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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Leaving aside the moronic assertions, have you ever thought as to why you remain an airport baggage handler despite clutching a handful of university degrees or were they paid for by transferring funds via Western Union?
  2. The unabridged version of "Bitter Lake" is now back on BBC iPlayer and I strongly recommend the film. A word of warning; if you have a short attention span or are a member of the mediocracy who are told what to think by two-minute vids from Sid Slackjaw broadcasting from his parents house then this 137 minute documentary is not for you...
  3. Forget you inadvertently admitting that you troll the 'net but do you really think that you're the only retard I've dealt with? Right now I have where you need to be - caged up, on public display, entertaining the puntership with your nightly forays into thrombie induced madness. Incidentally, One moment you're blubbing about a post on site, the next you howl like a banshee that a post has been removed. No worries, the straitjacket that fits you so well has a lifetime guarantee.
  4. To be fair, the wisdow is strong with you but it does look like the image was stencilled onto a sea wall...on a shingle beach...facing the North Sea.
  5. The gift that keeps on giving... 1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised. 2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths. 3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...
  6. One would have thought that having a non-engagement policy would include not dropping my name into the discourse otherwise you'll end up looking stupid. Again.
  7. I presume the system architects ranked the online user list as a low priority with the real-time server synchronisation tasking. Whatever, its no real biggie.
  8. Yeah, how's your non-engagement policy working thus far?
  9. Get away. There's no links on made up stuff and even if there was you lack the wherewithal to upload them.
  10. Like wot you did when you Googled "Felecia"?
  11. Well, firstly I'm entitled to articulate an opinion as much as other punters and as RK intimated, in a tone less offensive than most. In fact my post count is comparatively low (less than a third of yours) so its not too clear as to what you're bitchin' about. I will continue to interject where someone spreads misinformation or even disinformation to support their POV. As for the tinfoil aspect I will say that when someone says that the covid-19 virus was manufactured at the behest of industrial hi-tech barons as a vehicle to control the world then yes, I'll pour the biggest pile of ordure over him/her.
  12. Mmm, sententious as ever...spot the unintentional hypocrisy as well...
  13. Get over yourself, you're not the first misinformed foil-coated chancer who requires regular schooling and you won't be the last.
  14. Bill, help me out. I just discovered that the treatment of appendicitis is pretty universal throughout the world. This can mean only one thing; that the human appendix is a natural foodstuff of extra-terrestrial beings and that hi-tech industrial oligarchs have persuaded every government, medical school, doctor and surgeon to manufacture reasons to harvest the organs in return for alien technology know-how. I have no evidence to support my theory but I thought a dim-witted conspiracy sheep with connections to the Sid Slackjaws of the world an erudite man of great insight could perhaps dig around and find the proof. Thanks.
  15. Which point? You make so many that crash and burn. You only jumped in head first so you could do some brown-nosing as befitting your toadying nature.
  16. Your back-peddling is noted. Before you decide on your next Corner pash, do us all a favour and shred the clutch of degrees you say were awarded.
  17. Perhaps you would care to ask Mr Focker why he showed only one minute, fourteen seconds of a 41 minute 53 second vid. Perhaps he was tendering to his flock of sheep. The clarification is at 33:50.
  18. In your report of the 17th June 2020 you said, In my PM (which incidentally, is still "active" in both our mailboxes, ie you have not deleted it) to you the next day I said, There is no reference to DC revealing your real name for the simple reason that she does not know it.
  19. Actually, NSW Health's Dr Jeremy McAnulty has clarified that of the 43 people in ICU with Covid-19 only one has any dose of the vaccine. The remaining 42 have not been vaccinated. This similar to the trend in the States where there is currently a "pandemic of the unvaccinated".
  20. Again, Wolfie has no restrictions. I will say that when he last logged in on 18th July he was using a browser that is no longer supported. There is an Extended Service Release (ESR) for the bowser but that will expire on 2nd November 2021 so he may want to upgrade to a newer build.
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