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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Absurd. How many football matches took place on the day in question? What do you think was the total attendance of those matches that presumably took place in a time-frame of a few hours? Half a million? A million? More? You are actually suggesting that three isolated medical emergencies is some sort of proof of your unhinged theories. Why do you think that there are HSE protocols that requires large event organisers to have qualified first responders on site? Frankly, considering the size and number of the events I'm surprised that there was only three emergencies. Your thinking is truly retarded. Its worth noting that lately you have been quoting from MSN sources. Either its "fakestream" or its not. Clearly its "fakestream" when it suits you so we'll add another string to your hypocrite's bow. For someone who derives 'hilarity' from being fact-checked and debunked you seem to do a lot wailing, bitching and moaning. I suggest you pick up your rattles and place them back in your pram. You'll continue to be fact-checked and debunked, more so in having admitted that you didn't care if your nonsense was factually correct or not.
  2. When pressed, Lee Johnson had to admit, "I don't know, I'm not a doctor". Aside from the ambulance chasing and lying you appear to have conflated several unrelated stories into a mishmash of misinformation. Even by your own standards you are scraping the barrel so I'd be inclined to think you never had a bacofoil-wrapped case to begin with.
  3. I suppose I should not be surprised that after all you said, you are now scuttling around old MSN fish & chip wrappings in an effort to find anything to support your deranged narrative. The article you quote is about Laura Dodsworth hawking her latest "punchy Cassandra" tome, A State of Fear. Ms Dodsworth is actually an anathema to your N.Irish proddy mindset. What you don't mention is that Ms Dodsworth 'interviewed' three to four members of SPI-B (only one was identifiable) out of a total compliment of 44 odd advisors. This doesn't even come close to being a minority report. One critic described Ms Dodsworth's book as "dumb". May I suggest you wait for the results of the Hallett Inquiry which has been convened under the Inquiries Act (2005) which has full subpoena authority to surrender any documentation so required and compel witnesses to attend under oath? Again, entirely incorrect. The usual etc...
  4. He said a lot of things but eventually conceded that "I am not a doctor, I'm a fucking moron" Spotify issued a weasley-worded statement as to why they would not drop Rogan. I'm sure that their decision had nothing to do with paying $100 million for Rogan's back catalogue. I'm not a betting woman but I'm pretty confident as to which organisation will derive a better return on their respective back-catalogue investments.
  5. Could not the charge of being 'fucking arrogant and narcissistically self-superior, being unable to open your mind that your opinions, which seem never to be anything different to the Google and Slackjaw News Central narrative just show how narrow-minded and closed to anything which you decide is fact (though not caring if it correct or not - your words) and nobody else could possibly be right' be levelled against you? Do you not see how easy that works? Hypocrite. Pleasantries aside, I do have some sympathy with you on this one, though as a covid-denying ant-vaxxer conspiracy stick the viewpoint is never going to have any traction. Unlike the UK, the EU is not a parliamentary democracy - In EU land Parliament is not supreme, a notion made obvious on the last "election" of the EU president. The fact is the EU parliament is an expensive bloated talking shop with little, almost no power. Lack of parliamentary accountability was one of many reasons I voted leave. As for the redacted documents, that is the norm on any procurement contract between the EU whether its defence, communications, civil infrastructure or medical supplies. If the EU Commission signed a contract with say Biffa, to empty the bins throughout the EU any document pertaining to the contract will be similarly redacted. Its not an ideal situation but no inferences can be drawn.
  6. We were actually going off tangent discussing the entrenchment of views, an issue instigated by you as it happens. I chose racism, 'cos like it or not, that's the one viewpoint you are mostly associated with. "Legs smacked" indeed .
  7. Mrs Roops

    Julian Assange.

    "With great power comes great responsibility" is sometimes attributed to Voltaire. One of the great powers is the freedom of free speech. Your problem is that you irresponsibly exercise the power that you are now laughably moralising about. I actually don't have much of an issue with your views - the problem is the lies you employ to underpin your narrative. You said it yourself; you don't care if your "facts" are correct or not. You run the risk of being judged as someone who has no personal integrity so you have no reason to howl when you knowingly lie or are less than reasonably circumspect in checking the veracity of your claims.
