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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. What point? Is there legislation forcing people to be vaccinated? More to the point, what has this to do with the baseless claims you've made about Covid 19 or the vaccination process thus far, aside from macro-deflecting?
  2. Google catalogues data whether they are "facts" or not. Its up to the individual to analyse the veracity and relevance of the search results. As a rabid Google user you would be aware of this.
  3. Found them. So what's your point?
  4. All you had to do was use the multi-quote facility which would bring in the past post. Surely that's not beyond the capabilities of an eminent bio-chemist such as your self?
  5. And you've been very defensive since inadvertently admitting being jabbed to the hilt, presumably by the not so experimental AZ vaccine, but lame attempt to deflect noted. The first time you mentioned the word "mandatory" was February this year and that was about a sixth month prison sentence on an other issue., but no I don't remember so please elucidate.
  6. In other words you haven't a sodding clue what the patent is for. In the meantime here's an explanation how you were taken for a mug by your mate, S Slackjaw.
  7. A 248 page document. Do you know what it is and what page should we look at?
  8. The whole damn premise. Look, I try to avoid playing with the food where newbies are concerned so we'll skip the foreplay and go straight to the conclusion... So how many deaths have been attributed to mask-wearing mandated by covid regs? How does that compare to deaths attributed to Covid-19? Whilst you're collating the data here's a debunking article, one of many I might add.
  9. Your word is clearly of no importance to you but I guess that's part and parcel of being an unpleasant piece of work... Pleasantries aside, lets look at the two gunshot wounds you've self-administered to your feet. Firstly you don't say which JAMA report you are referring to; there are scores of papers on the subject, here's one of them picked at random. Scroll down to the 'Conclusions' - long story short, no issues. Your non-point is moot, at least in England & Wales (I couldn't be arsed to look up NI & Scotland) as children have been exempt from masking regulations. Secondly, I cannot give an explanation as to why graphene oxide is "present in the mix" for the simple reason that, not for the first time, you have been duped, hook, line and sinker by Sid Slackjaw. There is no such compound "in the mix", there never has been. Billy, I peeled an onion on reading your tub-thumping "rights of Billy" paragraph and of course, how you live your life is entirely your own business even if guided by fake science and false information. However, the moment you impart fake science and false information on a public forum then it becomes my business. I appreciate you find that frustrating but that's too bad. Tough.
  10. As prosaic as your explanation is, that's precisely it. Also, with the vaccination programme in full swing and with the relaxation of lockdown rules the Great British public dropped their guard by being careless with social distancing guidelines and mingled as if Covid never happened. The inevitable result ensued.
  11. I was merely doing you a kindness by holding a mirror to your person, no need to cry about it.
  12. Quite, Mavis. You'd be best reorganising your doily drawer...
  13. There's no doubting you write well but this mish-mash of risible pseudo-science was doing the social media rounds early last year and has since been debunked to death. The words 'dead meat' and 'flapping in the wind' spring to mind.
  14. If I didn't know any better I'd say I have been squatting rent-free in someone's head last night... Constituent countries that make up the British Union have different rules and regs. The personal anecdote is true but its rather telling your post is riddled with the usual misogynistic tropes as befitting your unpleasant nature. The pharmacy in question had three posters fixed to the shop front, one centrally placed on the door entrance window pane set at eye level and two larger posters in window displays at either side. All posters explicitly stated that customers entering the premises be suitably masked. The teenager (no purple hair, no virtue signalling, no shit-covered love eggs, no rainbow pram, no idea as to her monthly cycles - I didn't ask, sorry) was simply doing her job and was placed in an invidious position by her employer who was hiding in the dispensary. As an alleged business owner you will know that businesses can decide on who may enter and who may not. In all likelihood the dance hall that you allegedly once owned would have enforced a dress code. The AZ jab, whilst a mRNA vaccine, uses ChAdOx1 technology which was developed more than a decade ago. It has been successfully employed in treating influenza and MERS which is another type of coronavirus. Its newish but hardly "experimental". Back to you professor. For once I sorta agree with you, the optics look terrible though I'd imagine the G7 had some sort of world leader bubble going on. Of course that only works if a world leader doesn't cover up a positive covid test prior to a televised event...
  15. Well, now we are going in circles yet your premise remains the same - KB can continue to rant but you tut-tut when I respond. Witness his next four posts to me without a pearl-clutching censure from you. Looks like selective busy bodying to me...
  16. No such inferences can be drawn at my comments about KB's narrative. I implied that you appear to allow someone to promote false narrative but I shouldn't make any counterpoints. The points may be repetitive but I'm countering a narrative that has not changed. I'm well aware that you care for a relative who is extremely vulnerable as she is immunocompromised due to her illness and treatment. I would have been very surprised if you had supported or condoned KB's narrative. Despite your requests for me to "fuck off" I will continue to pull up the Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers. They are in the minority yet they make a lot of noise which, I am sure, have cost lives and impacted on the long-term health of others. A few weeks ago I walked into a local pharmacy to find a fortyish unmasked man haranguing a 19 year old shop assistant who had the temerity to ask him to leave the premises. Suffice to say, he slinked off after receiving the neutron bomb treatment from me. The point is that the pharmacy probably had extremely vulnerable customers present yet this selfish idiot held the view that his "rights" were more sacrosanct than the sanctity of life.
  17. RK, you're a nice lad but you are having one of your "simple" episodes. Firstly, the boards are a public forum, not a one 2 one messaging service which is available elsewhere. The nature of a public forum is that people can "butt in" as they please. Secondly, KB has been promoting his own brand of "tired old shit" since the word Covid was first mentioned on The Corner 18/2/2020 (by you - how spooky is that?) You are unintentionally implying that KB can promote a narrative but I can not.
  18. Gosh, someone using satire to further a false narrative - who'd a thought it. The Fringe and Footlights beckon.
  19. Being jabbed to the hilt may be an explanation as to why you aren't "the slightest bit bothered about the latest variant", however mask-wearing is mandated not for your protection but for fellow citizens you come in contact with. The fact that you still do not understand this is a testament to your stupidity and selfishness. I suspect that behind the blarney and bluster you are actually an unpleasant piece of work in the RW.
  20. ...so you waited and sneaked in after hours to post a load of LCD graffiti. The truth of the matter is you dived head first into a pool one foot deep. Your hypocrisy premise was predicated on the fag-end of a localised scrap which I did not instigate. There was no hypocrisy, there never has been.
  21. In other words you can't answer the question except mention a previous post where you misquoted me. I never said don't be confrontational, that's silly as there will always be confrontation on a platform that The Corner provides. I cautioned you not to wage a vendetta. You are ignoring the circumstances leading up to situation that resulted in getting your knickers twisted. You've probably never even read it such is your pompous arrogance. Like I said before, do your research before mounting your high horse.
  22. Um...okaay. AFAIK I have never hid behind authority during a debate or indeed a scrap...unless you know otherwise. Precisely. So speak to the person who provided the definition in his accusation then. As for a "notice board of offenders" punters generally know as we advise them via the boards. To date no-one, repeat no one has ever come to me and said "hang on didn't you break that rule yourself?
  23. Ah, well if we must go down the academic route where has my behaviour not conformed to my moral standards or beliefs, or if you can't answer that and to make it simple for you, where have I taken administrative action for a behaviour contrary to the rules that I break myself?
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