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  1. Remember when salty piss flap made you melt down multiple times and rattled the shit out of you every day?
  2. This is exactly what I'm talking about and why i won't be lectured to on the English language from a fackin suverner who take their influence from the french of all people.
  3. I don't need to get in touch with 8 irrelevant council bodies when I know for a fact it's Norfolk county council you're employed by 😂 I love it!
  4. Cos he claims to live in the Wirral, obviously.
  5. Not gonna lie, you would look much better under the wheels of an artic lorry doing 90 mph to be honest.
  6. Jump into the River Mersey with a large cinder blocked chained to your leg please.
  7. It pretty much confirms that only thick council house dwelling southerners pronounce it as 'aitch' under the misguided delusion speaking like a prick with a mouth full of Abduls cock is the correct way of speaking 😂
  8. Think it's more the extreme anti semitism,racism and vile shit said about 6 year old girls by one of their employees they would be more interested in. You're not in cucknadia either 😉
  9. I know which one you work for as you have admitted as much 🤣 Oh dear.
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/haitch-or-aitch-pronunciation-letter-h-old-english-a8393766.html Get fucked idiot.
  11. I'll be putting in a complaint to his employers.
  12. Mhmm Norfolk County council it is.Stupid little fucking jobsworth.
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