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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Best you don't indulge in penetrative foreplay with a shatterproof ruler either Pen. Also best you don't ask me how I know!
  2. Lembit fucking Opik, there's another one, the squinty-faced cunt! Anyone who can make a Cheeky Girl look intellectual by comparison has no place in politics. At least she was smart enough to dump him eventually; as were the electorate.
  3. Yes, it's another American thing, from the land where all men are created equal, and anyone can be President. (I never actually used to believe that one about the President, but have you seen the last few?) It's ironic that golf clubs will tolerate such crass behaviour, given their less-than-enlightened history of membership criteria, but money talks.
  4. Crapper, you fucking amateur, you forgot Charles Kennedy. Mind you, your list is perhaps the one lineup that couldn't be lowered any further by the inclusion of an incoherent ginger alcoholic who, as someone funnier than me once said, looks like someone drew a sad face on one of John McCririck's testicles.
  5. Better than being blackballed...
  6. ​I met this cunt once in a hotel lobby and he seemed like a nice enough bloke, but he genuinely looks like a gargoyle that's been sculpted in wax by Salvador Dali and then left too close to a radiator.
  7. ​Don't let your well-earned antagonism for Judge cloud the fact that the old cunt is actually right occasionally. Mentioning Stephen Lawrence on this thread was a deliberately racist and bad taste provocation. I know that, because it made me laugh. On Sickipedia it would earn Jizz Breath every commendation and plaudit going, but I've seen comments deleted on here for far, far less of late. Judge's response was proportionate and humorous in my opinion, but then, some things aren't black and white.
  8. Cuntybaws

    Alright Lads

    ​So, can anyone set up a parody persona now? Is advance permission required? As the old saying has it, "Be careful what you wish for."
  9. Cuntybaws


    ​So, it's our old pal Smithy - allegedly. In which case the "Keith" persona is actually a big step up the evolutionary ladder.
  10. Cuntybaws

    Alright Lads

    I suppose that depends on how you measure success. I'd class it as "limp", at best. You fat cunt.
  11. Cuntybaws

    Jack Ma

    ​Ironically, if you type "Tiananmen Square massacre" into an Alibaba search engine it says, "No matches found". Censorship is a cunt!
  12. Cuntybaws

    Jack Ma

    Founder of Chinese search engine company Alibaba, Ma just may be the ugliest, most stunted human who ever lived. (Except for that dwarf cunt Warwick Davis, obviously; and Wee Jimmie Krankie,) What the fuck is wrong with his head? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIS HEAD?
  13. ​The cunt owns half of Miami now. (Gloria, not Scotty.) She's fucking loaded. She still plays sometimes, when it suits her. It's fair to say you wouldn't need opera glasses to see her arse from the back of the auditorium.
  14. ​I don't watch snooker because it's for cunts, but I fear you may be referring to Hazel Irvine, the Rev's second favourite talentless Caledonian dwarf bitch. Who'd have thought the BBC actually possessed someone who could make that Desperate Dan chinned, lesbo horror show, Clare Balding look good?
  15. Up against some stiff competition (no rigor mortis pun intended) Harris was quite simply the least talented and least funny ventriloquist ever. Mind you, Roger de Courcey gave him a run for his money - I've seen less lip movement in a lesbian fisting video - but Nookie Bear was an inspired comic creation compared to Cuddles the fucking monkey!
  16. Come and have a go if you think he's dead enough!
  17. ​This sobriquet cropped up a few times last summer, not least in the final post ever made on the old site i.e. "I have enjoyed watching you little soppy cunts having a cry after the last few posts I made. I've deleted a few members and had a nice laugh at your expense." No relation, I hope...?
  18. Cuntybaws


    ​The original usage refers to a petrified rabbit, frozen uselessly in fear as the car or the fox bears down on it. There is no word in Lapine for "sheep", which just goes to show that rabbits are cleverer than humans.
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