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Everything posted by CCArchive

  1. A right twatting cunt, that appears in shitty, suicide enticing, rom-coms. Fucking cunt.
  2. Just becuase they have big lips and are black they get a ban. its fucking stuipd i think who ever inforced this ban should get shot. what is this country coming to now we can even put christmas cards in shop windows becuase of some other cunt that jumped on a plane and got off in are country thinks it offence and then screws us out by claiming benafits. FUCKING CUNTS! realy gets my back up. what the fuck next, this contry is going down the shitter. If they come into are country they should live by are rules. fucking bitch ass fuckers.
  3. So the aborigines don't want you to climb it, big fucking deal.
  4. CUNT : NEVER stands up for the truth, NEVER tells the truth and NEVER stands by his mates - ALWAYS goes with the crowd and NEVER has his own opinion : this is a shame, because otherwise he could be quite a nice person. He is shit at IT and is a CRAP programmer (don
  5. Sad shit for sadder wankers. The originals, be it Star Trek or Lord Of The Rings or whatever, were usually of dubious merit to start with. But the subsequent talentless imaginings of the amateur fans who spout their own illiterate scribblings online is cuntery of a different magnitude altogether.
  6. CCArchive


    Cheeky little cunts
  7. Why spoil a perfectly good gap between the News and the next out dated pile of shit thats likely to be on , with the weather ? Its just an excuse to use up any surplus ethnic minority presenters who they can't fit behind the news desk or the kids channels ,to either. state the fucking obvious or make a right monkeys cunt of a guess at something itchy wankers are apparently far to busy to wait and see for them selves .Besides which , I don't have the luxury to stay in bed if it suggests it might rain tomorrow or any other of the next five days their crystal ball might have advised them on .
  8. The three cunts in the photo and their mate Rahin Ahmed are the main cunts from Sparkhill who are looking at a life stretch in chokey for their jihadist plotting. It's not the jihadist plot itself that bothers me-if I was from Sparkhill I'd want to blow some cunt up-it's more the rank idiocy these bearded wonders showed that's earned my opprobrium. They nicked
  9. please when you have finally taken the plunge to sign up actually post something
  10. Yeah you've all seen her--skinny little bitch, her future already mapped out at the BBC, a politics student who knows as much about politics as flying in the air, paying for her vodka and pineapple with a fucking credit card because Daddy always pays the bill at the end of the month, he's such a sweetie. Get the fuck out of my way bitch! Then she makes a big deal about covering up the machine because i'm standing behind her and i might see her PIN. No, i'm standing behind you because i'm trying to get some drinks with CASH that i've fucking earned by fucking working you promiscuous freeloading little slag. Everywhere i go there are cunts in my way using up my fucking oxygen. Fuck off out of my fucking way you utter utter bastard FUCKING CUNTS.
  11. CCArchive

    The Phaal

    The hottest cunting curry in Christendom. I only ever had one once. Eating it was a cunt, agonising and eye watering, and surely a pain worse than childbirth. Shitting it back out again 24 hours later was even worse, albeit considerably less solid than childbirth. The brief period in between, where you casually mention to as many people as possible, in your finest blas
  12. Right, these pair of cunts and the other convicted cunts are jailed now. Lags, you need to tie up these loose ends. I dont want to be forking out for these fuckers when they get released. Fucking neanderthal scum
  13. This porky little Ricky Gervais looking bastard always seems to take on roles of cunts destined to lose. .Wins ticket to get on Titanic - drowns..Is finally re-united with his kids - dreaming. Thinks he is a US Marshall - lobotomized. Tries to find missing mental patient - it's him. Brother of Johnny Depp - mentally handicapped. Gets another chance with Kate Winslett - she aborts his baby and bleeds to death. Stops girl from killing herself - gets accused of rape. Catch me If You Can - gets caught. Goes on holiday - gets attacked by shark. What a fucking tosser. And a cunt.
  14. CCArchive


    Anyone hungry?
  15. A patient is suing Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust after some poor cunt had the wrong testicle cropped. He's also been told he can't have kids because the remaining teste is "believed to be cancerous". BELIEVED to be. For fucks sake, before any cunt starts removing any testicles from anyone, can we establish whether 1)If any testicles are in need of removal and 2)Which one. Then treble check. The only possible consolation would be if the poor castrated cunt is a long term dole scrounger .
  16. They are not really a cunt because I hate cricket, but if you love it they are!.
  17. Goddamit... this is happening more and more and it is pissing me off. I plod upstairs to fetch my handbag and pause at the top of the stairs wondering what the fuck I am doing up there so I go to loo and come back down. By the time I have hit the bottom step I remember and plod back up again. If I haven't got it written in permanent marker on the back of my hand you can assume I won't remember it. My most common form of greeting nowadays is "please forgive me but I can't remember your name". Everything, and I mean everything, is written down in my diary to remember. I'm gonna land up like my Mother did yelling "Where's my Head!" at us kids!
  18. CCArchive


    No, not Madness, although they were never a band too far removed from cuntishness
  19. He is getting a greedy cunt. My local MacDicks charges
  20. CCArchive

    The Law

    What the fuck is wrong with this cuntry when three people beat a kid to death and are expected to get a new identity when they get out at a cost of a million each, the biological father wants
  21. For fuck sake, why do Channel 4 insist on showing this when we are EATING?!
  22. Ive decided I am a cunt because I spend so much time on here posting cunts. I should get a life
  23. The original page 3 poster cunt. Is it just me, or are these the worst tits you ever saw? The mullet on the vapid bint was rank too. And her singing was fucking execrable. Thank fuck I only abused myself over her a maximum of nine dozen times before I developed better taste, and porn became freely available on the internet!
  24. Steven Barker is the murderer of Baby Peter.
  25. An anal wart in a universe of beauty spots ©plagiarism
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