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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.” Mark Twain
  2. How can we dance when our earth is turning? How do we sleep while our beds are burning?
  3. Cuntybaws

    Frank Maloney

    If we accept this as a general premise then this whole web site is pretty comprehensively fucked. As it happens, as soon as Maloney tucked his cock between his legs and went on TV in a dress the cunt was fair game.
  4. Where's Bernhard Goetz when you need him?
  5. Cuntybaws

    Ted Bundy

    Bundy would have cried like a baby if confronted, the big pussy. He's one of the worst cards to hold when playing Serial Killer Top Trumps. Even Dennis Nilsen beats him in every category except "Best Wheels".
  6. Cuntybaws

    Ted Bundy

    Given your previous disavowment of the old tan track, I suspect "rumped" doesn't mean what I first thought.
  7. Cuntybaws

    Joey Essex

    He was good in Silver Dream Racer.
  8. Cuntybaws

    Ted Bundy

    He was good in Married... with Children.
  9. Cuntybaws

    Darren Wilson

    Just quoting the Ramones. Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em, that I've got no cerebellum.
  10. Or you could be buried at sea to completely rule out any "dancing on graves singing hallelujah" type scenarios. Mind you, pretty much every cunt will be pissing on you then, however indirectly.
  11. People. What a bunch of bastards!

  12. Cuntybaws

    Darren Wilson

    There's no stoppin' the cretins from hoppin'
  13. There's nothing Terry Thomas about the XFR 5.0L V8 supercharged, but it doesn't have the sheer pant-dropping properties of its illustrious predecessors. Fortunately us old married men no longer have to worry about that.
  14. Cuntybaws

    Fitness freaks

    Good point. They're "green" as well, grazing through a few leaves and mung beans a day, and running to & from work instead of taking the 4x4. And if a dread diesease hasn't carried them off by forty they have the decency to top themselves at the first sign of a wrinkle anyway. Best of all, you'll never meet the boring cunts down the pub or the kebab shop.
  15. Yes, and I've done racist sock puppets, but who took notice? Fucking no-one, that's who took notice.
  16. Too fucking true. In fact, in an attempt to demonstrate that the first robbing cunt was not shot purely for his colour the police have only gone and offed another gentleman of colour in the same town tonight in similar circumstances. That sort of commitment to community relations should calm things down considerably.
  17. I considered posting a few video tutorials showing exactly where you can stick your fucking fedora, but you're not worth the ban.
  18. Cuntybaws


    Come on, I'm not liking it twice! If it wasn't past my bedtime I would resurrect my dodgy series of occasional St Trinians analogies - maybe tomorrow...
  19. I'd gut him like a thrice-reheated fish supper, Spot. (It would have to be quick, before the Rev made off with said coat!)
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