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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Clearly your anti British sentiment has affected your eyesight...an example of the benefits of UK independence from the EU was negotiating the supply of vaccines whilst Mrs von der Leyen and her cohorts of committees and sub-committees fannied about with the drug suppliers - as I alluded in a previous post. We all witnessed the EU's subsequent petulance by threatening to impound the vaccines for the UK.
  2. I did. Obviously you didn't like it...
  3. You are staring to sound like a typical gammon, the sort you have previously railed against. Calm down eh?
  4. Boris tapped into the consciousness of people aggrieved by the Westminster bubble ignoring them. He cleared the Brexit logjam. His libertarianism was partly responsible for the Covid confusion at the outset but he then partly redeemed himself by putting the UK at the head of the queue of the vaccination programme though it had to be said that it was Nadhim Zahawi who made that work by contracting the NHS (with help from army logistic experts) to deliver the programme rather than the expected outsourcing outfits that all governments were seemingly addicted to. What Boris lacked was an extremely tough and grounded chief of staff to rein him in where necessary.
  5. This is a one year old story put about by Scientists For Europe, a remoaner pressure group who still don't understand how democracy works. The irony here is that the EU Horizon 2020 programme did indeed dip due in part to uncertainty of Brexit being implemented in the funding application stage in 2019 and proceeding years. Most people thought that once the Brexit Referendum decision had been made then British resolve would proceed and adapt which ever way the country chose. Unfortunately Cameron bottled it and May was in no position to push through the change thanks to actors of all political faiths doing their utmost to stymie the will of the British people whilst all along saying "the will of the British people must be honoured, but..." Yes Starmer, I'm looking at you and its a bit late adopting your position now. Needless to say the antics of the bad-faith actors cost this country dearly, very dearly. That said, the Horizon programmes of 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 onwards is open to scientists of the UK, Canada, New Zealand and a host of other countries as EU Horizon ethos is that the benefits of scientific research should not be limited by national borders.
  6. The irony here is that your ode to stupidity and ignorance was uploaded by a device made possible by components infused with ions created by a particle accelerator. There are countless industrial applications, most notably the development of MRI scanners. The LHC has so far discovered 59 different types of matter and has helped in discovering how the universe worked and evolved. Discoveries of hither unknown matter has been used in the formulation of drugs as well as the more mundane such as packaging.
  7. You couldn't be more wrong even if you tried but that's your famed critical thinking at play I 'spose. As it happens I am on the clinically extremely vulnerable list due to medication (one of the drugs is an immunosuppressant) I take for a condition which if left unchecked is quite debilitating, otherwise currently I'm extremely fit and in perfect health. I would add that I have all my own teeth and do not have a paunch nor a turkey neck. Indeed, I have grandchildren who are the centre of my world. As a deadbeat dad I doubt you even know the names of your own grandchildren.
  8. It was a gentle dig at someone who was/is of the opinion that the media is influenced and put under undue pressure by market-makers and philanthropic trusts, a notion IMO, which is grossly overstated for reasons given in previous debates. I thought it ironic that you submitted a "bias-free" link by Nature magazine even though 47% of its equity is held by BC Partners who not only will invariably have holdings in pharma outfits in their managed subscription funds, their private equity operation has made wholly owned acquisitions in healthcare and pharma, the most recent of which was the purchase of the Italian IMA group back in February 2021 for €2.9 billion . IMA is involved with covid vaccine production lines... In answer to your question I have been jabbed five times (2xAZ, 3xPfizer) My children are all adults and made their own decisions. AFIK they have all been jabbed. In the unlikely event I find myself with a fourth child then yes, he/she will also be jabbed when appropriate to do so.
  9. We previously debated editorial content being influenced (or not) by private equity/asset managers so you will be delighted to know that the free-from-bias Nature magazine is 47% owned by BC Partners one of the UK's largest private equity houses. Don't get too paranoid now...
