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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Repeat bollox from the site's shouty diva above. As explained previously, you have the tools to block whatever offends you but if you are so triggered by a few transitory items that appear in the "recent posts" block then maybe The Corner is not for you...
  2. Well, there's gratitude. Next time someone misappropriates your forum identity I'll be minded not to intervene. Anyhoo, now that you've publicly given notice to wage a vendetta by meting out some form of vigilante justice we'll have to keep an eye on you.
  3. Mostly. Habitual offenders will enjoy longer suspensions. I will say that I don't buy the software glitch excuse. Whether the issue is blamed on software or "fat finger" inputs punters always have the means to immediately delete the post and start again.
  4. Not at all, its that Dr "I'm not anti-vax, I just ask questions" Doshi has been popping up since 2006 at any anti-vaccine symposium, round-table and press conference going if its to do with treating viral respiratory infections. The good Doctor came to prominence when he put his signature (since quietly withdrawn) to a paper that rubbished the hypothesis that AIDS is linked to HIV. As for your penultimate sentence I don't think you're a "thicko" (though frankly, you'll never be awarded the "Sharpest tool in the box" rosette) but you are very, very gullible as you seem to accept as gospel any nonsense postulated on the Slackjaw News Media. Putting that aside, there is of course, the elephant in the room, that is your position as The Corner's sage of alternative insight being untenable given your rabid Covid-19 denials and anti-vax position despite ensuring that you have been vaxed to the hilt. Rebutting the point by repeatedly posting 3-5 emojis doesn't cut it.
  5. Punter changed his name yesterday at 13.10, until now I have not been on site. Strictly speaking, no rule has been broken but his actions are contrary to acceptable forum etiquette. I have changed the handle and photo. @Dave, you may wish to replace the photo I have chosen for you but I think you'll be stuck with "Dave" for thirty days.
  6. Just to be clear, that's Wolfie's quote not mine, and no I would not like to comment. You have the tools available, just use them and move on.
  7. Its been done many times. The last person to be kicked into the ether reregistered away from home.
  8. If shouty punters are going to successfully ignore someone, then it will only work if they just do it and STFU. Making grand announcements and then constantly talking about it is self-defeating and moronic.
  9. Firstly, Doshi was not testifying to the US senate. He had been invited by nutjob senator Ron Johnson to speak as part of an "expert" panel at a press conference. As for Doshi's testomy, I heard no science. What he gave was a rambling discourse on semantics, not quite on par with the Clintonesque verbal gymnastics on the meaning of "is", but close enough.
  10. The White City incident of '74 was a stampede of the unvaccinated - not something you hear on the Slackjaw News Media. Coincidence? I think not...
  11. Yes, yes - I know what a VPN does. The Corner provides a free-to-use, advert-free platform to post opinions anonymously. All rules are placed for reasons based on experience. Your offer isn't really a compromise given that you could go to any address for day, post without the proxy and return home. Replicate the concession to all punters and the situation becomes unmanageable. We are not going to allow you to be a special case. The T&C were made clear at the outset and I see no reason to facilitate your self-entitlement. You are welcome to use and enjoy The Corner's facilities without the proxy.
  12. You're presently heading for a confrontation... Despite my previous directive you are still using a proxy which makes you a high risk as a sock-puppeteer. Cease and desist immediately or you're gonna be slotted.
  13. Actually, let's call it for what it is - self-serving selective grief as and when its suits your ridiculous narratives.
  14. Its relevant because we've seen that doing little or nothing is not an option. We've all witnessed situations of near societal breakdown where corrective action has been too little and too late. Right from the outset I have provided links to peer-reviewed assessments that show the very rare adverse reactions is preferable to letting the virus run rampant. The fact check that you disparage described Yeadon as an anti-vaxer for the simple reason that he is - its why you cited him in the first place.
  15. There is no point trying to make conspiracy capital out the redacted EU contracts with the pharmas. ALL contracts whether defence, infrastructure or health enjoy the same confidentiality not only with the EU commission but with virtually any sovereign government including the UK. As for your second para the UK govt had made available JCVI findings a lot earlier than you suggested... JCVI statement on COVID-19 vaccination of children and young people aged 12 to 17 years: 15 July 2021 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) --o0o-- On a separate but not unrelated note I see you've been peeling an onion not only in the OP but subsequently when criticising Ape for voicing some scepticism over the alleged vaccine-related death of your "friend". FTR, given your predilection for making stuff up I share Ape's doubts not only over the content but also with the timing of the sad event. Within twenty minutes of castigating Ape for his supposedly poor taste you nevertheless were ruminating with thigh-slapping abandon as to whether you were with a chance of ravaging your "friend's" widow within days of his death. You literally cannot see the wood for the trees hence my past assertion that you do not know when to keep your idiot mouth shut. Given the above and that you are fully vaccinated you will be doing your credibility a favour if you cease the covid-19 denials and anti-vax nonsense.
  16. Risk of thrombocytopenia and thromboembolism after covid-19 vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 positive testing: self-controlled case series study | The BMJ I think we've covered Sucharit Bhakdi before, as for Dr Mike Yeadon... Fact Check-Fact check: Ex-Pfizer scientist repeats COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in recorded speech | Reuters
  17. Its not being "denied". VITT is a recognised side-effect, the problem as discussed in the linked article appended below is that, as one haematology specialist remarked, "you can have your hypothesis, but how do you find which is the one that caused an event in maybe 1 in a 100,000 people?" COVID vaccines and blood clots: what researchers know so far (nature.com)
  18. @Paulie, having registered your account away from your normal abode I see you share the same residence as Cocky Council Cake. Suffice to say you have been kicked back into the ether. @Major Cunt you may be an "old hand" but you write like a fourteen year old on a sugar rush. Cya at the end of the year.
  19. Wills that have been granted probate are a public record accessible to anyone.
  20. Mrs Roops

    Michel Barnier

    Indeed, its a shame then you were previously unable to employ your amazing perceptive powers to avoid having to churn out self-parodies with monotonous regularity.
  21. Mrs Roops

    Michel Barnier

    Tough. Desperately clutching a nano-thin straw doesn't pull you out of the deep pit you dug for yourself. You are a victim of your own stupidity and hyperbole.
  22. Mrs Roops

    Michel Barnier

    Still the duplicitous little toad...get back to the shallow end.
  23. Mrs Roops

    Michel Barnier

    Setting aside the crass attempt at whataboutery above, for a person who likes to showboat a jaundiced insight fused with wide-boy street cred you nevertheless appear to have a wholly innocent and naïve (miss) understanding on how today's digital world works. Best get your partner to arrange your third booster jab after she's given you a good slap for walking into your own prattfall.
  24. Its effective enough to elicit a lame response out of you apparently.
  25. Mrs Roops

    Michel Barnier

    A high court judge made an exclusion order around the Birmingham school in question and the Batley teacher was subsequently reinstated. A DoE enquiry found that on either occasion protesters from both sides of the arguments had no connection with the schools involved so its hard to discern the "hypocrisy" you allude to. What is hypocritical is a tin-foil clad rabid anti-vaxxer and one time covid-19 denier inadvertently revealing that he himself is in fact vaxed to the hilt.
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