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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. That must be lying next to his punctured proddy pride then. The poor sap couldn't puncture a soggy paper bag if his life depended on it.
  2. Behave. You're just a cockroach who continually bleats other peoples' baseless and fact-averse theories. Whenever you get stamped on you either disappear and hide for a few days or retort with a deflection usually by acting like a middle-aged schoolboy. Have a look at this interesting infographic Granted that this just one set of stats from one hospital in Oregon but I'm pretty sure the same situation is replicated throughout the states and other countries with an advanced Covid-19 immunisation programme. As you appear to be an expert on communicable diseases and all things American what's the betting that the unvaccinated patients have listened to the tin-foil clad sheep (e.g. you), Ex-president and sore loser Trump or Rupert Murdoch's "news" service? The last two gentleman have both been fully vaccinated.
  3. That's a very good point. One can't help notice KB hasn't commented on the current pandemic of the unvaccinated slackjaws in the USA.
  4. What the ONS actually said What you and fellow slackjaws are quoting can be attributed to the David Icke School of Fantasy Mathematics playlist.
  5. At present about 11,000 miles away.
  6. Let's forget that it was KB who instigated the latest spat, I would be more concerned with your piss-poor decision-making skills with regards to the band-wagons you jump on despite the words of advice from fellow punters Incidentally, if you bring the n word into the discourse again I will personally fit you up for Mod Q straight-jacket.
  7. More of an explosion of merriment and mirth quickly followed by pity and disdain for a Corner punter who still fires on one cylinder...anyway - moving on... The "FDA oversight committee" in the US is a House of Representatives committee made up of politicians, not scientists. That said, I'm a fair-minded woman who recognises that you might be confused (despite self-declarations of "knowing about and following US politics") with an FDA advisory committee which is made up entirely of citizens from all walks of life who volunteer upon making a successful application to serve. Consequently voting decisions by either committee, which are based on non-scientific analysis are not legally binding on government. The WHO's main thrust about booster shots was that richer nations should set aside stockpiles of vaccines and resources for poorer nations rather than give booster shots to its' own citizens. I appreciate my comments may cause you brain pain, alarm and distress but no worries, just scuttle off to Sid Slackjaw who will, no doubt, tell you what to think.
  8. Yeah, making strawman assertions isn't making a point. You pompously announced last May that The Corner would be seeing less of you as work is "ramping" up. In fact the only thing that has been ramping up are the similar strawman arguments being posted by you every day, all day together with the toadying obsequiousness befitting your needy and insecure nature.
  9. You're simply pulling adjectives out of thin air for effect but I guess you mean imperious and opinionated which is fine. As for your default setting there is no question other than needy and insecure.
  10. TBH, I've no idea what my former colleagues (imaginary or otherwise) would charge for a full set of implants, nor do I have any idea the costs of electing for a budget east European option. Perhaps if Billy had invested in a toothbrush (£1.00) and some toothpaste (£1.75) he could have avoided the pain, trauma and cost in the first place. Ugh - the thought of getting up close and personal with a gobful of stinking rotting stumps makes me wanna hurl.
  11. Actually it was you who raised the spectre of your previous posts/predictions/theories, remember? You're so unhinged you cant even recall a POV made 24 hours earlier let alone one made 18 months previously. I do recall the specific discourse you refer to, needless to say that didn't end well for you either.
  12. Actually I was the first punter who brought the Wuhan lab into The Corner's consciousness - before the item became news headlines... As I recall your immediate response was to suggest their was no Covid-19 outbreak in China. As for the rest of your theories/predictions these are attempts to purposely scatter dots around with an invite to join same to fit a picture of your own demented narrative replete with baseless assertions, false logic and fake science. Indeed there were. At the time you were more concerned with the impending US presidential election where you confidently predicted that Trump would win a landslide victory. When that ship sank immediately after leaving the slipway your attitude was "no worries, my man has placed his appointees in the Supreme Court and they will overturn the result." Despite me warning that the judiciary jealously guard their independence no matter who appoints them, you were forthright in your theory. Needless to say you now have a fleet of ships languishing on the sea-bed. The problem with you Billy is that you don't learn from your mistakes hence you habitually spew abject bollox and bullshit in equal measure.
  13. When I say "most people here" obviously I exclude yourself - more so as an alleged former health professional you should know better...
  14. What for? Setting aside that Billy has inadvertently contradicted himself in the OP, his reputation is someone who clearly isn't wired up correctly. I think most people here are able to judge what's going on and who adjust their lifestyles accordingly. The real sheeple are those who tune in to the Slackjaw media outlets and blindly absorb baseless conjecture presented as factual "news".
  15. I've lost count of the number of competitor sites that have been forcibly closed, usually by server hosts on receipt of complaints. One notable case was the closure of DMSO after a campaign by the Grauniad no less. You should also be aware that for a few weeks The Corner was featured on the home page of a quasi-official hate reporting site funded by the Council of Europe. If you must pepper your posts with roadside warning signs then please ensure you know what you're talking about whilst hyperventilating from the confines of your padded cell.
  16. Its the sort of garb that some Terry-Thomas type would wear whilst cruising Monte Carlo café society haunts during the early 1960's. My advice to you would be if a gentleman caller presents himself so attired then you should run for the hills and not look back.
  17. Time for you to change your tampon, you're the one kicking up the fuss. Behave.
  18. He is where he says he is. Keep out of this Pen.
  19. I've learned many years ago that the old adage of "give an inch and they'll take a mile" applies to certain punters hence the zero tolerance over certain words. You're obviously a man of principle TF, so why not set up and manage your own forum and see what happens. We both know that won't happen as you are one of those hot air merchants who talks the talk and nothing else.
  20. Well, good luck and I hope the procedure goes well for you. I must say, I'm surprised you're going ahead with this given that more patients have died during and post dental surgery than those who have passed away due to complications of the Covid vaccine. I appreciate my inference utilises your own fruitcake logic and perhaps I should have forewarned you earlier but at least this information will give you something to chew over for the next few days...
  21. Unsurprisingly, you two snowflakes are completely missing the point.
  22. ...he said hiding behind a screen of anonymity. Considering The Corner is freely available to view, punters are given a fair degree of latitude to spew ill-informed racist drivel. That said, there are certain words which are gleaned by the professionally outraged which can result in the site being closed down. You have been made aware of the situation yet you insist of having a few seconds of cheap thrills in order to sate your cretinous and very brittle ego.
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