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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. I imagine anyone who attends a fisticuffs at dawn with family, camera and a rolled up newspaper is probably not the best qualified person to preach about use of critical thought.
  2. Yeah right. The oft-used post-humiliation "but I was only joking" cop-out denial X 2. "Daddy owns a fishing fleet" indeed.
  3. I'm afraid you've been mugged off again. I know this because as usual you fail to provide any proper context to your BS scaremongering. I presume you are referring to the drug with a bug, AKA a digital pill, Abilify MyCite which was developed by the Japanese company Otsuka. CEO Bourla announced Pfizer's contribution to this at a WEF way back in 2018. It appears some slackjaw put a vid out late last year with the non "scoop" and like a mug you regurgitated a "conspiracy" story without any context. The digital pill was initially targeted to mentally ill patients who sometimes are beguiled into thinking that because they haven't suffered any recent episodes feel they no longer need the medication with the inevitable (sometimes fatal) consequences ensuing. The digital pill's role can be expanded to assist patients who require regular life saving medication and goes beyond having a timer to remind a patient to take the medication. Billy, seriously, I mean really seriously - broaden your news feed beyond the absolute shite you are currently ingesting 'cos your behaviour is bordering on the deranged.
  4. If I remember correctly The 'Colonel' had a nephew, 'Juniper' who turned out to be a sock puppet. Bane/Patroller was an Irish based nutjob and a different person.
  5. Dunna fret pet, I'm not churlish enough to hammer a punter for ineptness, even if he's a clueless chump. The trick is to ensure the cursor is correctly placed prior to embedding the image. Here, let me show you... There, see how easy it is?
  6. Funnily enough we had a punter who made out that he was a chartered surveyor. He also reckoned he lived in a Cotswold stone mansion. Punter scepticism turned to mirth when he uploaded a pic outside his house which revealed a 1970ish building covered in reconstituted stone cladding which he identified as natural "ironstone".
  7. Agreed, but this was your "shittness", not mine.
  8. No, I would have deleted his account. OTOH if his nonsense nom and OP were proven to be correct my position at The Corner would have been untenable had I failed to auto delete myself. KB's notion about me holding all the cards and loaded dice was nothing more than whiny excuse making. I'll leave it to the puntership to decide whether he declined the bet because of cowardice or because he realised he was spouting conspiracy BS. Staring down the edge of an abyss sharpens the senses.
  9. Oh, I dunno. I've been astonishingly unbearable in every way long before KB came aboard. He's just another bluffer who chanced his way here. There will be others after him - there always is. As for what I have in mind, I would say you're in the ball park.
  10. Bill Gates became a very rich man by making predictions and investing in them. Compare and contrast that with a street trader who predicts demand for dead trees grows exponentially for four weeks every late November. As for those to like to parade insightfulness by joining dots that aren't there, Gates' latest prediction isn't so prescient when one considers we live in a world where mankind encroaches into the animal kingdom's territory unabated. A rise in zoonotic diseases was entirely predictable.
  11. Three misogynistic insults reveals the paucity of your argument. Really Billy, you are your own worst enemy. Tell you what, wanna make a non-financial high-stakes bet?
  12. I'm afraid KB's imaginary mode of transport hit a deep pothole and somersaulted into the rear of a chilled container lorry containing 10,000 chilled quiches. You're gonna have to find another boyfriend where you will, no doubt, assume the position you obsequious toad.
  13. I note you haven't explained how "The Great Reset" has morphed into a different animal. Anyway, I watched the vid and you stupid sod, it made it quite clear that nothing will be signed by any leader of any nation. For one thing nations have until November inst to respond to WHO's proposals. The vid has also made it clear that the US have rejected the proposals as have the majority of the developed nations not only for reasons I've previously outlined but also for the binding obligation to send undetermined amounts of resources to poorer nations who lack the infrastructure to battle future pandemics. Your conspiracy is dead in the water. Did you actually view the vid in its entirety or was it too confusing?
  14. Come now, you're the site's biggest whinger prone to diva like outbursts.
  15. Oh, I can read and am well aware of IHR, the problem is you cant remember your own detailing; As for "latching on to the 22 May" that was the date given by you or are you now backtracking given the caveat previously issued by you? Perhaps you could also explain how "The Great Reset" financial levelling up conspiracy by the WEF in cahoots with selected world leaders, big business and the Third Sector is now an entirely different animal.
  16. This is gibberish. You better be a damn sight more lucid when reporting back to discuss the 'World Covid Pandemic Treaty signed by the leaders of 194 countries on 22 May'.
  17. Setting aside the glaringly obvious inconsistency to your Great Reset premise the most worrisome aspect of your post is that more than 100,000 people appear to be afflicted with the gullibility gene, even more frightening is that a small handful of them have possibly procreated. Be that as it may, don't forget your report is due by close of business 23rd May, inst. Links required, obvs.
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