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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Your table was extrapolated from Public Health England's 71 page Technical Briefing 16. The summary is on page 3 but I'll condense it further to "Steady as she goes but there is potential for trouble ahead". The bottom line is that 73 covid deaths were recorded within a four and a half month period. As you say its a pity we don't have an age breakdown but 73 deaths of which 37 may or may not have been attributable to the vaccine compared to what could have happened if nothing was done seems to be a good trade off.
  2. ...asks the punter who currently has his homework marked whilst in detention... Aside from being schooled many times, you are in fact, in awe of me, You need to get over your Americana obsession as well.
  3. Another "good one" indeed. Considering the first two talking heads were found wanting in the peer reviews I would disagree. Professor Bhakdi also found himself in hot water as he wrote his opinions on Government headed paper which gave the impression that his findings formed the basis of his government's endorsed policy. As for Dr Lee's 45 minute findings all with the benefit of hindsight I have three concerns, firstly he accepts the national immunisation was successful which of course begs the question, successful from what precisely? A pandemic prognosis that to his mind didn't exist or at least, was overstated? Secondly, he conveniently ignored what happens when countries didn't take the pandemic seriously e.g Brazil, Italy. Thirdly his statistics over death rates were suspect and are discussed here. That the UK government did make mistakes is well documented which will, hopefully, bring us full circle to a patchwork social care system that is currently devoid of any joined up thinking. One aspect that is not talked about is the Government's (both Labour and Tory) addiction to Management Consultants and external agencies who hire poorly trained staff. The failure of Track & Trace and Quarantine control, both undertaken by external agencies working to Management Consultant planning compares unfavourably to the smooth running and highly efficient immunisation programme which was handed to the NHS to administer.
  4. The Prof is not malicious and whilst her slightly surreal take on things is not to some peoples' tastes I find it a bit endearing and contributes to a more diverse discourse away from the tedious "fuck off, no you fuck off" rubbish. As for "mental defective" I'd be more worried about the mental health of a handful of punters who seemingly can't get through the day without dishing out needless abuse.
  5. You've reached 99% of your image allotment attachment. You have three choices; 1/ We can delete all of your existing attachments thereby freeing up your allotment 2/ learn how to embed existing internet images into your posts 3/ load the image to the gallery (no limit) and embed same to the post, instructions for this are here,
  6. I couldn't help notice that the four punters who penned the ungracious comments have in the past been schooled by me. Obviously hell hath no fury than dented male pride... Whilst I'm in rant mode, two of the above were leads in the disparaging and misogynistic comments made in the Ms Jonsson thread. It seems that the testosterone cup was passed around the table which resulted in the usual hypocrisy and double standards. Now, I'm not a betting girl but I guarantee the individuals involved would not fare well as candidates in the "snog, marry or avoid" game. Just sayin'.
  7. AFIK, the picture of the elderly black man is still part of the product's branding. The issue was not the image of a black man but the use of "uncle" in "Uncle Ben's" as white southerners addressed elder black men as "uncle" to avoid using "Mr". The same fate happened to Quaker Oats' brand of the Aunt Jemima Pancake mix but not to the British "Aunt Bessie's Yorkshire Puddings".
  8. Its sorta been done before...
  9. Ah, the incorrigibility of stupid people...for you that's a benefit, yes?
  10. Calm down, Quickspurt - a simple thank you would've sufficed.
  11. Its worth noting that 80% of people will contract HPV at some point in their lives. Put it another way, 80 of the current CC puntership have or had HPV...actually, scratch that thought as I'm not entirely convinced that some of you guys are or have been as sexually active as you've made out.
  12. OK, I've removed the badges and ranks on a proof of concept principle as I think its excessively twee. This is subject to approval by m'learned colleagues.
  13. I should issue a warning for you altering the quote function but as you're acting like a hysterical little girl I don't want to be held responsible for any resultant mental health issues. Don't do it again.
  14. Aside from restoring the quote to its original form, your clumsy attempt to influence Administrative sanctions has sorta talked me out of doing anything.
  15. ...which is considerably shorter than the time it'll take for you to come up with the evidence to support your absurd tin-foilery.