  10. Where's the deflection and whataboutery, that's your gig, surely? As for your lies about Ofcom, let's have a look, Broadcast standards during the coronavirus pandemic - Ofcom It appears you missed the bit where Ofcom asserts, "Consistent with the right to freedom of expression, broadcasters have the editorial freedom to analyse, discuss and challenge issues relating to the coronavirus." This is contrary to your risible nonsense about Ofcom "warning all broadcast media about straying from the Government narrative". Also note the only broadcast outlets who have been sanctioned appear to be an obscure American-funded Christian channel and an Afro-Caribbean radio station. Apropos Jamie Jenkins "statistics" this bothered me somewhat because at 40:08 he refers to the '4 million jabs/1 child in ICU' data as a vaccination scenario for "non-urgent use". Blink and you'll miss it. This concerned me as its not the usual terminology I'd expect to see used by the ONS or the JCVI and I needed a few minutes to deep dive this. It appears Mr Steyn was being very selective in his selection of statistics and was referring to a computer modelling scenario of a 'less severe future wave'. Setting aside that Mr Steyn chose to ignore the 17 children not being admitted to hospital per one million vaccinated, he also chose not to dwell on the 'more severe future wave' scenario. I can see why Mr Steyn is under Ofcom investigation. You must be tired of wiping egg off your face. One mo' thing, the answer to your impertinent question is no, a moot question in any case as the jab is not available, nor recommended in the UK for children under five.
  11. 'Shouty rantings' are a matter of public record for all to see whereupon people would be forgiven in thinking that you are an 'Emotionally weak individual'. As for the rest of my assumptions I touched on them just after Christmas 2018... Half an hour later your response was... As I said previously, what happens next is entirely down to you.
  12. That's prime conspiracy paranoia... As for your link, the article isn't going to change much - too many ifs, buts, speculation and needing more investigation.
  13. Wouldn't be simpler and more honest to title the nom, "Why I hate women in general and one woman in particular"?
  14. That you repeated the libel (since corrected) suggests I made a mistake in releasing you from the strait-jacket. In total there are three libellous posts which you made which haven't seen the light of day. As for your penultimate para, the perpetrators were indeed sanctioned resulting in lengthy bans which rather undermines your position about victim blaming. After several punters were coolered or had their accounts deleted you were asked repeatedly to cease inciting the puntership to break the rules but still carried on regardless. For all your shouty rantings you are an emotionally weak individual whose temperament is probably best not suited to the rough and tumble of The Corner. What happens next is up to you but I suspect that at some point during a weekend you will be alone in the sitting room and after the rest of your family have retired upstairs you are going to reach for your device and fortified by alcohol, you'll run your idiot mouth off with the inevitable results ensuing.
  15. Well now, this is the second time I've watched the wannabe Tucker Carlson spew his nonsense and this is the second time I've witnessed an interviewee remaining silent whilst Mr Steyn perused his agenda. Jamie Jenkins, realising his statistician's objectivity was in danger of being compromised refused to play ball and went as far as to stress that he was not a medical scientist and would not be giving any medical analysis or advice. As for your second para, I'm afraid you've been mugged for the gullible sap that you are. Again. Your story originates from comments made by Tory duffer Sir Christopher Chope on GB News, No evidence for MP’s claims ‘tens of thousands of people’ have ‘suffered severe damage’ from vaccines - Full Fact Study Finds Side Effects of COVID mRNA Vaccines Mild, Short (webmd.com) Whilst you may have no wish to get into "stupid mudslinging matches", I did warn you that admitting to making facts up and not caring if your version of reality is true or untrue would be problematic in the future. You reap what you sew.
  16. As I recall your unpublished posts were either libellous or were invitations to accuse you of paedophilia. Be that as it may, I'll remove the chain and collar around your neck but that will go back on if you resort to previous behaviours. Incidentally, you have my permission to spill the beans on what you know about me.
  17. Lairy Larry/DCI Gene hunt/Uncivil Servant is now in digital limbo.
  18. Two questions; where did you read about the JCVI estimates? Are you saying that the risks of vaccination are higher than contracting Covid?
  19. I'll give this some thought, I'm curious to find out why I'm scared of him.
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