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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. We've all read the discourse DC. It was you who initially pulled up an obvious typo and then obfuscated by conflating the the trips. You should learn that because you say something it doesn't mean its true.
  2. The argument is with KB. I have no issue with conspiracy theories per se, but I feel duty bound to make counterpoints if fake news and pseudo science is presented as fact. Also, an alternative viewpoint makes for a more interesting debate. We do not want the site to become the home of bacofoil lovers. As for DC, who knows why he joined in. He does like to ingratiate and I note he's found yet another relative/friend who has a shared slice of life experience with a punter.
  3. Give it rest and stop the bawling, you little pratt. Rhine, Rhone - obvs a typo so get over yourself especially as three times you misspelt your Aegean boat as a Benetau
  4. Well, no apology has been proffered as none is due. I won't go into too much detail but as an example, for the Rhone trip the IP shows a hit in the Netherlands and nowhere else. I must say if you've been cavorting around in a posh Beneteau 55 (nice boat BTW, I'm slightly jealous) then I'm surprised I haven't picked up a Rogue Wave connection or a VSAT connection.
  5. Well, you have to admire the business model. Appeal to gullible saps to hand over debit and credit card details to criminal enterprises in return for an iffy QR code. After rinsing the saps won't complain as they will have to admit to their own criminality. Incidentally, how much money will you be sending to Alex Jones to help with his being financially whacked for his tin-foil tomfoolery?
  6. A half percent penetration on YouTube will gross £105,000 p.a on the basic package alone but most of his sales will be from a more targeted approach to end-users, actuaries, insurance companies and risk management consultants who will be in the market for the Developers Package (£3100) when writing client specific solutions.
  7. You've mentioned ADE a few months ago. Its a a fair point as ADE has been identified in several respiratory viruses but so far hasn't shown up in Covid 19. Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies | Nature Microbiology
  8. The message is that there is an unquantified potential for incorrect data forming an erroneous analysis. He won't commit himself to saying the wrong conclusions have been drawn just that there is a potential. The clue is the corporate logo (prop. This professor) that appears at the end of the vid. A new approach to risk analysis using Bayes modelling is required. The cost of the basic software (minus enhancements & developer tools) is £2100 per computer. For one year's use only.
  9. Get away, there's a huge back catalogue of failed predictions, embellishments, and porky-telling. The beauty is that you have a piss-poor memory and don't know when to shut up. ...and that's all you've got, not forgetting your habit of posting 3-5 emoji replies when you're stuck for an answer.
  10. I already knew your itineraries DC, I have faults as much as the next person but being stupid isn't one of them. It just seemed strange that you would use your kids for anecdotal evidence when clearly you're a cosmopolitan man of international travel. I needed you to self-dox hence the nudge. As for the IP history you have indeed been to the Balearics, the Aegean and mainland Europe but all at fixed points - no island hopping or crossing several mainland borders. I don't buy that no-one checked your vaccination status or required Covid tests, especially in Spain, a country that has turned the early pandemic disaster around and is now seen as a benchmark for balancing control and prevention. As for KB, he's been itching to get his teeth fixed and isn't that much of a moron to jeopardise his treatment by playing fast and loose with the regs more so that the dental clinic would have insisted he be fully vaccinated before preforming surgically invasive surgery on his mouth. He's been jabbed to the hilt.
  11. To some extent I empathise with your concern, however let this not distract from your complete lack of understanding on how vaccines work.
  12. Well, naturally your story changes. First it was your children who found ways through the system, now we hear that you also have travelled "extensively" abroad. Please, when and where so I can match up the IP checker.
  13. This professor is a very clever man...very clever. This professor is very clever with his choice of words insofar that it's telling what he doesn't say rather than what he does say. I wonder if this professor has something to sell?
  14. You have a serious misunderstanding on how vaccines work. Using your logic, mankind would be better off doing away with all forms of vaccines.
  15. You appear to have airbrushed a little detail which blew your deceitfulness out of the water... Must be time for your third jab, surely?
  16. You've copied and pasted an abridged list that currently doing the rounds of the anti-vax circuit. Such is the cyber-fog no one is sure where it originated from though Facebook is often cited. Interestingly, you've removed all the details of patients/deceased who are over 40 years of age. You've also regaled and disparaged fact-checking "cock and bollocks" yet say nothing about individuals who promulgate questionable "facts" about the pandemic and the Covid vaccines. It seems that fact-checking = not ok, disseminators of mis and disinformation = ok. Jesus fucking Christ indeed.
  17. Gosh, Billy - colour me incredulous but you seem to relish the "recent surge" of young and fit people having cardiac episodes during or soon after concentrated exercise. Its all very concerning. Here's an article from the Journal of the American Heart Association. Sudden Cardiac Arrest in a Young Population: Not So Unpredictable | Journal of the American Heart Association (ahajournals.org) The problem for you is that the article was written on the 19th January 2019. There are many other learned papers on the phenomenon going back years should you care to check further. Rabid tin-hatter Tony Heller has pieced together items from regional news agencies around the world and without saying the C word has invited the gullible and feeble-minded to join non-existent dots. As a prime patsy not only have you joined the dots with a toddler's crayon, you've also promulgated a wholly inaccurate and dishonest message. Tony Heller is also known as Steven Goddard, a climate change denier who once wrote a scientific paper "proving" that the artic ice-cap was increasing rather than decreasing in size. He later retracted his findings. So, Billy Two-Jabs...how's using a "modicum of critical thought" working for you? Do you even know what critical thinking is? Do tell.
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