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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. You've recently returned from a month's suspension for a Rule 12 violation. You don't seem to learn so reflect on this for the next two months.
  2. I dunno...you got served. Move on.
  3. The thread was barely an hour old before you made your comment so yeah, give it rest or fuck off.
  4. AFAIK, the Moderna "big boss" is still the CEO, a position he has held since 2011. As for "secretly unloading his shares" that is forbidden under SEC rules. In fact he has been unloading piecemeal shares since 2018 on a weekly basis under a predetermined SEC approved plan. No doubt this piffling, irrelevant detail has ignored by the Slackjaw News Service who, after all, have to feed the tin-foiled hatted mugs to keep them interested. As for the Australian jabs you omitted to mention that the trial test resulted in some false positive results. Billy, you really, really ought to wean yourself off the S-JNS 'cos it making you look like an imbecile.
  5. I guess the irony of relying on a Daily Mail article whilst alluding the MSN as "fake news" is lost on the Bacofoil Brethren. Be that as it may, the article turned out to be a non-story.
  6. Unfortunately, the Guardian and Google drew a blank on your nonsense as you asserted that you "as yet to find a plausible theory/answer to [the whole affair]".
  7. A piss-poor attempt at not answering the question by deliberately misquoting the scope and context of the conundrum that was posed to you.
  8. A heartfelt ode to self-pity, I'm sure. Given all you've previously said about Covid and vaccinations, I have a conundrum for you to solve... As you know, former President Trump has confirmed that he is one of the multi-jabbed and is on record encouraging the unvaccinated to follow his lead. In light of your past assertions on the matter, is former President Trump a running-dog lackey in thrall of the socialist Clinton-Obama-Biden cabal OR is he simply a brain-washed sheeple? Alternatively, you may refuse to answer the question thereby acknowledging the feeble-mindedness of an individual who has entangled himself in a Gordian knot of his own making.
  9. The reality is that all your previous conspiracy nonsense and predictions have turned to shit so now you're covering your arse with a new narrative.
  10. 'Most' ? How did you arrive at that little gem aside from being another example of the hyperbole you fall back on? Staying with the gist of your post, you raise the age old question of 'who polices the police'. The answer in this instance are the owners of whichever platform is being used (usually made available free of charge) to promulgate whatever message content-providers wish to disseminate. Didn't Trump announce he was starting his own social media platform? How is that going? Trump of course was in the habit of barring anyone who disagreed with him on his Twitter channel prior to himself being ejected from the platform. You seem to be advocating that anyone can upload anything without being rebutted by 'fact checkers'. Where would you draw the line? I don't profess to know everything but I'm reasonably confident that I know more than you. In point of fact any American non-governmental organisation (NGO) is funded by the Legislature and not the Executive. As such the NED receives it's funding from Congress and has done so irrespective of whatever party controlled the upper and lower houses.
  11. I wasn't aware that the NED was a government agency but never mind...but Jeeze, Billy; who knew that rabid pro capitalist, pro profit benefactors were also lickspittle crypto-communists and that all along you were a bastion of truthful reporting and measured objectivity? Only a deranged obsessive could make this shit up...oh...wait a minute...
  12. Enoch Powell would've described himself as a classicist and politician, Bertrand Russell was a noted mathematician and philosopher. Both would have concurred with me that you were talking gibberish on account of you having a fundamental misunderstanding of the humanities, the social sciences and on what is meant by 'redbrick universities'.
  13. Lets ignore the above gibberish, where's that vid that had such a profound effect on you?
  14. ...but earns more than a professional door operative.
  15. Gosh pen, clearly the televisual event had a profound effect on you and must be permanently etched into your memory. As a matter of interest do you have a link?
  16. It's a shame you did not employ your amazing foresight to avoid cooler time for the Rule 12 violation in your next post.
  17. Indeed, my heart soars like an eagle in the sunlit uplands. The lad is pretty well grounded nonetheless, though it helps that unlike the children of deadbeat dads, he is not burdened by the thought of his mother being abandoned by his father.
  18. Excellent Billy, you've found a pair of big-boy trousers to wear. Moving forward, there's no need for you to bawl your head off next time your "minor mistakes" are fact-checked and debunked, is there?
  19. A few seconds, a couple of mouse clicks, two sips of tea and a bite of toast is all it takes... expert reaction to a preprint looking at the impact of lockdowns, as posted on the John Hopkins Krieger School of Arts and Sciences website | Science Media Centre
  20. When the family was younger we'd often go to the nude beaches so he won't be too alarmed at seeing my bathroom bits. That said, if he chanced upon The Corner (unlikely, he does vector programming and reads books on Italian political thought and philosophy during the renaissance for fun) I'm sure he'll contact me with a "WTF mum, you voted for Brexit?"
  21. Well at least he'll have the right to legitimately style himself as "Dr". I've no idea whether No.1 son applied to Mensa but as a natural raven-haired girl I was delighted to read they accept redheads, clearly an organisation that embraces diversity and that sort of thing.
  22. Yes, there is. My obscenely clever son has an MSc in political science and is currently researching same for his PhD. He supplements his research grant working as an assistant lecturer at a London redbrick teaching applied mathematics in modules dealing with mitigating statistical bias in political research.
  23. No worries, Billy - it was anticipated that instead of answering the question, you would simply double-down on the stupidity... Of the nine EFL Championship matches played on 29th January, one was suspended due to a medical emergency in the stands (Fulham). The other two instances happened in EFL League One and EFL League Two respectively. A total of 32 matches were played in the three aforementioned divisions that day. Many, many more matches were also played in other EFL and Scottish divisions. As it turned out, one of the "medical emergencies" (which suspended play for all of a couple of minutes) was due to a child being taken to the first aid room where he was kept for a few minutes observation before being released (Wycombe). There was a longer twenty-minute match suspension at the same venue due to racist and unruly behaviour by the fans. Once again you have been played for the mug that you undoubtedly are. This is due to your habit of taking other people's baseless conjecture which you then present as fact on The Corner. Even if in the unlikely event that your "facts" were correct it still wouldn't amount to a hill of beans unless you had a "join the dots" scoop involving Bill Gates, Graphene and 5G transmitters only being situated near EFL Championship clubs. Let's be clear about this, Billy; contrary to your deluded self-belief that you have a remarkably informed insight, you are in fact easily manipulated, utterly clueless and are bereft of any critical thinking abilities, consequently you are ideal dead-from-the-neck-up conspiracy fodder, a sheeple schmuck. Stay warm.
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