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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. https://youtu.be/fD0b7qcwRKs?si=IRtOiajSzfivAR01
  2. LOL. Using a two year old post to pull some strings and getting a result. Nice, Pen, nice. Now fuck off, I'm dead.
  3. If I bought a pair, got a lass up the duff, then had my original ones back, would I still be held responsible for child maintenance payments?
  4. Fuck off, Harold. No politics for you, you dirty, filthy little politics slut.
  5. Boris had the incredibly vague idea of Brexit behind him, even if it was just nicked from Cameron after he didn't have the bollocks. They were completely out of ideas after that though. I don't even know what Labour plan to do aside from not being the Tories. Or hard line communists.
  6. Fuck off. Greggs is mint.
  7. That would have probably been more effective than outright killing him if you pulled it off. Just imagine his tiny little rat hands patting his egg white scalp as the tears well up in his eyes. Yanks are mental retards. A few years ago it used to be decided by "who would I rather have a beer with?", now it comes down to "what old age pensioner/father figure do I prefer". Terry Crews as president in Idiocracy is starting to look like an educated choice in comparison.
  8. Exactly. Fucking brilliant mascot for his party, especially after today, but these President cunts are just the figureheads - recognisable faces to act as the voice. Just look how our lot rolled out sacrificial spacker after sacrificial spacker as a human shield when they knew the public had no say. That's why I also struggle to understand just why in the fuck the other spastics are so fucking determined to keep Biden propped up with broom handles and smelling salts. It makes for an interesting situation though. Both of these fuckers are clearly egomaniacs, but I bet there's a lot of cunts in Trump's party quietly wringing their hands that their trained clown is going to get a very big fucking head over this. Ironic considering a small fraction of the physical mass has been atomised. He's just made himself indispensable, and they're all going to have to get in line to suck him off and swallow the results. And the spacker Yanks will love every minute of it regardless of the outcome.
  9. Fucking Yanks. I've cut myself worse getting my fucking hair clipped, but I'm impressed by Trump's ability to instantly milk the situation for clout. He was going to win anyway, but this just seals the deal.
  10. To be fair, living under a roof that isn't fiberglass or corrugated metal is probably a hell of a culture shock for her. Understandable she wants to go for a paddle once in a while.
  11. I have no earthly idea what in the fuck you are dribbling on about. Have you ate all your Play-Doh? Go and hoot at someone else you Duracell tonguing spastic.
  12. I don't even know what Mykonos is. You certainly seem to have a very specialised wealth of knowledge about it though. I remembered a spacker kid I knew from school the other day, proper little nutcase, all twitchy and piss smelling, used to carry around one of those fire alarm batteries and stick his tongue in the contacts, fucking loved that shit, he did. Reminded me of you.
  13. All these dirty fucking Nigel's look the same to me...
  14. You've been awfully quiet today. Pen wins. Don't come back or I'll kill you, feed your body to Harvey Price, then throw his shit, combined with a glitter bomb, at Nigel Mansel just to spite you.
  15. He's going to sell your gallbladder to a bunch of Saudi organ harvesters on the dark web for that.
  16. Plain old Databank still wins the day for me. Comes in black plastic, silver or gold and has a calculator. Lasts about twenty years between batteries and simple push pin design on the straps for easy replacement. And no cunt in their right mind would ever stab you for it due to its blatant obsolescence, unless they're a Mackem or a Scouser.
  17. It took you an entire day to come up with this pathetic explanation. You're bullshitting. Badly. The very fact that you feel the need to defend yourself -up to the point of claiming to be a fucking vegan, which is only a step behind a nonce on here - speaks volumes about your insecurity. Disgusting.
  18. Don't get me wrong, a harmless bit of blaming the darkies can be great fun in the right circumstances - @Eric Cuntman has it down to a fine art - but this fucker seems to wear it like a piss stained comfort blanket. You can fucking guarantee he's all "please and thank you" at his local Paki shop too, only to let the insults fly the moment the door closes. I hope they've caught on and spit in his baccy and jizz in his milk.
  19. It's the hospital parking prices that get me. Four pounds an hour at some of them here. It will cost you £12 to visit a sick relative for three hours. Your car gets to park in a crumbling multi storey with blown out electrics so you have to use your phone light to navigate your way back to it if it's gone dark by the time you're leaving, and signs on every visible surface declaring the owner accepts absolutely no responsibility for your car or any belongings left inside. Wouldn't be so bad if the money went back into the NHS, but all the car parks are owned by private companies.
  20. I've told you before you little dickhead, you do not want Billy to go longform. I don't want Billy to go longform. No cunt does - he grew up fighting @Mrs Roops - he can write a fucking trilogy of novels to get his point across, and he will if he's goaded into it. Unlike your little spacker mate @entitled little cunt, he's got a modicum of self control, but it was a long road to get here and I will fucking glass you in the knackers if you set him off.
  21. Be fair, Decs. Some of them also snitched on their fellow Jews and got popular enough with the Nazis that they could strut around the ghetto in special little pretend soldier uniforms.
  22. Wow. Dunkirk wasn't a military victory? Well thank fuck we have the likes of you, Harold, with your keen historical mind and groundbreaking tactical instinct to reveal such fascinating facts to us now. And the war was won on the Eastern Front?! Good heavens, I thought it was won by hilariously understating British folk and chisel jawed American GI's who cried a lot in corners away from their men as to not demoralise them, certainly not a bunch of stinky Commie peasants drafted in and marched en masse into machine gun fire. What a fascinating, unique take - certainly not shit that has been declared in every single fucking pub at least once every night since 1945, or war based YouTube channel since 2005. Clearly the Corner owes you a heartfelt apology for declaring you a boring cunt with nothing of interest to say.
  23. Fuck off? I wasn't even talking to you, and I have no intention of trying to explain shit to you. What I will do is give you a critique: You're not worth the effort, your posting style is shit and you're about as entertaining as having a lobotomy on a Monday. You're trying to be Johnny Rebel today, but yesterday you were blindly stumbling around like a newborn kitten asking @Eric Cuntman why he'd switched on you. You're fucked. @Penny Farthing makes my shit stirring attempts look like handing out chipped China to the people I don't like at a Church picnic, and Eric is surprisingly subtle in how he goes about pushing someone into eventual meltdown to the delight of the crowd.
  24. No use trying to explain to the cunt, Eric. To be honest, me and you did the same thing when we showed up here all those years ago. We decided to adapt to the behaviour and learn to enjoy the environment, these fuckers clearly don't intend to do the same.
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