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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Gosh, how did I miss you took the more convoluted route Via Dublin when there are 14 daily sailings direct to an N Irish port only a few miles away from your final destination. Cue complicated explanation...
  2. I was going to ask you to bring myself or any other Admin into the PM convo but since the perp has admitted to it, I would advise him not to do it again.
  3. As no there is no current Passenger Locator Form requirement for travel between England/Wales & N Ireland there is no reason why your journey would not be uneventful. Anyway, ignoring your thrice-jabbed history, what do you think of your fake baked hero admitting to taking the booster?
  4. I don't think you would've uploaded the vid had you understood the lyrics... or perhaps you did in a rare moment of cerebral lucidity and after some honest introspection, nom'd the song as an ode to guilt and self-loathing. Tsk, silly me, I momentarily forgot the first rule to myself - never underestimate the petulance of middle-aged men!🙂 --o0o-- On a more serious note, the CC Music Exchange threads have always been about how and which music resonates with self and is not a vehicle for migrating retaliatory last-wordery. This message is also directed to you @cunt.
  5. You're clutching at straws but setting that aside, its a bit rich bleating about 'the last vestige of the coward is a crowd' when you previously intoned, 'the vultures are circling' and 'the puntership is watching you closely', but no worries, when I said 'us', I meant you and I. Incidentally, you should know that Admins have punters' IP data listed on every post so no time expended. That said, I agree with your premise - I did previously remark that the puntership are bored to death of this and given you've had egg over your face two days in a row (your last question was spectacularly dumb) I'll sign off as I don't relish a knock on the door from some safeguarding team. Finally, as a kindness here's the Samaritans helpline - 116123, I found it scribbled in red on my husband's desktop blotter hidden underneath his noise-cancelling headphones...Stay Warm! 👍
  6. I've split your post into 2 separate points you raise;- What KB originally said was this... Initially he had one QR code given to him "months ago". Then after realising his story didn't make sense, he backtracked, one became many. Back to the second half of your post;- For the simple reason KB's IP data confirms he's been exactly where he says he's been...unlike yours. It seems you are now inferring that KB's foreign travels was possibly a figment of his imagination. Are you sufficiently 'amused'? Has the penny dropped or are you still going to drag us up yet another dead end?
  7. I see, aside from being deliberately obtuse over the notion that an application for a covid test will satisfy an airline's covid vaccination requirements, you're also discounting my informed conjecture and replacing same with your own risible, fairy-tale conjecture. Yeah, right Bugger off maggot. I'm off work with a longish xmas break but my holiday time is precious and can do without having to deal with your fallacious nonsense.
  8. No dried egg-white on me, however a red lion mark appears to be embossed on your sloped forehead. The "puntership" isn't watching closely - they're bored to death of this. I did request you revisit the discourse on this, instead you chose to be highly selective in presenting a false narrative... If you recall, KB maintained that he traversed Europe on the strength of one QR code given to him "months" previously. Here he admits the QR code was simply an acknowledgement that he he has applied for a covid test. The particular document he refers to has a shelf life of one month. Note here that I am making the point that whether the QR code is authentic or forged is irrelevant. Here KB is now backtracking and intimates his QR code, an acknowledgement that he has applied for a covid test, is authentic. So there we have it, So yes, KB's story of crossing three international borders, getting on several aircraft bypassing aircrew who need to be satisfied as to his vaccination status and hoodwinking an understandably cautious dental practice on the strength of a document confirming reciept of a request for an on-line covid test simply beggars belief.
  9. This years seasonal offering is another of my favourite Christmas tunes, 'Christmas Dreams' sung by Perry Como with the London Boys Choir providing accompaniment to the German verses. Despite having the feel of a Xmas perennial the song was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice and was composed specifically for the 1974 'Odessa File' film. Merry Christmas All! 🎅
  10. Creating false narratives won't get you out of this one... If its any consolation I'm truly sorry your intended 'gotcha' moment has ended with egg all over your idiot face. Next time do the research before opening your minnow maggot mouth.
