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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Mrs Roops


    Gosh, you mean to say your toddler tantrum was the result of a wholly deserved yet measly 48 hour suspension? I naturally assumed you were given seven days given your subsequent meltdown. No worries - as a token of goodwill and as a kindness to you I've front-loaded the missing five days into the system which will be added to whatever penalty you next incur. Next time, your cry-baby antics will carry some justification. Now that we've got the paperwork out of the way, I note you haven't answered the question as whether or not you have actually read the "HSA report" you previously quoted from. We'll take your avoiding the question as a 'no'. 'Nuff said.
  2. You're turning out to be a bit of a stalker, aren't you?
  3. Mrs Roops


    Not sure what chronicling a dog's dinner of poorly presented, random data points has to do with your recent seven day suspension but I have to ask, have you actually read the "HSA report" that you refer to? That's a yes or no answer BTW...
  4. Leave me out of this, I'm just marvelling at the unintended irony.
  5. Certainly has the same vibe...that and a reliance on amateurishly constructed graphics.
  6. Mrs Roops


    Your home for the next seven days.
  7. When you say "several US life insurance companies" you of course meant to say the CEO of One America Insurance who appeared to extrapolate his data from third-quarter of trading results which coincided with the second spike of CDC logged Covid deaths. One other point; you keep on reasserting that Covid vaccines are "experimental". They are not - the vaccines and the technology that develop them have been around for decades and have been successfully used in combating other respiratory viruses. One would have thought you would be tired of being made to look like a mug by the tin-foil rumour machine but apparently not.
  8. It turned out not to be a fake Salty.
  9. Someone has been filling his nappy last night... Anyway, Nope I've been consistent about this from the outset.
  10. You need to ramp down the histrionics, your pash will be back on Monday.
  11. Indeed, you altered the context of the quote. If you kept your gob shut you instead of being a smart arse you would've got away just with just a warning.
  12. On the contrary, you're the site's most notorious last word merchant yet you solicit a last word from me? Utterly, utterly clueless...
  13. What did I just tell you? Jeez, how stupid are you?...no need to reply, your reputation in not having a sodding clue about anything precedes you. Actually, on second thoughts, I take that back as you know how to beat a drum though whether you could walk at the same time is open to question.
  14. "Highly efficient coal fired power stations [that] remain net zero" sounds ideal but industrial carbon capture and storage is but a pipe dream.
  15. As ever the usual caveats apply... Your point 1. Um, that's actually a good thing Point 2. By what margin? Point 3. ...which is why the Immunocompromised should definitely take the jabs. What's this to do with "The Great Reset" anyway, aside from your normal practise of scuttling off to playing 'whataboutery'?
  16. Well, that what happens to a nation experiencing deflationary pressure after some years of boom and bust and goes some way in explaining why Hungary's employment rate is amongst the lowest in the EU with only 68% of 15-64 yrs old employed. It also explains why Hungary not only has one of the lowest standards of living, it has the poorest housing and a non existent record of preventative care in the state health service. No wonder the poorly paid health professionals who nevertheless provide excellent curative care are opening shop and providing bargain basement curative procedures outside the country. Incidentally, When and where did Herr Schwab actually say "You will own nothing and you will be happy"?
  17. Indeed it would be as food price increases of this magnitude would be contrary to the aims of 'The Great Reset'. You clearly do not have a sodding clue what you're talking about.
  18. That's attributed to the Scottish writer and anthropologist Andrew Lang, though he never used the word "idiot" - that's your invention. Nevertheless, the numbers illuminate the true situation you silly old fool. You got that right, what you may or may not say is down to the officers of the CC Moderation Service (Gimp Wing)
  19. There has been no updating of the Act as well you know. Your misguided point was to take the fag end of news concerning a Council tender for the renewal of body retrieval and delivery to HM Coroner and allude it to mean something else. There was no "dance", just you writing more specious drivel to assuage your bruised ego.
  20. Since March 2014 I have mentioned your name 16 times. During the same period you have bitched about me 187 times. The latter figure does not include the instances where you do not mention my name but allude to your "victimisation" indirectly usually by the inclusion of red triangles in your posts. So, who do you think is living in whose head? Silly old alcohol-dependant fart.
  21. It appears I'm still living in that empty space of yours...rent free. You really should get a solicitor to evict me. Or a psychiatrist.
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