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Everything posted by CCArchive

  1. Its boring, which makes it a CUNT !bash!bash!bash!bash!bash
  2. was a piece of sluggish shit.
  3. His name is Andrew Partington, a worthless 27 year old piece of scum who texted his partner (a mother of 5) to tell her that he was going to kill himslef, he failed but the explosion killed a toddler next door and caused
  4. CCArchive


    Rawlins is a cunt on many levels. He is a tight fisted Scottish drag queen who hangs around gay mens urinals in all four corners of the world. He also has a cliterous dick. Cunt
  5. Next time you catch that yellow cunt Tweetie Pie remember to bite and chew, you can worry about the feathers later.
  6. Brighton Plans "Gender Neutral" Public Toilet for Ladies, Gentlemen and Non-Specific Others In an attempt to avoid marginalising people with both kinds of genitals, Brighton council is planning a "gender neutral" public toilet for men, women and anyone surgically, medically or mentally stuck halfway between. The idea will see a newly refurbished seafront toilet facility described as being gender neutral and labelled images of a man, woman and child on its doors, in a move designed to keep the area's burgeoning transgender population happy and to avoid the very modern crime of labelling people as belonging to one particular group!!. The mentally ill PC nuts have taken over. What next?
  7. CCArchive


    Stick your cherry trees // right up your fucking arses - // you stupid Jap cunts
  8. Thin lipped, Greedy, selfish, deceitful, self important, self centered, moronic, shithouses of scum, vote Conservative and then resort to trying to mingle with decent members of society, while claiming to have no idea how the evil Tory cunts managed to get elected and whining like petulant children about any policy that affects them. If these bastards are so ashamed of their voting, why the fuck do they do it. Collect your worldly wealth and fuck off you cunts
  9. Its just filed for bankruptsy, can anyone still living and not a nazi war criminal remember seeing anyone read the reader's digest?
  10. its a cunt alright. i think its the pleasant pain i like. full sleeves on the way. an expensive cunt but a good cunt.
  11. CCArchive

    Mike Love

    Even in a cunt saturated business like the music industry this horrible, horrible cunt stands alone. When the Beach Boys had just started he hauled them into the shitter to look at his log, the dirty cunt. When The Beach Boys troubled genius, Brian Wilson took loads of drugs and went to bed for a decade, all the time eating his own weight in chocolate, this cunt bought the rights to the back catalogue for a knock down quarter of a million. Later on he sued his cousin Brian for not crediting him with co- writing many of their hits, despite his contribution being at best minimal. When this song writing maestro recorded his own under whelming album surely the world would get to see his writing talents. Afraid not. The cunt only co wrote one song. He wears a cap to hide his baldness, is a Republican and is massively anti-gun control. He is also very fond of suing. This cunt also gave Tipper Gore money to set up the Parents Music Resource Center[shitty US Spelling] whose aim is to censor music. At the end of The Beach Boys 50 year anniversary tour this beacon of cunt sacked the other founding members of the band and fucked off on tour calling his band The Beach Boys, made possible by this cunt owning the name. For a brief taste of this cunt's utter awfulness checkout his thank you speech at The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. A master class in gracelessness. Mike Love, Love by name, cunt by nature.
  12. I bet its right cunt not being able to post? Come on get it sorted!
  13. Yeah, we've all seen the Blood Donor..excuse me while I stitch my sides back together, you fucking hilarious bastard. Kenneth Williams was the funny cunt in his Half Hour festival of shit, not very closely followed by Sid James and The Rebel was unwatchable. The funniest thing this Kim Philby looking cunt ever did was being found dead, smeared in his own shit with some epilepsy pills beside him and an empty vodka bottle up his arse in some Sydney motel. Cunt.
  14. I know that the female of the species blame piss puddles around the can on simple male incompetence, and sometimes they're correct. However I am convinced that the main cause of our amber pools are piss hard ons. When you wake up with a full bladder and a raging boner what should be a straight forward operation becomes anything but. The difficulty an individual faces depends on the angle of his engorged member. My own tends to point to 10/11 o'clock. My choices are to stand on my head, piss in the shower, or squat like a lass. No man, Larry David excepted, wants to sit while wazzing, but piss hard ons demand it. Even then you have to lean forward and press on your nob in case it springs up like Dale Fucking Winton at a cock watching convention. If this happens you'll be helpless as your golden arch hoses your new grouting and the cream bath rug you got from IKEA.
  15. Australian beer is weaker than virgins piss.. No wonder Sydney is the Homo Capital of the World. Fucking kangaroo sucking faggot fucks.!bleh
  16. Okay, so it was a fair cop, I was doing 48mph in a 40 zone. (The fact that it was 5am with perfect visibility and no other traffic within a mile doesn't matter, I get that.) Have some of my money, with my gratitude for the great job you're doing on behalf of the law-abiding majority, jumping out from behind a wall with your gay little speed gun . JUST DON'T GIVE ME A CONDESCENDING 10-MINUTE LECTURE ON STOPPING DISTANCES YOU SOUR-FACED CUNT. I UNDERSTAND FUCKING PHYSICS. NOW, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU FAILED YOUR SERGEANT'S EXAM IN THE LAST 30 YEARS, I WONDER? YOU'RE CERTAINLY IN THE RIGHT JOB FOR A BITTER LITTLE MAN WITH NO PROSPECTS OTHER THAN A LONELY DEATH IN A VERMIN-INFESTED BEDSIT, HOPEFULLY SOMETIME SOON. Is what I should have said, instead of
  17. Who the fuck would say this. Cunt!
  18. CCArchive

    My dog

    Well just look at the fucker
  19. This shameless fucking heifer is having a fucking mansion purpose-built for her and her 11 offspring near Gloucester, after her 'nightmare' of having to live in two houses knocked together. The thankfully now sterile munter commented, "It's being built especially for me. If I go there and I say to them I don't like it or it's too small, then they will just have to build me a bigger one, won't they"? So she opens her pasty thighs to every cunt in Gloucester (with the exception of the two well known homosexuals that hail from that shit-house) and we have to contribute to the single-digit IQ sow's designer sty and subsidise the Frank Skinner-looking slag way above and beyond what we can afford for ourselves. Hang her. Cunt.
  20. The Rev will doubtless remember these cunts from the seventies all too well. Perhaps their only saving grace was that they weren't Mormons. Here's a picture from back when their only crimes were against music and good taste, and their only abuse involved tartan. The nonce bit came later. With hindsight,
  21. CCArchive


    She seems to have put tip ex up her nose !!!laugh
  22. this guy is such a dross peddling drab pseudo intellectual. I reckon he pretty much sums the new-labour'esque BS-speak liberal waffle jargon culture we now live in. Plus the photo is of him leaving a Bryan Ferry album launch...what a wobbly head.
  23. BBC television controller Jay Hunt has announced today that all BBC television programmes will now carry subtitles in Pakistani,Urdu and Swahili.This she says is to "facilitate the transferral of information and education to multicultural groups in keeping with the labour governments aims" This will mean a reduction in your picture size.
  24. For those fucking irritating Insurance ads. Have they no shame? Corporate cockmunchers they can fuck off the cunts.
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