the tedium of reading the same insults repeated day after day - amusing for a few seconds to the poster who no doubt thought he was being amusing and original.
  2. I don't know about that. Here's a thought - putting on a display of a brittle red-faced foot-stomper having yet another hissy fit despite you previously announcing that you had "blocked" certain individuals may lead the Admin team into thinking that you're just another shouty dick full of hot air.
  3. Easily done with a selective memory and a predisposition to alternative facts, Billy...
  4. For reasons only known to yourself you omitted to mention Geraldine Rees who came 8th in the 1982 Grand National. As for the ungracious comment that the race "been made too easy" presumably it was easier for the men jockeys as well or did they run a more difficult route?
  5. Sorry, too busy organising the collection tins as you appear to have lost your shirt yesterday.
  6. Well by your own perverse logic she should have been last in the field what with all the experienced male jockeys also competing.
  7. You must tire of eating sour grapes and humble pie...
  8. Because the web-site is about "rape culture" which transcends all races and cultures. It's not he sole preserve of Muslims.
  9. You've just received your one and only formal warning for a Rule 13 violation - do it again and your account will be suspended.
  10. Actually, he has told you to wind your necks in, yet here you are flailing away like an irrelevant spastic 'cos the site's owners are of the opinion that repeating the same insults several times a day every day is neither original nor funny. Your protracted tantrum is getting tedious so cease your whining.
  11. Yes, the same insult repeated seven times within 48 hours. Whilst I appreciate that such behaviour guarantees a "like" from Dec's bitch, the harassment is bordering on the obsessive. It stops now.
  12. Mrs Roops


    Can't say you weren't warned...
  13. Mrs Roops


    Well, continue to run your idiot mouth off and see how lackadaisical the response will be.
  14. Mrs Roops


    Some people don't seem to get the message. There will be no paedo witch-hunts.
  15. Enough. Fatty, you are now a former member of The Corner. Being a sandwich short of a picnic gave you limited leeway in the past but you are taking the piss. --o0o-- An inexperienced punter made a clumsy post and some self-appointed guardians of the moral majority indulge in group hysteria. The reality is the OTT virtue signalling is also being used as an excuse to weed out punters who don't fit in - Decs, you seem to be central to this, aided and abetted by a couple of toadying disciples "standing back to back". Admin locked the nom in question, I advised the puntersip to move on yet the usual actors can't leave it alone. @ChildeHarold, under the circumstances you should have laid low and have simply stuck to your Dave Spart ramblings. I'm resting you for seven days.
  16. We really don't want a re-run of yesterday's discourse. One would have thought that was clear once the "footprint" nom was locked. Move on boys.
  17. ...and Piers Morgan not hiding his rejection issues.
  18. Indeed, I suspect the inverse would be more accurate 'cos aside from your blubbing and dropping my name at every given opportunity, you're obviously too dumb and obsessed to recall posting this, Silly old fool.
  19. There's a Zoom Phone advert doing the rounds... What Corporate People Sound Like - YouTube
  20. Not everyone, just a select few, lately an ex-army infantry colonel now magistrate, the former Director of Engineering at VW-Audi (I suspect the two are one and the same) a Cotswold mansion owning property magnate who recently out-foxed an Australian hedge fund to the tune of £300 million, and most recently, an East-end gangster wannabe who aside from previously owning a string of dance halls, coin-slot arcades and brothels, now seemingly amasses a yearly income from four weeks work retailing xmas trees from the back of his Sherpa situated on a brownfield parking lot. M4 still "gliding"?
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