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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. We'll put your intemperate outburst down to newbie ignorance Incorrect.
  2. @Earl of Punkape, you have now served a year in the cooler. You may return but a repeat of any funny business will result in your account being deleted.
  3. @Lairy Larry, you had only four days left on your suspension, unfortunately I've nixed your account as you crawled under the barrier as Timmy.
  4. Mrs Roops

    Kiwi Farms

    Ok, I've seen enough, cya.
  5. You know exactly what I mean. Jeez Eric, your petulance is off the scale...but then again,
  6. That you are over stressing a non-existent point suggests you are way off the money and you know it. FYI, anyone who poses for a photographer is described as a "model" that is why model release forms are signed whether the model is a child modelling Ladybird clothes or an OAP sitting on a chairlift. The term model isn't restricted to Kate Moss types. You got any more obtuse angles you want to try on? Any more cod psychology, conflations or twisted narratives in the armoury?
  7. Strange, you missed the two subsequent posts...
  8. After failing thus far in making any sensible argument you now return with a new narrative, this time from the depths of your imagination. Really Eric, even a CSE psychology student would be embarrassed in presenting this drivel. You've also twisted the actualité. You are still attempting to conflate criticism and stalking. You remind me of a group of bigots I had to contend with many years ago. At least they could claim they were guided by the scriptures. Right now, you're being guided by dented pride and hurt ego.
  9. Withers! Last week a friend dragged me to midge infested salt marsh as she wanted to photograph Little Egrets. No Egrets found but amongst the Lapwings, assorted Gulls and Shovelers I came across this solitary goose. I thought of you and took the picture. My friend told me it was a Greylag.
  10. Now you're grasping at straws. Says it all, really.
  11. Well you paint a vivid if exaggerated picture, but absolutely your mindset. Any model, whether fine art nude, beachwear, glamour, boudoir or out and out porn knows their images will be admired/disparaged in equal measure. However the image does not grant the viewer a licence to stalk. The days of judges admonishing sexual violence victims for "dressing provocatively" and defence counsels victim-blaming ended in the nineties. The construct is generally accepted by most of society save for a small number of entitled men. Incidentally, I won't be taking lessons on morality from someone who freely admits to confiscating drug user's gear and then resells same to other druggies. Your hypocrisy and mindset is disturbing to say the least.
  12. Mrs Roops


    I've come to learn that Bill uses the multi-emoji device when he's checkmated, or to use the vernacular, he's fucked himself.
  13. Actually you initially got the hump over this comment, Triggered, portentous windbag.
  14. Actually, I was commenting on stalking. That you conflate that with seeking male attention gives a disturbing insight of your mindset. Jesus fucking Christ indeed.
  15. Nothing, any restrictions were put in place by one of m'learned colleagues .
  16. ...and you are a portentous windbag who rarely makes any sense...
  17. You couldn't be more wrong. What's next, no means yes?
  18. Mrs Roops


    With six posts from you since the event then yes, cry-baby.
  19. Here's another cliché - you live alone, but its not your fault, is it?
  20. Only a male would say something as crass as that.
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