  11. I think you should read what I wrote on the issue and not comment on what you think I said. Suck wind.
  12. I don't think there's any need to worry myself about vultures, do you? Besides, maggot is an easier prey...
  13. Stomping over the site 24/7 clutching a spell & grammar check device screams more about your eggshell ego than any non-point you think you are making. We're posting to a niche Bitch 'n' Moan site, not writing a report to the directors of a Footsie 100 company. Consider yourself downgraded from minnow to maggot.
  14. Sorted. Chalk it up as another victory "again".
  15. I did, I remember the day well. Some harrumphing from the more insecure puntership ensued - one bod announced he too was also a member but had since resigned, another said he satisfied the qualification requirements but "never got around to completing the paperwork".
  16. Gosh, well, I'll have to take your word for it, but I suspect the PM discourse is merely a microcosm of the brittleness and paranoia that appears on the boards as evidenced by the activity of the last 24 hours. There are genuine but rare moments of self depreciation but this is matched by a few who attempt wriggle off the petards they've hung themselves on.
  17. For once you are correct. Losing Lord Frost is a major blow for Boris. Frost is a skilled negotiator, understood the Euro mentality and ran rings around his adversaries to the benefit of the UK. Boris' other big problem is that until now there was never an obvious choice to replace him. He must be rueing the day he appointed Rishi as Chancellor.
  18. To be fair when I first logged in, I did think "oh shit" but closer examination revealed it was the same ol' crew of noisemakers, this time they snuck in to the dorm and shared a midnight can of Bass Shandy... The notion that I reacted to an oft-repeated mild criticism compared to the more vehement critique and insults I receive on a daily basis is fanciful to say the least. We'll put this down to your known hair-trigger temper-tantrum issues. Bubba has been waving his dick around ever since he came back and needed an attitude adjustment. What happens to him is dependant on how he conducts himself going forward. Nope Well of course you joined in - you always do. Way to go though, attempt to engage a serious point but start and finish by talking like an over-sugared fourth former. Firstly, you seem incapable of separating punters who are passionate about a issue and those who simply log in for a bout of personal abuse. As for your roll-call of people you don't like, one is in long term incarceration (as far as I can tell, no release date is set) another is in a similar review to Bubba - that particular bod was kicked off-site but pleaded via a third-party to be let back in on a personal surety to behave. To date has failed to live up to his promise. After a hiatus of not involving himself in the running of the site, Decs is back and doing what Decs is good at - being disingenuous with plenty of "technically true, but..." topped by a classic implied invitation to prove a negative. For "half a dozen or so members" read, the same old pitchfork troupe.
  19. @Uncle Meatus, you were given a polite off-the record warning via PM. Suffice to say, I've just cQQlered yor A$$. CYA 7 days.
  20. Well, no PhD's thus far with or without the growler. Whilst I readily admit to waging a vendetta against BS masquerading as factual based analysis there has been no contravening of Rule 7 by myself. The primary purpose of the Corner is to nominate/discuss cunts of the world and not each other. You have been made aware of this many times so boyo, stay with the plan or bugger off.
  21. Oi, Gurnos boy! Since your return all you seem to have done is involve yourself with mindless trash talk and reheating tired Corner clichés, consequently I am minded to include you in the next cull. The tantrum-prone, paranoid commando pebble-whisperer and the tidal pool minnow who alludes superficial point scoring to imaginary victories can whistle Dixie.
  22. It appears you've been reading two right-wing op-eds that have deliberately misconstrued the ongoing litigation between "libertarian" John Stossel and Facebook. Stossel's legal team, in an effort to halt "fact checking", contend that alleged factual misinformation is "opinion" and is therefore protected free speech. Facebook have made the point that if Stossel is going down that route, then it follows that the fact-checking is "opinion" and therefore be similarly treated as protected free speech. In fact Facebook make it clear that it's algorithms and human moderators do not intervene with individual expressions, opinion and debate nor with content that is clearly satirical or humorous. For those who do not know, Stossel is a poster boy for the Conspiracy Brethren and has previously advocated climate-change denial and the notion that second-hand tobacco smoke is not prejudicial to health. Billy, seriously, I do not know why you squeal about post-scripted caveats, which after all, were authored by you, word for word. Whilst appreciating critical thinking is not your strong point, its hard to imagine a tighter corner that you have backed yourself into.
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