  16. This piece of false logic is rather like the pub bore saying he never been involved in a road accident after thirty years of motoring so why should he wear a seat belt? Has it ever crossed your immature, selfish little mind that you have avoided covid because the majority of people have done the right thing by following social distancing and masking recommendations together with taking the jab? Your good fortune is due in part, to the actions of others who you facetiously describe as "nappy-wearing sheeple". Grow up.
  17. ...of course, naturally you're not just another internet ne'er do well who compensates his poor self-esteem issues by parading an amazing insight which nevertheless falls apart at the seams when faced with simple yet salient questioning......moving on... Well thank you for spending an hour scuttling around the 'net looking for more vids which all show the same thing, namely the same crowd of a few thousand citizens congregating at Parliament Square, then slowly walking up Whitehall then Trafalgar Square though Oxford Street and out through West London to Shepherds Bush. The crowd had petered out to a few hundred when they invaded the Westfield Shopping Centre. I take your point about aerial footage but aerial images of a crowd numbering no more than seven thousand people is hardly an awe-inspiring spectacle by MSM newsroom standards. By the same token one has to wonder why out of an alleged crowd of half a million that not one protester managed to chuck a small hand-sized drone up to record such a momentous event... Now, perhaps you could finally furnish us with the evidence that the Covid pandemic was manufactured and released by a few mega-rich hi-tech industrialists so that they could rule the world. Alternatively you could sell the story to the James Bond producers.
  18. You're not doing yourself or your opinions any favours here, KB. Its blatant gaslighting to cite a YouTube vid showing a couple of thousand protesters milling around and then make out that this is proof of half a million people attending the event. Furthermore, you have also contradicted yourself. You originally said, When the inconvenient truth was put to you, you churlishly accepted that the MSM did in fact cover the event but you still petulantly qualified the issue with a mealy-mouthed caveat. I have no issue with your bonkers opinions which thus far has been nothing more than baseless conjecture but you really have to stop making stuff up as you go along.
  19. FTR, Stubbs has never sent me any scientific papers via PM. That said, I have read some (co-authored) papers by him. Oh, and his name is not "Tim".
  20. A cursory search engine enquiry would show that plenty of MSM outlets covered the story but I guess saying otherwise doesn't fit a narrative that tin-foil dispensers wish to promulgate... Anyway, I guess you are referring to this videoed piece of delusional group think. Aside from noting the "massive freedom march" seems to consist of the usual rag tag of assorted rent-a-mobs (Greens, LGBTQ's, anarchists, National Independence et al) the size of the march cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be close onto half a million people. I'd say seven thousand and that's being charitable. Now then, this raises some awkward questions - either you were not there and so were lying or you were there and are lying about the size of the crowd. Its one thing being a gullible nutjob who fervently believes in his own POV, its another thing to grossly embellish the facts or indeed, invent them...
  21. You still haven't given any evidence of a conspiracy in which a manufactured virus was released so that selected wealthy individuals can rule the world. I'm particularly interested that nearly half a million anti lockdown protesters descended into London on the 29th of May. Who told you and who counted the attendees?
  22. You had an excellent opportunity to proffer evidence justifying your rabid tin-plated nonsense, instead you've put your tail between your legs and resorted to whiny whataboutery. I don't recall the post you mention or at least not in the context you have described but then twisting the actualitΓ© is your usual way...
  23. All well and good, but you really haven't answered the question. Furthermore, I fail to see how hi-tech industrial oligarchs benefit from a tanking world economy. As per the conspirator's norm you haven't provided a shred of evidence that the fear-mongering was "pre-arranged". Endlessly repeating "wake up/smell the coffee/join the dots" doesn't quite cut it.
  24. It would have been better if we saw the context of events before the "frail old lady" was arrested. In the absence of knowing the totality of events I don't think the message was the issue - it was the sticking of posters on surfaces which will have to be removed at some cost to others. That said, the optics don't look good for the GMP nor for the private security goons who attempted to prevent onlookers videoing the drama. Equally disturbing is that several plods appear to have removed their shoulder numbers prior to getting stuck in...
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