  8. Oh, so you don't have any intractable racist views? What happened in the last five minutes for you to change your opinions on this? What you fail to understand is that people rarely change on their views. Its all very well bleating about refusing to accept any fact or opinion contrary to mine but who does? I guarantee that punters who have levelled that charge against me are always, always implacable in changing their own views or "facts" which is fine 'cos the moment they do that as a scoring point I know they have either run out of stamina or they have nothing left to argue with.
  9. No need to cry about it. I've often described myself at haughty, condescending, opinionated and imperious so I don't have much of an issue on what you say even if you are becoming a little bit hysterical. BTW, let us know when you've changed your bigoted opinions on race and colour so we can at least remove 'hypocrite' from your character assessment.
  10. Indeed, it's that sort of stellar analysis that got your knickers in a twist from the outset.
  11. This particular spat kicked off Saturday morning. I've no idea what you mean by "cerebral dazzle camouflage" but at no point have I given out any statistics let alone seven paragraphs. In fact the only punter to give out stats is your like-cow KB. Firstly, he did his usual practise on conflating figures and then he blatantly lied and fraudulently cited a vid as proof. I would add he proffered the vid, it was not asked for. As to the issue over what shares I may or may not own I had noticed you jumping up and down like a toddler overdosed on E's but chose to ignore the question because it's irrelevant, unless you believe that whatever I or any other CC punter writes is going to impact on a pharma's market capitalisation or share performance in which case you are truly special. Blind Eric "I shoot straight but always miss the target" Cuntman
  12. When in your deluded mind did this take place? As I recall you were caught lying and tried to wriggle out of it with a Clintonesque exercise in verbal gymnastics over the meaning of "significant". Even with his fast brain it didn't work out for Slick Willy so god knows why you thought Slackjaw Billy could get away with it.
  13. As usual, the normal caveats apply... Whilst I have your attention what do you think of your hero taking all his shots and encouraging his followers to do the same? In your eyes does this make Trump a brainwashed sheeple and if not, why not?
  14. This is all very interesting but here's a thought; why not read what I actually said rather than what you think I said.
  15. The question was designed to elicit an honest response. At first you tried to make out that you had answered it, then when pressed, presented a weasley-worded exercise in avoiding the bleedin' obvious as this would have been contrary to your original premise. The answer was childish and cowardly. Your best course of action would have been to ignore and not make out that you had answered the question.
  16. Read the bloody post-it note on the fridge - A pack of cheese and pickle sandwiches from the petrol station, a small bottle of lemonade Panda Pop and ready salted crisps. You owe me £1.98. PS. Don't wait up.
  17. The clue is in the thread title, Snowy. As far as I am aware, no one is forcing you to read it.
  18. I dunno, can't say I make a point of watching Anderson's films but I was cajoled into watching The Grand Budapest Hotel and I loved it. Looking forward to catching The French Dispatch.
  19. ...as you keep repeating, plus the other insults. OTOH, I have been quite cordial with you during this discourse which begs the question as to who is really the more het up. Also, I'm not sure about the veracity of "evidence which has already been acknowledged by everyone else" considering the covid/vaccine debate is so polarised. Anyway, here is the question I posed which you say you've answered:- As try as I might I still can't find it.
  20. One of us must be living in a parallel universe then. You made some assertions about vaccines and when called out threw a wobbly and flew off in several tangents. I still cant find your answer to my question so show me where you say this took place.
  21. Yeah, continue repeating that as many times as you like, the discourse is a matter of record.
  22. In other words you can't explain, unsurprising in view of your constant stream of strawman assertions.
  23. As you have previously intimated that you do not care if your narratives are factually correct or not and as you have just told an untruth over the content of one cited vid I'm not being unreasonable in insisting you link and time stamp the evidence. What's the issue, you've seen them, right?
  24. I don't know about the rest of the world but in the UK and EU, pharma does not have total immunity either in the civil nor the criminal courts if the product is found not to have met safety standards or is defective.
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