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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Cuntybaws


    Cheers, Mrs R. It's still not quite the same, but it's infinitely better than the manic leaping to & fro I was doing before.
  2. I have to grudgingly admit that as debut posts go this isn't half bad. Neil Lennon can leave, but he'll always be a cunt.
  3. I like this idea a lot, but I fear it might backfire and we'd be the cunts constantly looking behind us. Poor old Keith wouldn't make it through the first morning of the new regime.
  4. Today walkies, tomorrow draggies.
  5. I've quoted Mr Renton on this subject before but you can never get too much of a good thing, especially when a rare contextual opportunity like this presents itself: “It's nae good blamin it oan the English fir colonising us. Ah don't hate the English. They're just wankers. We are colonised by wankers. We can't even pick a decent, vibrant, healthy culture to be colonised by. No. We're ruled by effete arseholes. What does that make us? The lowest of the fuckin low, tha's what, the scum of the earth. The most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat intae creation. Ah don't hate the English. They just git oan wi the shite thuv goat. Ah hate the Scots.”
  6. Cuntybaws


    Actually, I may just have imagined the "Follow" function. Bollocks. You were lucky - this time...!
  7. Cuntybaws


    There's no Random Cunt but the search is much better. However, until the legacy comments get here there's not much point searching, randomly or otherwise. I've got a shortcut set up that emulates the Last 24 Hours Nominations, below, but I can't find a way to replicate the Last 24 Hours Comments which was always my starting point on the old site after a day away, http://cuntscorner.com/index.php?/forum/42-the-corner/?sort_key=start_date&sort_by=Z-A It's too easy to miss a comment on here if it's not the last one on a thread. I haven't tried following anyone yet, mind you, that could be worth a shot. Perhaps I'll follow you - but only if you promise to do something controversial. (I tried, but my "Death To Jews" thread got deleted.)
  8. Cuntybaws


    This is the thread for racist sock puppets.
  9. If Scotland has an anus, it's either in Larkhall or very fucking close to it. If Salmond is a big turd in a small bowl, I guess that makes McKelvie a dangleberry on the matted hair around said arsehole.
  10. Cuntybaws

    Edward Heath

    The only good thing he ever did was to kill Mike Yarwood's career along with his own.
  11. PS Larkhall's a bit of a Unionist stronghold, I can't imagine she's very popular with the Neanderthal bears that prowl those particular gutters.
  12. Jesus fuck, where did she get her haircut – the 1930's? Even her boss seems to think she's a tit, and you have to take the opinion of a man in a pink hat very seriously indeed.
  13. '&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  14. Sensational!

    1. Jiggerycock


      You weren't so bad yourself, you rictus-inducing Lotherio

  15. Cuntybaws


    Nice one. Do you reckon you'll get the comments back at some point (albeit all "anonymous") - and/or the nomination pictures?
  16. Cuntybaws


    Happy fucking days!
  17. Wilcox is a no-trick pony who has somehow eked out a 40-year career based on the criminally low standards of Radio 1's playlist in the 70's and an industrial hair dye accident. On which note, Hazel O'Connor is a cunt.
  18. You are George Michael and I claim my £5.
  19. I voted for her when I lived in Finchley. Miners are cunts.
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